Nightly Roundup #974
by Calpain
The CMC are so adorable and I love Dennybutt's style. Combine the two and you get some major heart problems.
Actually managed to get a bit of news in here guys! Check it out after the break.
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Story: Decade (Update Part 14!)
by Calpain
Author: Hap
Description: Although Flash Sentry is overjoyed to be engaged to Princess Twilight Sparkle, Celestia withholds her blessing until she can interview the couple. At the interview, Flash is even more surprised than Celestia to find that something is indeed terribly wrong. This revelation leaves him questioning whether he ever really knew either princess.
Flash is forced to make a difficult decision, attempting to separate reality from deception, as he asks himself whether he has an identity outside of his relationship with Twilight. Meanwhile, Celestia and Twilight re-evaluate their own relationship as they deal with a loss of trust.
Decade (New Part 14!)
Additional Tags: Ten years passes in a flash.op 9:00 PM
Labels: Author: Hap, Fanfiction, Flash Sentry, Grimdark, Incomplete, Shipping, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Pinkie needs to release an entire rap album. Rappin history of EQUESTRIA. Take advantage of it.
Get some plushies!
[1] Source
Rap History of the Wonderbolts
Now that is one way to solve an impasses. Go Twilight!
Comics folks! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
Chrysalis is still my favorite villain from a design standpoint. The greens and blacks are just awesome on her.
Get some art below!
[1] Source
Welcome to my lair
R.I.P. Library. Poor Twilight lost all sorts of books in that one. It made [insert character here] from Game of Thrones dying feel like a blip on the radar in comparison.
We have an entire episode dedicated to Twilight's new living quarters coming in season 5 according to Mike Vogel. While I'm sure losing the memory inspiring objects of the last few years will haunt her for a bit, I doubt she will mind having a gigantic crystal library replacement. Who knows, maybe it magicked into existence with a fully stocked history of everything?
Thanks to tboaz for sending it. -
The final episode ended with Twilight growing a brand new castle, complete with thrones for all the mane 6 in a round table configuration. This thing apparently has a name though if Big Jim's tweet is any indication.
So, good citizens of Equestria Daily, what should we call it while we wait? Should it have a varation on Golden Oaks in honor of Twilight's old library? Or something else entirely? Hit the comments up with your thoughts.
Discussion: What Do You Plan to Do For the Great Pony Hiatus of 2014? And Some Recommendations!
by Sethisto
We have a unknown amount of time before new episodes air, and for the fourth time since this fandom has been around, need to survive largely off fan content. Time to plan out how to tackle the boredom!
Some general recommendations:
The MLP Comics: They may only last take about 15 minutes to read and release twice a month, but we can build pretty easily off of what some give us.
Meetups and Conventions: The Summer brings in a whole bunch of opportunities to join your fellow pony fan. Get on it! Meetups here, Conventions here.
Go Join a pony Guild: We have a gaming index. Under the downloads and games is a guild recruitment section. If there is one thing pony is known for, it's swarming every game out there. (Whoever took Trixie on Wildstar yesterday needs to cough it up in June!)
The MLP CCG: Card games are incredibly addictive. They require a bit of a money investment though.
Learn a new skill: The Artist Training Grounds should be here during either the mid or late summer, and we have an entire season of music to remix. The SFM community is also thriving with loads of tutorials from Agrodaemon and others. A few years ago, we ran a summer achievement event. Maybe it's time to revive that and get you guys charging into new things?
Create a full side series dedicated to Trixie and Twilight delving into ancient unicorn ruins in search of powerful magical artifacts: Get on it animators/Hasbro
The best thing about pony being a fandom is how easy it is to get out there and get involved. Now go! Keep pony alive while we wait for season 5, or at least the Equestria Girls stuff this fall!
One of the best things about Dash Academy is the story telling. So when I saw that the artist had started this little interlude series I was quite excited, especially since it's some friendship time with Gilda and Dash.
Comics guys. Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
[Slice of Life][Comedy]
Author: Bronius Maximus
Description: Frosty Mug runs the premiere (and only) watering hole in Ponyville. He's been behind the pine for years, and listened to many a sob story, and joyous announcement. Enjoy his recollections of a rather strange week in which he served a different Element of Harmony every day, and a pony he would have never thought he'd have the honor of getting drunk. These are the memoirs of a Ponyville booze vendor.
A Pony Walks Into a Bar... (New Part 8!)
Additional Tags: Ponies drink, why don't you?op 11:00 AM
Labels: Applejack, Author: Bronius Maximus, comedy, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Normal, OC Ponies, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Music is a big part of any convention and BUCK is going to try something new this year as they announce the Cadence Stage, an event where lower profile musicians are able to show people what they've got! Not only that but comic Pipsqueak is back for another stand up comedy extravaganza!
Check it all out after the break.
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