Nightly Roundup #968
by Calpain
Rarity sure does make for some fabulous looking pictures! She isn't the girl of glam for nothing.
Yep, time for more news guys. Check it all out after the break.
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Story: I.D. - That Indestructible Something
by Calpain
"A human transformed into an Earth Pony without warning is... harder than it looks to deal with. Definitely for fans of Kafka, or anypony wanting something different in their reading list." - Pre-Reader Noble Cause
A young woman awakens transformed into an Equestrian pony - yet no other human being can perceive her new body in any way whatsoever. With clumsy hooves, but a bright mind, Gregoria Samson must trust in herself to discover the incredible, monumental truth behind her impossible change.
I.D. - That Indestructible Something
Additional Tags: Unique, Kafkaesque, Thrilling, Astonishing, Intelligentop 21:00
Sildid: Adventure, Author: Chatoyance, Celestia, Changelings, Diamond Dogs, Fanfiction, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Story -
It's like playing Tetris when I line these card images up. How close can I get them while still looking like a good stack?!
Anyway, we have more cards for the MLP CCG revealed. Two new event cards, a character named Cherry Fizzy, Pipsqueak, and even more Luna are now listed. I'm starting to think you can get an entire deck going with exclusively Luna at this rate.
Tahnks to Mr. Offspring once again for tracking them all down.
Silly Filly Studios next big animation project has made waves in the media community for quite a while now. With that badass Celestia Vs. Sombra teaser they released in August of last year, I'm sure I'm not the only one that can't wait to see it!
Over on the Youtube page for it, they have dropped a release date that coincides with their panel at Omniexpo in Florida. Expect to be able to watch it simultaneously on May 24th!
Now we just need to fill the haitus up with these and we will be golden. Get on it animators!
Get the trailer below for fun.
Thanks to Shining Armor for the heads up.
Hot Topic #19 Variant
by Calpain
Looks like the fun has been doubled in this Hot Topic variant of comic number 19! Gotta say I really like Luna's outfit on the left. Expect to see this one hit the streets on May 29th according to Hot Topic.
Thanks to Illustrious Q for the heads up.
Twitter: Calpain -
With almost four years under our belts in the world of pony, and some of the fastest growth ever seen in a fandom as a whole, we are a behemoth in the world of geek culture. While things have died down over time, you still might find it difficult to not run into a pony avatar or 20 visiting any gaming, comic, or general nerd culture site out there.
The PBS Idea channel has decided to dig into the world of fandoms, covering everything from the way they keep an idea alive long after something ends, to the hazy copyright laws that plague just about everything out there. With a possible long haitus ahead of us and the inevitable flood of fanwork center stage because of it, this is a fun one to watch! Get the video down below!
Shy pony and a pond. That's a peaceful image right there. I miss the days where she was Dovashy though. We need another Elder Scrolls game.
Get some art below!
[1] Source
A Pond in the Woods
BronyTV Mega Marathon!
by Calpain
With the season coming to an end and a long hiatus ahead of us it's hard not to be a little sad. But that doesn't mean we can't let the finale go out with a bang! BronyTV has just the solution with a Mega Marathon starting this Thursday that will cover all episodes from seasons 1-4 till the finale premiere this Saturday!
If you're interested get all details after the break so you can participate.
The 5th installment of the Friends Forever line of comics has been put up on iTunes for pre-order with the usual preview. Hers to hoping we get some Zecora canon out of it! Get the preview below and grab it over here.
Thanks to Raul and Rainbow Dash for the heads up!
Gaming Index
Gamers can now game on with EqD's very own gaming index! The purpose of this list is to provide a centralized resource for gaming pony fans who are looking for guilds, pony games, modifications and more for their pony gaming purposes.
What can you contribute to the index? This is mainly what we are looking for:
- Guilds/clans/teams from all sorts of games
- Pony modifications for non-pony games
- Server information for Minecraft, Starbound, Terraria and other such games.
- Information on pony games (My Little Investigations, Minty's Fresh Adventure, ect)
- Short Flash Games
- Tabletop pony game information
For more detailed pony gaming news please visit Equestria Gaming.
Help keep this list clean by reporting dead links
As some of these are not hosted by us and may in the future change, we cannot take responsibility for problems or damage caused by downloads of these sources. Please report problems so we can remove malicious links. -
What a twist! This comic just gets weirder and weirder by the strip. Good show artist!
Yep, more comics. Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
BUCK 2014 Cosplay Contest
by Calpain
One thing that every convention has is a dedicated cosplay group that are eager and happy to share their cosplay creations. BUCK is recognizing this again this year with a Cosplay Contest for all you cosplayers out there that will be attending the event.
Interested? Check after the break for the full scoop!
Story: Discord's Day
by Calpain
Author: Spinel Stride
Discord has a problem. He has a tendency to not think through his actions all that well, poor impulse control, and no ability to figure out how others will feel about what he does. Even with a friend helping him, sooner or later he's going to do something that'll get him stoned or hit with a reforming spell or whatnot. So what's he to do? Ask the smartest pony in Equestria for a solution, of course!
He probably wasn't expecting to get "Have Celestia let you rule Equestria again" for a response.
No one else was probably expecting to enjoy it.
Discord's Day
Additional Tags: Twilight gives Equestria to Discordop 13:00
Sildid: Author: Spinel Stride, comedy, Complete, Discord, Fanfiction, Rainbow Dash, Random, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers! Spoilers!
With that out of the way, you've been warned that the following will contain Season 4 finale spoilers. We won't be posting actual excepts from this review to ensure that we don't spoil the whole finale for you. A website by the name The Rock Father posted a full review of the 'Twilight's Kingdom Part 1 and 2' for your reading pleasure. You can find the review and read it with spoilers (you've been warned) by visiting The Rock Father.
For those who want to wait, the Season 4 2-parter finale airs this upcoming Saturday at 10:00AM ET.
Special thanks to SweetieBot for pointing this out. -
Maybe it was a good thing they didn't find anything for Spike to do while the games were running.
Seems to be a lot of comics these days. Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
Oh Spike! by shadowhulk
Update: Hub Network has now released an official Press Release with this information. You can find it below after the break.
Not necessarily the most surprising news but The Examiner in a recent article was able to confirm that Season 5 of MLP:FiM will include a total of 26 new episodes. If you were worried we'd get a short 13 episode season due to Equestria Girls, you don't need to fret.
As for how long we'll have to wait for Season 5, well that's really up in the air. The logic I'm using is pretty simple: If they said a specific season (i.e. Fall 2014, Winter 2014) they would have have to rush and meet that deadline possibly not having the show fully ready to go or worse... doing a poor job. When you say "Coming 2015" you now open up a winter for the ability to launch the season whenever they want. We shouldn't be surprised if during Comic Con 2014, they announce a more specific date and that date is in Late 2014.
Yesterday's Tara Stong and Meghan McCarthy "What's the Hubbub" Press Conference Now On Youtube
by Sethisto
While the livestream may not have worked as planned thanks to the pony armada invading it, The Hub has uploaded the entire thing on their Youtube channel so you can catch up on all the happenings. The entire thing clocks in at a whopping 55 minutes, so be sure to clear some schedule for it!
Get check it out below.
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