Nightly Roundup #967
by Calpain
Star Wars Day may be over, but the cool art keeps coming! Been quite a few years since I've seen Star Wars, maybe I should watch them again.
Busy day in news today guys, but now we can finally relax a bit and unwind with another Roundup. Get it all after the break.
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More Canterlot Nights Cards Revealed - Spike, What's Old is New, Flower Ponies, and More Luna!
by Sethisto
The MLP CCG Twitter is dropping cards left and right lately. Another set of reveals has popped up, this time covering more friends, an event card, and some extra Moonbutt. I'd expect more of these with the release date so soon.
Thanks to Mr. Offspring and Cameron for the heads up!
You can't have a pony convention without some music and BronyCAN is promising to rock the house with some musical guests attending this summer. Steffan Andrews, one of the people responsible for the great musical score on show is making an appearance alongside some community musicians that are sure to make the convention a blast!
Check on after the break for the full presser.
Dr. Wolf's Analysis Channel Gets Axed by Youtube - Is Analysis Next on the Chopping Block?
by Sethisto
One of the more prevalent analysis guys, Dr. Wolf, ended up with something we haven't seen ever happen over in the world of pony Youtube today. While takedowns on specific videos via copyright notices and strikes on channels happen, they never result in an immediate termination of the account without any kind of warning.
Earlier today while browsing his email, he was logged off and sent a message by Google stating "We have detected suspicious activity on this account" when attempting to log back in. After submitting his phone number for recovery purposes, an email was waiting in his inbox stating that "Your YouTube Account has been Terminated". When visiting the URL for it, the above message appeared.
Again, usually Youtube warns you of copyright infringement, or revokes your Adsense privileges on specific videos. This would be the first time we have ever seen an entire channel instantly deleted.
As of right now, there still hasn't been any feedback on what exactly happened. If you are experienced in the world of Youtube copyright termination, you may want to go give him some info over on Google Plus. Hopefully this isn't the start of another wave of takedowns! -
Fan art from people we are fans of? This is the best fandom ever, and Sara Richard is a badass. Have some of that to start us off, Dashy style!
And get your usual art tsunami below the break!
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While there were loads of technical difficulties during the press conference, we did get to see about half of it. Outside of the big season 5 release announcement, quite a few other interesting things were talked about. This is a good amount, though we still need a solid upload of the entire thing to complete it. Head on down below the break for the last half while you wait!
Just revealed over by The Hub's twitter. It looks like Season 5 will be arriving a bit late this year, coming in at 2015. Get hype for way out there!
Note: As Kryptonlogic points out, this may in fact mean a late 2014 release. They mentioned Season 4 having a 2014 release back when it was first announced too, when it actually started in 2013. -
Time for more pony news in the flood this afternoon! The Hub is running their press conference with Tara Strong, Meghan McCarthy, and Ted Baiselli starting... now! Expect a compilation in a few on the events that go down if you end up missing it! Get the live stream down below!
Update: Looks like some technical difficulties are goin down.
Season 4 Finale Meghan McCarthy Twitter AMA - Compilation Plus New Villain Teaser Image!
by Sethisto
Meghan is answering a whole bunch of questions over on Twitter in celebration of the finale this weekend, and to save you all a bunch of digging later, it's time to compile it! Head on down below the break for all of it. Feel free to speculate away in the comments.
Updates completed. Go pony!
In 30 minutes from now (4:00 PM PST) Meghan McCarthy will be taking over The Hub's Twitter feed to answer your questions about all things pony. If you wanted to send one over to her, just tweet with the hashtag #AskMM with whatever cartoon equine based query you can think of.
Right after that at 5:30 PST, both her and Tara Strong will be doing a live press conference over on The Hub's Youtube page. I'll compile up what we can afterward, but if you want it live, go sit in the channel with everyone else! -
Mane 6 Rainbow Power by Macgrubor
We've got a few cool images from the upcoming Season 4 finale Twilight's Kingdom Part 1 and 2 which will debut on Hub Network this upcoming Saturday. Two of these images aren't new and the video clip isn't new either but we decided to post it alongside the new image we obtained. You can find the three images and video clip after the break. Spoilers!
Last week, Toymag dropped an article from the Kazachok 2014 Licensing Show talking about an Equestria Girls side series heading to French TV's this fall. A quick email over to them has revealed the details on this one.
While there is currently an embargo on the actual content, Toymag was able to confirm via email that this is in fact a side series spinoff of the Equestria Girls movie, and will be launching in November in Paris at The Kid Expo.
On top of that, we should be getting a whole bunch of news on it's English release at SDCC2014. As always, expect us to cover the hell out of that one.
Now we just need a side pony series. Make it happen Hasbro!
Know what Luna does? She breaks polls. You probably already knew that though. Once again we have a victory from moonbutt in We Love Fine's year-long tee shirt contest. If you want her, hit up the victory page. If you want to enter, go submit a design or vote!
And if you want EQD points*, the new currency arriving some time this summer, go vote for Trixie!
*EQD points are not exchangeable for anything. In fact, they are completely useless outside of a number. CHEEVOS ARE FUN THOUGH! -
Dash! Chrysalis! Applejack! People love dressing as ponies. We have only had a few major conventions so far this year, but people still seem to be finding times to do it. Expect these posts to explode later on when the cosplay season starts!
And below the break, get a whole bunch of them.
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Rainbow Dash
Dusty is back once again with another charity for a good cause on this latest edition of Stay Brony My Friends. This week's guest is Brent Hodge himself, the director of A Brony Tale, and he has chosen the ALS Society of Canada for his charity organization that you guys can donate towards!
Of course, there are some cool prizes you could win by donating so it's a win win for everyone involved! Check after the break for all the information you need.
Story: How Equestria Was Made
by Calpain
Author: Feo Takahari
The base and the glass are no different from any other snow globe, but it holds an endless void inside it. When two young sisters jokingly request for it to show them its magic, it gives them the power to fill it as they please. Within that dimension, they might as well be goddesses--but to the world at large, they're still confused, frightened children.
The younger sister, bitter and lonely, thinks it's a chance to make a better world than our own. The elder sister just feels responsible for protecting the innocent pastel quadrupeds they've created. But can two children really be the goddesses the pony race needs? And when monsters begin to threaten the ponies, what must the sisters sacrifice to create the Equestria they dream of?
How Equestria Was Made
Additional Tags: Tragedy of loneliness and jealousy -
Two new Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks characters have appeared with names now. Originally showcased at the New York Toy Fair with Adagio Dazzle, these two characters did not have names until now.
The character with blue hair is Sonata Dusk and the character with pink hair is Aria Blaze. These two characters join Adagio in the upcoming Rainbow Rocks movie in a band called The Dazzlings.
No further details are available about these two new characters.
Thanks to SweetieBot for sending this in! -
Princess of the Night by AppleBeard
TV Guide has just shared with us a new exclusive video for the upcoming Season 4 finale this Saturday. This video features a song from a character that hasn't sung before. That's all we're gonna say on that because the rest is heavy on spoilers. Check it out below after the break.
Equestria Girls has been updated over on the main My Little Pony site, including some extra images of Adiago Dazzle and Vinyl Scratch via background assets buried within the code. Up above, you can find the toy art included with each character (obviously the in-cartoon art is different). I'm actually liking that DJ-Pon3 design. Color me impressed.
It looks like none of these guys have promo videos yet though. Expect those soon if the other site modifications are any indication.
Thanks to Scott for the heads up!
And in other news, this Sunset Shimmer looks absolutely insane.
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