Nightly Roundup #959
by Calpain
How about some Doctor and Roseluck tonight? Been meaning to watch more Doctor Who, but just haven't had the time. Hoping to change that sometime soon.
In the meanwhile, it looks like we just have two weeks of pony left! I hope we can have a better hiatus this year and that we'll be all ready to go for more pony later this year. Now onto the news!
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Fun and Speculation: Russian Licensing Site Posting 4 More EG "Films" and 2 More "Series" for MLP
by Sethisto
Quite a few of you have been sending this one in, and we have been digging around looking to clean it up. While the prospect of MORE PONY to break up the haitus on seasons is something we have been begging for since season two, there are quite a few things that may simply be lost in translation on this article.
We can't yet completely debunk it, but we can't really confirm anything about it either. Head on down below for a bit of digging on the Google translation that everyone is freaking out about.
Update: The Article has been edited, info below.
EqD BABSCon Panel
by Calpain
A lot of you have been asking when our panel will be up in my retrospective or other posts this week. Well, the great guys over at PVL have our panel up in all of its awkward glory! Check it out after the break to watch the unscripted insanity starring PK, Seth, Leon, Xyro, and I as we answer questions, have drawings made and play Goat Simulator.
Four of my favorite ponies all in one image? I think my brain just exploded. We haven't had a Pixelkitties header in at least a month, so have that!
And get some art below!
[1] Source
Midnight Ride
Over in the wonderful world of Taoboa, yet another plushie has popped up to go along with Shining Armor from a few days ago. A few people are mentioning that some of these are actually sold in Japan, though it's still pretty accepted that they are simply knockoffs. Expect to see her flooding Ebay from mysterious sellers out of Hong Kong some time in the future!
Thanks to Dashiebrony and Ilona for the heads up! -
Sweetie Bot decided to bug Ishi Rudell, the (co-director of Rainbow Rocks) with a Q&A style interview, and sent us over the transcript to post up. What should we expect to see in the second of the Equestria Girls line of movies? With the teasers seemingly beating even the last one in quality, it seems like the team has really gotten into the swing of things. Lets hope this helps paint a picture for those of you still wondering what exactly to expect!
Head on down below the break for all of it.
The Equestria Games arrives soon, and nothing spells games like a big ol' orchestral score. Get that in the fist slot, and in the second we have another relaxing acoustic track dedicated to Apple Bloom from 4everfreebrony, and finally something funky with Sim Gretina remixing Etropy. Get them all below!
1.) Silverwing- Forever United (Equestria Games Orchestral Suite) (Instrumental - Orchestral)
2.) 4everfreebrony - Wandering Eyes
3.) Awkward Marina - Entropy (Sim Gretina Remix)
I wonder where Celestia really was this weekend. We sure have not seen a lot of her this season at all.
Comics! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
This season has been full of excellent writers, new and old, but it's rare when you can get a powerhouse of wordslingers like Corey Powell and Meghan McCarthy to come together on an episode. If you know me, you'll know I'm glad that it was a Rarity episode they did together. As the season starts to wrap itself up, this exquisite puppet show attempts to put to bed some previously unsolved pony mysteries, like where the heck that owl went and exactly how much dark magic must actually exist in Equestria for any old unicorn to pick up. I'm pretty sure the latter is the former's fault.
Sheesh, it's been a while. Let's get started before I forgot how to write one of these.
Story: Broken Gladiator
by Calpain
Author: BronyWriter
Description: The Power Ponies are coming again. Another escape from custody, another scheme to take over Maretropolis, and another chance for the Power Ponies to defeat her. Such is the cycle that Mane-iac has endured for as long as she can remember. And she's sick of it. She's sick of all of it. Now on the cusp of one more battle with her nemeses, she can only think of how much she has sacrificed for the city in her battles against the Power Ponies, and how much more she can take.
Broken Gladiator
Additional Tags: Mane-iac reveals her motivations -
From the wonderful world of Twitter, we have a small bit of news on Equestria Girls. If you liked Sunset Shimmer in the last movie, she will apparently be popping up in this one as well. The voice actress Rebecca Shoichet dropped this bit of info the other day. As for her role, that is still a mystery!
Thanks to MeandSamBFFL for the tip!
The Hub has released a new pony game over in their arcade. If you have played Flappy Bird, expect something somewhat similar if a lot more advanced. Now go collect things and fly through rings over here!
Thanks to Bubblegum for the heads up!
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