Nightly Roundup #956
by Calpain
The CMC sure are a cute group and a great bunch of kids. I really wouldn't mind if they had some sort of spin off series some day.
Anyhow, Cal is feeling a little ill from eating too much at dinner tonight so I think I'll retire to bed a bit earlier than usual. You all have fun in the comments tonight and I'll catch you tomorrow!
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I do love me some convention season! So much going on absolutely everywhere! Now go get updated with the following headlines:
Everfree Northwest 2014: Pre-Con Panel Livestreams
BronyCAN 2014 - Georgia Ball
Midwest Brony Fest - Pre-Reg and Convention Rate Hotel Boooking Closing Soon
Czequestria General Information
Horseshoe Falls - Art Help Needed
And get the full press releases below the break!
Just a quick little update for those following this one, the cover for "Fluttershy And the Fine Furry Friends Fair" book has been revealed. If you have the others in the G.M. Berrow set, you know what to expect with the usual show vector!
Thanks to Brony250 for the heads up! -
Story: Void
by Calpain
Author: Jorofrarie
Nothing in the universe is permanent. Nothing but one pony.
Now, in the darkness of the abyss, Luna remembers. And maybe, just maybe, this might not be the end, but rather a new beginning.
She might even see her sister again.
Additional Tags: Luna's the only thing left. -
This fandom has literally sold me on Maud. I liked her, but I wasn't over the top amazed at her when she first popped up. Over time, she has grown on me more than any of the new season 4 characters.
Anyway, Mandopony is back with a new song dedicated to all things Maud, acoustic style! Get it down below
I wonder if we will ever visit Cherry Jubilee again? I'm not huge on farmin and wild west stuff, but I know some of you are.
Get some wallpapers below!
[1] Source
Cherry Jubilee Vintage Wallpaper [MLP]
Wondercon went down pretty recently, and in the jumble of rabid fans running around absorbing all things geeky, a spotlight Q&A was held with MLP comic writer Katie Cook, with a good amount of it revolving around pony. Some of the interesting takeaways include her views on the princesses, the possibility of more Chrysalis in the future comics, as well as crazy fan emails on the canon within the comic universe. The current arc is taking some pretty big leaps with the characters, and she is a bit worried about how the community will take it!
Head on over here to read the entire thing. Thanks to JRC For the heads up! -
The next big fan animation has been in progress for quite a while now, and the director of the project, Emma Ridenour, has released a progress report on where they are with it and what to expect in the near future. Everything from upcoming convention appearances to the overall hope at making this the best fan movie it could possibly be is announced within. Expect some footage this summer to top it off!
Head on down below the break to check it out!
Ditching the purely electronic stuff for a bit to roll with some more traditional Pop and Acoustic! Get your timey wimey Twilight Sparkle music from 4everfreebrony below, along with a bit of Big Mac from Vocal Score to follow up on it.
1.) 4everfreebrony - Future (What Are The Odds) (Vocal - Pop)
2.) MLP Original - Eeyup (Ode To Big Mac) (Vocal - Acoustic)
Celestia looks best as a WARRIOR PONY. Drop the jewely and get some armor and weapons on that princess.
Onward to art!
[1] Source
Young Goddess
Luna and Celestia comics are always so precious. I just wish Celestia was as loved as her sister! Maybe one day.
Comic time guys! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
Way back on the 11th of April, we posted something up noting a change at McDonalds seemingly around the time the pony stuff first started popping up. Kids meals were moving away from the "Boy Vs Girl" scheme and instead using the actual names of the toys inside.
It turns out, this change has been in progress for quite a while now. Way back in 2008, a girl going by the name of Antonia sent a message off to the CEO of McDonalds requesting that they change the way they offer happy meals, using the example of:
My letter asked if it would be legal for McDonald’s “to ask at a job interview whether someone wanted a man’s job or a woman’s job?”
I guess pony was just the toy line they decided to start it up on? The full article can be found over on Slate! And thanks to Danielle and Jack for sending it. -
Introducing Community Feature: Gaming Index
by Calpain
Gaming is a very big part of the fandom, considering every convention I've ever been to has a gaming room, game guilds and servers have been a thing since EqD started, and the number of pony games out there is ever growing! So this got me thinking, especially after a good question at our panel last weekend: how about an index of pony guilds, servers, games, mods, and even table top related material?
So this is what I'm asking from everyone! Send in your pony themed guild, Minecraft server, pony game mods, and pony games so I can construct a go to guide for anything gaming related to ponies! Let's get our game on ponies!
Send your information to submit@equestriadaily.com with Gaming in the subject header followed by what exactly you are submitting. Let's make this awesome everyone!
Twitter: Calpain -
Story: Cannot Be Unseen
by Calpain
Author: Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi
Everypony has a guilty pleasure and for many, especially the single, that pleasure can be found in the adult novel section of the library. For every shipment in recent memory, Twilight Sparkle has looked forward to the newest novel from the up-and-coming Saucy Tale. For every shipment in recent memory, she hasn’t been disappointed.
So when Twilight discovers that the source of these stories is none other than the subconscious hyper-awareness of Rainbow Dash, can her brain cope with the implications or will her friends face yet another purple-coloured meltdown?
Cannot Be Unseen
Additional Tags: Dash Subconsciously Does Fly-by Shippingop 12:00 PM
Labels: Author: Kuroi Tsubasa Tenshi, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Rainbow Dash, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
One thing this fandom does well is electronic style vocal music, and that first one does not disappoint. We also rock the orchestral music, and slot number two is dominated by that. The music! Go listen to it below!
1.) Fall to the Clouds (ft. LilyCloud) | Pony! | Vocals by LilyCloud & Vylet (Vocal - Progressive House)
2.) MLP Love is Magic - Second Movement (Instrumental - Orchestral)
op 11:00 AM
Labels: House, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Vocal, Not-Fanfiction, Orchestral -
Official Comics for July: Friends Forever #7 with Luna and Pinkie, Main Series #21 New Arc with TRIXIE
by Sethisto
Unleash the summer of TRIXIE. The IDW Solicitations for July have been released, and while it may be way out there on the horizon, we still have good news for Trixie and Luna fans. These are the best fans by the way. Luckily I bet all of you like at least one of these ponies, so you are all the best. Hooray!
Anyway, get your synopsis below!
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