Spike is underrepresented here on EQD. We have two episodes coming up dedicated to him, which are supposed to be really good. Lets honor that with a header.
Music of the Day is a bit behind due to BABSCon, but we should be back on track in a day or two. Get some of the music below!
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Travel space in French! Or something. I'd categorize this as one of those cutout animations, with a bit of music on top. Who doesn't like flying through space? Get it down below.
And if that isn't your thing, have a ponymote. You earned it. Fluttershy is best pony.
Similar to that Big Mac the other day, it seems the Chinese sellers are focusing their attention on a line of colt ponies. Shining Armor has popped up over on Ebay in the same style. This one doesn't appear to provide more than a single available at the moment, but I'm sure that will change over time if the other characters are any indication. Whoever is making these is probably making a killing. I was exposed to the Luna in person last night, and she really wasn't bad at all.
Thanks to Cheeze Doodle for the heads up! -
Ponify EVERYTHING. Even Toy story needs to fall to our prowress. We have a Buzz Lightyear/Woody combo starring Applejack and Rainbow Dash in this one. Get it over here! -
We need more Cloudsdale. That city has barely been explored!
Get some art below.
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Rich Skies
Folks always talk about how they value friendship. Stands to reason you can barter with it, then.
Did everyone enjoy their break last weekend? I sure did. I just don't have the time to huddle in a corner and feel sorry for myself anymore, so it was nice to catch up on that. Anyway, we've got a new round of the Writer's Training Grounds all ready for you, so warm up those keyboards and hit the break for this week's prompts!
[Comedy] This is a laugh riot for anypony that's found themselves in awkward situations and found themselves The Only Sane Pony." - Pre-Reader Noble Cause
Author: MrNumbers
Description: When Luna gifts Twilight the town of Ponyville and its surrounding countryside as her demesne she's initially confused. Then, after double checking her dictionary, more than a little concerned.
The Demesne of the Reluctant Twilight Sparkle (New Part 9!)
All her friends are, legally, her possessions. The town that took her in is her play thing, if she so wishes. She has been given responsibility.
Can Twilight's vision for a modern renaissance outrun the harsh realities of the shadowy figures pulling strings behind the scenes, nobles jockeying for her attention, and an irritatingly metaphorical love triangle?
Additional Tags: Twilight reluctantly rules all Ponyville
Header image courtesy of SilentmattenWe've reached the last leg of Season Four, but our favorite ponies are far from finished, it seems. This week, Scott Sonneborn brings us an episode that brings out a lot of the finer points of the character of the Mane Six, both good and bad.Let's talk about "Trade Ya!" below the break.
Yesterday's episode played host to this new guy up above, who outside of using a steampunky style wheelchair actually has a pretty interesting back story. He was added as part of a Make a Wish Foundation pledge. For those that don't know what that is, it's basically an organization that grants a wish for a child diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. A few people pointed out that unlike most of the incidental ponies, Stellar Eclipse actually popped up in the credits.
Unfortunately, the poor kid has Spinal Muscular Atrophy type III (more information on that over here). It looks like Make a Wish collaborated with the guys over at DHX and added his character, voiced by him, to the show.
Outside of that, we can't elaborate too much further for the sake of not bombarding him with the brony armada (by request). I'd say this is a pretty awesome occurrence though. DHX and Make a Wish rock!
Thanks to everyone that sent in bits and pieces about it!
Note: It was pointed by them, that the name was actually misspelled in the credits. Levasseuer not Lavasseuer -
For all you card game players out there, Enterplay is running a survey with the reward for completion being the card up above. This time around even international player are eligible. Hit it up over here if you are interested! -
The Pony Platforming Project team has released a small update to their Minyy Fresh Adventure, with the addition of a new character (Minty instead of Colgate) and a bunch of changes to the first overall map. The description considers it as DLC pack essentially. I consider it a "charm a cockatrice and turn things to stone" pack. Someone go find Trixie for me. She has to be somewhere.
Anyway, get it over here!
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