Nightly Discussion
by Calpain
Idea! Even if there isn't enough for a Roundup I think I'll still post SOMETHING at this time so you guys have a place to talk at least. Anyhow, expect some news tomorrow! It was just sort of barren tonight with no episode so have something cute!Share This!Comments
I'm going to figure out what makes Luna the fandom's go-to poll winner one of these days. We are going to get to the bottom of this fandom. She doesn't seem too popular over in Equestria. It was gamer Luna wasn't it? That was the tipping point.
Anyway, it's simple PMV Time. Drop the effects and stick to the ponies with music and scenes! Get them all below.
Someone needs to make this game. Why don't we have any good official pony games yet? Where is the 15 dollar steam roguelike or something? Hasbro get on it!
And get some art below.
[1] Source
Pinkie's New Island
So that is how the two Pinkies knew about each other's worlds! Genius!
Comics guys, click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
We might not have an episode this week, but at least we have something potentially interesting to check out. Entertainment Weekly has a clip up for the Bob's Burgers brony based Equestrianauts episode. Head on over here to check it out!
Thanks to StaticAnnouncement for the heads up! -
Spotlight Music: PrinceWhateverer ; Dreamchan - It'll Be OK / Bats! (µThunder Remix) / Hanging On to a DJ Just Like Me
by Sethisto
Friendship is Withcraft: Prince Whatever edition. My dad actually started listening to his stuff. Rock breaks the boundaries once again. Get that in the first slot, a remix of Bats! electronic style in the second, and a full on music video/remix of DJ Just Like Me in the last slot. Now go!
1.) PrinceWhateverer & Dreamchan - It'll Be OK (Scherclop Pones cover) (Remix - Rock)
2.) Bats! (µThunder Remix) (Remix - Electronic)
3.) AwkwardMarina + Freewave - Hanging On to a DJ Just Like Me (Vocal - Electronic)
op 6:00 PM
Labels: Electronic, Media, Metal, Music, Music: Remix, Music: Vocal, Not-Fanfiction, Rock -
Discussion: What Would Your Episode Be?
by Calpain
With our first and only break in the season so far this is probably going to be the quietest weekend we'll have until the summer hiatus. But what if there was an episode this weekend? What would have happened? That's where you guys come in! Write up the craziest, most heartfelt, most random, or as show like premise you can think of and place it down in the comments. Will Twilight and her friends fight the evil crab king? Do the CMC fuse into a three headed pony? Does the milk expire in the fridge and Pinkie makes a song about it? Twilight's already scribbling away! Hurry before she steals your idea!
Bonus points for originality!
Twitter: Calpain -
Time to break away from the swarm of episode analysis once. (Seriously how do you guys even watch all those?). Lets do something a bit different!
Over the years, various size comparisons have been made in the world of Equestria. It wouldn't be too far fetched to imagine the most of the fandom dreaming about themselves wandering Ponyville with their favorite pony. It can be hard to envision their size simply by thinking about it though.
Below the break, find a video that measures both their height and strength, along with a whole bunch of other things.
My Little Investigations Review
by Calpain
Ever since I accidentally stumbled across a copy of the first Ace Attorney game in a Gamestop long, long ago I have consumed as much of the franchise as possible. Filled with wit, charm, humor, and lovable characters the Attorney series and subsequent Investigations series have easily become one of my staples in my video game library and will always hold a special place in my heart.
While my love for the series is apparent, I must admit I had heard only bits and pieces about My Little Investigations and how the team behind it was trying to put the same spirit the Attorney games had into it. Having heard little about it and missing the demos the team had put out before I went into the game skeptical, but excited! And boy, did it pay off!
Check after the break for the rest of the review! It's as spoiler free as possible so don't worry too much about it giving away any of the story.
Livestream Saturdays and Drawfriend
by Calpain
No episode this weekend but that doesn't mean our artists stop drawing! Use the time spent not watching ponies to watch some people draw ponies!
There will be no stream post next week as I will be gone to BABSCon. Sorry for the inconvenience!
As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at [email protected] with your name, the type of art you'll be doing, a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 4pm EST / 1pm PST on Saturday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain
Story: The King In Crystal
by Calpain
Author: The Headless Horsepony
Description: Today, King Sombra is reviled as one of the darkest and most evil beings to ever blight the face of the world. When the Crystal Empire was freed from his grasp, the people of Equestria were more than happy to forget him.
The King in Crystal
But Sombra was not slain, and he has not forgotten. He alone knows the truth behind his tyranny, the reason for his fall.
And he will be remembered.
Additional Tags: Sombra is more than he seems.
op 12:00 PM
Labels: Author: The Headless Horsepony, Complete, Fanfiction, King Sombra, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Another week, and more cards! Sorry about the day late thing here. I blame no episode throwing off my week. Head on down below the break for all the usual stuff!
And if you want to submit one, follow the template! We will not accept any that do not use it, so get to it!
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