Nightly Roundup #946
by Calpain
Coco sure is an awesome pony! We've sure seen a lot of new ponies and characters this season which has really spawned a lot of great artwork.
It's that time of night again folks, chill out after the break!
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BUCK Announces Mic the Microphone
by Calpain
News from BUCK just keeps on coming as they are pleased to announce that Mic the Microphone will be attending this year's shindig. Check on after the break for the full presser!
Comic: Applejack's Big Test / The Trouble With Dream Walking / Shipping is Calm / Dissipated Pupils
by Calpain
It may seem simple, but the Apple Family probably provides a large amount of the food for Ponyville considering we have seen more than just apples grown on their land. Keep up Apple Ponies!
Comics again, click for full.
Twitter: Calpain -
Lots of different game news today my pony friends! A little while ago we reported on Popup Dungeon in a Roundup, discussing how it would be possible to create pony related weapons, spells, and abilities in the game as well as enemies and hero characters, but all we had at the moment was a promise you could do this and just a screenshot or two of spell cards.
No longer! The good folks behind Popup Dungeon have shown off their engine to show how well pony things can be incorporated into the game! Now an already interesting game has gotten even more interesting! I'm sure the creative side of the fandom will be able to craft all sorts of characters and campaigns using this game.
Check on after the break for screen shots and information from the developers as well as a link to their Kickstarter where you can donate.
LIFE has been like a rollercoaster since it was announced a while back. It looks like we finally have a happy ending to it's cancelled/uncancelled legacy though. Sweetie Bot fired emails off to both Toywiz and USAopoly, and both confirmed it. Toywiz even threw pre-orders up. Want to play with some of the bigger fan favorite ponies out there? Hit it up over here! Expect a release some time in August. -
And here we see Bookinus nerdicus in her natural environment. It is rumored that she finished the entire Game of Thrones series in only an afternoon, and read the Foundation series immediately after that night!
Onward to art! Get it all below.
[1] Source
(MLP) library
Electronic, Orchestral, and Rock, the musical trifecta. We start it off with a remix of Make a Wish from Sim Gretina, followed by a big ol' progressive rock original from Reverbrony, and finish with an epic orchestral piece from Marcato. Get them all below!
1.) Make A Wish (Sim Gretina Remix) (Remix - Electronic)
2.) Unity - Reverbrony (Instrumental - Progressive Rock)
3.) Marcato Sound - Travesty - Proelium (Instrumental - Epic Orchestral)
The 4th installment of the Friends Forever series is now available! Twilight and Shining Armor haven't had a whole lot of airtime together as a brother and sister duo outside of flashbacks. Luckily we have comics! Go buy them! Support this stuff! Have some links:
Cover A
Cover B
Retailer Incentive
Core Games Retailer Exclusive (Possible placeholder?)Hastings
Jetpack Comics Cover A
Jetpack Comics Cover B
Thanks to The Illustrious Q for digging up some of those weird ones!
Today is the day my fillies and gentlecolts! After three years in the making and countless hours of tireless dedication, My Little Investigations is now complete with the release of their very first episode! Combining the best of MLP with a twist on the mechanics from the Phoenix Wright and Edgeworth Investigations games we end up with a gem that surely will give many of you hours of fun, especially if you're fans of the Ace Attorney games.
Aching for more? Check on after the break for the full press release from Equestrian Dreamers, the developers behind the game which includes info on the game, where to download it and a trailer!
BUCK is kicking things up a notch as they invite not only Heather Breckel to their big event later this year, but The Living Tombstone and more! Sounds like things this year are going to top the year before if BUCK keeps this up.
Check after the break for the full details and sorry this is a little late for our European friends. For some reason the presser got eaten by Gmail or something.
Author: Blueshift
Description: Fluttershy is accidentally turned into a dragon. Can the gang carry on as normal, make Fluttershy feel comfortable in her new body and find a moral to put in their letter to Princess Celestia?
Additional Tags: Finally, Fluttershy becomes a dragonop 12:00 PM
Labels: Author: Blueshift, comedy, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Incomplete, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
So that's how she gets all her party supplies! Guess that's why she can eat so much and not gain a pound...
More comics guys, click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
Shout Factory is running a giveaway for 5 winners over on their Facebook page. Each person will receive a framed animation cel, along with their new A Dash of Awesome DVD. All you need to do is toss one of those good ol' likes, then comment over here with your favorite pony episode. Good luck!
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