Nightly Roundup #940
by Calpain
My headcanon is that Rarity fights giant crabs because only they provide meat good enough for her crab macaroni salad. Or maybe she just really likes to beat up crabs.
At any rate, got some news tonight as always. Check it out after the break!
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While staff from the show do their best to make it to our many conventions across the world, sometimes professional obligations get in the way of doing is. So it's with a heavy heart that BronyCon has to announce that the singing voice of Pinkie Pie, Shannon Chan-Kent, is unable to attend this year's BronyCon.
Check after the break for the full press release.
We've got another Royal Canterlot Library feature for you fic readers out there! Staffed by Equestria Daily pre-readers and other horse story authorities, they come together every Friday to bring you a new featured story, complete with an informational Q&A from the author in case you're looking to write for yourself! Expect the next one Saturday!
This particular feature of the RCL's involves Trixie, so have an appropriate image of her doing something literature-related. That is all she's doing. Anyway, click here to read an exposé on "The Magician and the Detective" by Bad Horse.
op 20:00
Sildid: Adventure, Complete, Crossover, Fanfiction, OC Ponies, Sad, Shipping, Star-Needed, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE -
Whenever I have my doubts about the Apple Family, I just rewatch the last episode. Always fixes it!
Onward to art!
[2] Source
Hanging With My Cousins
Hello again, everyone! I'm happy to share another Canterlot Nights preview article with you, this time brought to us by development team member Amanda! She's here to say a few words about some of the Mane Six's closest family and friends (and some behind-the-scenes insight into the game's development!), down below the break:
For a character with so little screen time I'm surprised how popular Luna is. Really wish I could understand it, but I'm no psychologist. The best brain picking I can do is popping brains out of heads and examining them and I don't think that is too healthy for the patient.
Anyhow, more comics! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
I was honestly expecting Cloudsdale to win here. It was Luna wasn't it? You all voted Canterlot so you could go get drunk with/play board games with Luna. Too bad Luna doesn't even hang at the castle anymore. You arrive at the castle and your princess waifu is in another castle. What do you do now? You do nothing that's what. Canterlot is totally boring.
Now Cloudsdale, that's a city!
Have the April Fools poll too. I should have named that episode "Fly me to the Luna: Worst Pony". I bet none of you would vote for it then. Hit the new poll up on the side bar. It has absolutely no link to Luna.
(Luna best princess)
We have some oldschool people popping up this time around, bringing us a bit of acoustic, some piano, a pop/electronic 80's style track to finish it. UNLEASH THE SYNTH POP. Get them all below!
1.) 4everfreebrony - Wings (Vocal - Acoustic)
2.) MLP Cover - The Hardest Thing - Joaftheloaf (feat. Feather) (Vocal - Piano)
3.) UnderpΩny - Twilight Zone (Vocal - Pop/Electronic)
Another largely positive new report has popped up from CTV News in Canada. It starts off with a general piece about nerds and geeks,a nd evolves into a meetup group spotlight. Head on over here to check it out!
Thanks to Demi for the heads up! -
A while back, we tossed up a recruitment call for Ministry of Brony, and now it is officially released. Some big name artists you have beel listening to forever now hopped on and got involved. Altogeather, we have fifty four minutes of music for you all to donate for. Head on down below for all the relevant information on it, along with a preview, or just go buy it.
So would this be the equivalent of a unicorn pulling a muscle? Guess all the more reason not to strain yourself.
Morning comics guys! Click for full as always.
Twitter: Calpain -
We Love Fine - More Figures Announcing Soon! April Fools DJ Pon-3 Was Real, 4 Variants Not.
by Sethisto
It sounds like We Love Fine's vinyl figure lineup is doing really well. A new statement clarifying the DJ-Pon3 April Fools gag was released, noting that the Black Light version is legit and order-able, but the other 4 are not. The biggest news is the announcement of more vinyls coming in the next few months. Full statement below:
All of you who purchased a Black Light DJ PON-3 figure yesterday, you can breathe easy… you actually purchased her! This groovetastic Vinyl Scratch figure is real, and will be shipping in late July. That said.. all that other stuff about real rooted hair and rotating turntables? Yeah, we were pulling your legs. This is the LAST of the last of the PON-3 variants, really and truly!
We do, however, have more freakin' awesome MLP vinyls coming your way in the coming months. They are all NEW. They are all rad. Who are they? We can't say… yet. Stay tuned for updates!
If you want her, head on over here to grab her! And grab a Trixie while you are at it, she needs more merch!
iOS users have been mining and spending their hard earned dosh on gems for about a week now, and starting yesterday Android users can join them. The MLP gameloft game has released their new update. If you want a list of stuff available, hit up our iOS post. -
A 112 page book dedicated to both episodes of "Return to Harmony" (Discord's Episode) has been set up for pre-order in paperback form over on Amazon. The specific summary for it reads:
An adaptation of the television series that lets you revisit the habitants of Equestria and learn about the magic that friendship brings. It adapts Season 2 episodes "Return to Harmony" Parts numbered 1 and numbered 2.
Celebrate Discord in words form! Head on over here to pre-order it. Official release date July 22nd.
Thanks to Valo, Ossie, and everyone else for sending it! -
A bit of a small news piece this morning. For those curious about who is behind the writing in these planned Equestria Girls shorts, Meghan revealed them over on Twitter. Expect Natasha Levinger, Josh Haber, Amy Keating Rogers, and Cindy Marrow on each.
Thanks to Joshua and everyone else for the tip!
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