Nightly Roundup #939
by Calpain
Now that is one badass Spike! He may be small now, but when he gets older he is going to rock and get all the princesses he wants.
Anyhow, on to the news guys! Hope you had a good one!
(Oh hey, I think I've seen that Spike before, have a different badass Spike!) - Sethistoedit.
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Story: Is Today the Day?
by Calpain
[Slice of Life]
Author: Theforrealdeal
Description: Everyone knows that at some point, they are going to die. Nobody, however, likes to think about it. When we do though, we tend to get a little depressed.
Is today the day?
Additional Tags: Pinkie talks with Sweetie about death
op 9:00 PM
Labels: Author: Theforrealdeal, Complete, Fanfiction, Pinkie Pie, Star-Needed, Story, Sweetie Belle -
We finally have full clarification on what exactly this Rainbow Rocks novel is covering. It looks like it wont be hitting anything at all in the movie, instead focusing on the lead-up, including expanding upon the planned shorts that we saw one of earlier this week.
Wise words from Ishi Rudell (Director for Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks the Movie). While the book may follow the storyline (still unconfirmed), it is far from the actual movie script. If you liked the first Equestria Girls (and despite humanizing the ponies and Flash Sentry's Waifu stealing), it seemed like a lot of you did), you can probably expect the same level of quality in the second one.
Update: Rainbow Rocks the book is a prequel
Story: Harmony Theory (Update Part 38!)
by Calpain
Author: Sharaloth
Description: After the Changeling invasion, Celestia and Luna make the decision to have Twilight investigate the Elements of Harmony and solve the mystery of their power. A thousand years later, Rainbow Dash awakens in a world she does not recognize. She has no idea how or why she came to be there. She does not know the language, the geography or any of the rules of this new time. She soon finds allies in Star Fall, a scholarly pegasus whose Talent is Magic, and Astrid, Star Fall's Griffin guardian. Together they set out to discover why Dash has been sent to the future, and how she might return to when she belongs. War threatens the nations, a Nightmare stalks the shadows, and Rainbow Dash's arrival has turned her into a wild card in a deadly game that pits the law on both sides of a broken Equestria against a mysterious criminal figure, Max Cash. Yet the stakes are higher than anyone knows, for in her research Twilight Sparkle discovered a dark secret about the Elements, something that will shake the foundations of the world.
Harmony Theory (New Part 38!)
Additional Tags: Dark Future Action-Adventure Epicop 6:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Sharaloth, Dark, Fanfiction, Fluttershy, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Rainbow Dash, Star-Needed, Story -
Spike header! That's almost as rare as Applejack up here.
We have some art. You like art. Get art below.
[1] Source
BeefSpike, Reaper of Souls
Comic: Dash Academy 6 Pt 11 / Equestria's Stories Pt 13 / Reading is Magic / A Step Too Far Pt 1
by Calpain
Been awhile since we had a Dash Academy update here on EqD. It has progressed quite a bit so click above for the latest part and check description for links to previous parts. We actually have quite a few multiparters here so make sure to check the galleries of the artists or the description to continue the story.
Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain
Plushie Compilation #149
by Calpain
Apple Bloom because Apple Bloom! Her massive bow told me to put her as number one today...
Now for more plushies my friends! Check them out after the break!
[1] Source
Apple Bloom plushie (FOR SALE)
Rainbow Rocks has popped up with a preview over on iTunes, revealing the first chapter to give you all an idea on what exactly we will be walking into when it releases. Since the first Equestria Girls book followed the movie pretty closely, it isn't too far fetched to believe this one will too. Unfortunately, iOS devices are the only ones that can view it. Luckily we have blog intern PK to charge in there and take screenshots for us android and windows peons. Get it down below!
Thanks to Andrea for the heads up!
It looks like some of you were worried that the new Funrise Derpy didn't have Derpy Eyes. Time to put that to rest! Someone going by the name of Sublime Sunset tossed this one over to confirm it for you all.
And below the break, tons of random merch! Now go!
It looks like this one is officially starting to flood the world of retail stores if the emails we are getting are any indication. A Dash of Awesome is the next installment in the Shout Factory lineup. Expect the following episodes:
May the Best PEt Win
The Mysterious Mare Do Well
Read it and Weep
Daring Don't
Rainbow Falls
Along with the usual sing-alongs and printouts. Head on over to amazon if you want to skip the trip to the store!
Even though the insanity of yesterday is over we still have a backlog of April Fools things to share with you guys today along with the usual fare! Check out what has piled up by clicking the pics for full.
Twitter: Calpain -
After a bit of a delay, it looks like Rarity will finally be heading over to you folks in Australia along with the Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo plushies that arrived in Europe and the USA a week ago. Rarity herself will be hitting stores on Friday, while the CMC will be coming out later this month on the 16th.
And on the DVD side of things, the next installment of the Madman series is dropping on the 6th of this month, aiming for season 3 volume one this time around along with the usual collectors boxes. Find that one over here!
Thanks to Jen and Rhys for the heads up! -
Analysis: After the Fact: Sompony to Watch Over Me / In Retrospect: For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils
by Sethisto
Older Analysis! Why not? We have a bit of Silver Quill, to start, and some For Whom the Sweetie Belle Tolls in the other. Get them both below!
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