Nightly Roundup #924
by Calpain
Now I want some spaghetti. Think Pipsqueak will share? It looks like he has plenty to spare in my opinion.
Hey again gang, dead tired tonight but here's the news I was able to put together for this edition of the Roundup. You all have a wonderful night/day and I'll catch you all tomorrow.
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[Dark] "A dark and compelling re-imagining of the classic tale that doesn't need to stoop to violence or gore to get its message across. Indeed, words have power!" - Pre-reader TheSlorg
Author: Scott 'Inquisitor' Mence
Description: Words can bring joy. Words can bring pain. Words can bring knowledge. In the hands of the right pony, they can bring all of these things. In the lands outside the fledgeling Equestria, one such pony has tracked a newfound fable back to its source, and she has a few choice words of her own prepared--because words... words have power.
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Additional Tags: Some stories hold dark messages
op 9:00 PM
Labels: Author: Scott 'Inquisitor' Mence, Complete, Dark, Fanfiction, OC Ponies, Star-Needed, Story -
Plushie Compilation #147
by Calpain
Zecora plushies are far and inbetween so it's really rare when we get TWO of them in the same plushie compilation. Go Zecora!
Check after the break for more plushie goodness.
[1] Source
That just looks cozy. We haven't had a cozy header in forever. I don't know about rolling around on the floor like Rainbow Dash though. Who knows what ponies have tracked in.
Also Trixie.
ONWARD TO ART! We almost hit 70 today!
[1] Source
The Wrong Crowd for a Celebration
Gender norm abolishment! That's the name of the game here with the new #STANDWITHGRAYSON campaign. Already it is trending at the very top of Facebook right next to that missing airplane CNN has had on the front page for a week.
Some interesting points are made in their followup video on the topic. Head on down below the break to check it out!
The new kid on the block over in Euripe goes by the name of Famosa, and they are coming out swingin, at least for a good amount of their selection. European site Bambini has a gallery filled with their new toys. Most looks really good, Twilight looks a pretty weird, but that Celestia looks great. Head on over here to check them out!
Thanks to Ayu for the heads up
Author: Sparks2037
Description: Fashion shifts fast-forward for Rarity one fateful summer day. It's the day that her four future selves, each carrying a magical time amulet, show up in her studio!
Time Enough for Sisters (Five Rarities, One Sweetie Belle)
But will her destiny, her sister Sweetie Belle's destiny - and the future for all Equestria for that matter - be irrevocably changed by what they tell her?
Additional Tags: Rarity meets her time-travelling duplicates!
op 5:00 PM
Labels: Author: Sparks2037, Complete, Dark, Fanfiction, Rarity, Sci-Fi, Star-Needed, Story, Sweetie Belle -
Japan Time - A Canterlot Wedding Pt 1
by Calpain
The season 2 finale in Japan is finally upon us! What will Shining Armor and Cadence sound like? Will we get some more awesome song dubs? Check out this week's episode stream after the break!
Usually the super conservative news personalities out there don't support our crazy pony fandom. When I think of Glenn Beck, I usually think of Alex Jones as the counterpoint, who in between spouting something about water filters and the fluoride apocalypse, completely ripped MLP to shreds. This guy seems to know what's up though. Good stuff!
This isn't a political blog though, so I'll let you guys devour each other in the comments about it instead! Head on down below the break for Glenn Beck's support of Grayson, the kid from a few days ago who's Rainbow Dash backpack sparked all sorts of controversy.
You can also find his full article over here.
Thanks to all ~30 of you for sending it! It's a lot of fun to see how energetic you all are in the submit box sometimes.
Update: Looks like the Grayson story has caused a trend on Facebook.
This comic has cracked the riddle ladies and gentlemen. We now know why Pinkie acts the way that she does!
Comic time! Click for full.
Twitter: Calpain -
Cheese Sandwich Blind Bag on Taobao
by Calpain
Now this isn't something I expected to see pop up! Looks like we might have ourselves some Cheese Sandwich blindbags in the near future if these pictures from Taobao are any indication.
Thanks a bunch to the MLP Merch blog for the heads up!
Twitter: Calpain -
Author: Georg
Description: Those annoying Cutie Mark Crusaders have always been a pain in Diamond Tiara's flank, but Rainbow Dash adopting Scootaloo as a little sister is the last straw. Now Diamond Tiara is off to the Ponyville Hospital to shop for a new little sister of her own, but she should be careful.
Diamond Tiara Buys a Little Sister
She may just get more than what she expected.
Additional Tags: Diamond Tiara's New Little Sister
op 12:00 PM
Labels: Author: Georg, Complete, Diamond Tiara, Fanfiction, Filthy Rich, Normal, OC Ponies, Star-Needed, Story -
That Chant of Immortality song that totally should have way more pageviews than it does now has it's own PMV/Animation to go with it. Head on down below the break to check it out!
And go play the song a bunch too, seriously it's really unique for the fandom.
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