Nightly Roundup #923
by Calpain
It's night and I didn't want to have another Maud header tonight so I grabbed the first thing I found that wasn't Maud. That is one vicious Flutterbat I must say!
Another weekend come and gone. Check what we have after the break and relax in the comments!
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BABSCon announces #LuckoftheBabscon contest, Programming Schedule, and Call for Volunteers!
by Calpain
BABSCon keeps it coming with the news as they proudly announce their schedule, a new contest, and a call for volunteers! Interested? Check after the break for all the info!
See this? This is M.A. Larson's biggest fan, and she just received her advance copy of his first-ever novel. Don't any of you worry, though -- we have no plans to transition to Pennyroyal Academy Daily before the first book comes out this October.Head on over here to place a pre-order and say thanks to one of the folks who help bring us many a hearty laugh on Twitter (along with some pony episodes on the side, I guess).Update: 'Cause I forgot to include a synopsis, you can find spoiler-free versions at the following websites. Amazon continues to be the only place you can pre-order without getting spoiled, though!
All indie bookshops have spoiler-free synopses! http://t.co/2G1V6By5RL http://t.co/U2B0W9XHmT http://t.co/yv65RANIiX http://t.co/dmjvoABe6V
— M.A. Larson (@M_A_Larson) March 17, 2014
Find an indie bookseller in your area here. All spoiler-free!! http://t.co/dBorQgT3GL
— M.A. Larson (@M_A_Larson) March 17, 2014 -
I bet Twilight got into tons of trouble working under Celestia. That's some powerful magic shes messin with. We need a comic dedicated to that!
Onward to art!
[1] Source
Celestia's Apprentice
Ponies in socks have been around for so long that I've sort of forgot when it all started. It's cute to say the least and technically accurate since real life horses wear socks too!
Comics guys. Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain
Author: MyMetalPony
Description: When the Manehattan Bash is attacked by a being that calls itself Cacophony, Thunder Growl is the only performer to escape being captured--because he was at the bar. He races back to the Bash just in time to have his flank handed to him by the unstoppable monster.
With his bandmates missing, Thunder Growl must face demons both within and without to track down Cacophony, unravel the mystery of the creature's power and its hatred of all things musical and harmonious, and rescue the ponies it has captured.
Luckily, he will not have to do it alone. Thunder's travels soon take him to Ponyville, where a certain group of friends are more than willing to lend their assistance... whether he wants it or not.
Additional Tags: Monster puts end to musicop 4:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: MyMetalPony, Celestia, Dark, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Luna, Octavia, Star-Needed, Story, The Great and Powerful TRIXIE, Vinyl Scratch -
Coming just a few days after their concept art release, we have another new one from the guys over at Overmare Studios, this time focusing on the 3D models that will be used for the game. General pony skeletons, clothing, as well as a boatload of objects are available to view. Head on over here to check it all out!
Author: Foxy Kimchi
Description: A changeling worker, stranded and far away from her home, is forced to make a difficult choice. Risk her life, or serve the enemy.
Under the Sun's Wings (New Part 14!)
Additional Tags: A changeling worker is captured.op 12:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Foxy Kimchi, Celestia, Dark, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Luna, OC Ponies, Star-Needed, Story -
It isn't every day we see something labeled country. That is a thing that happened in the second slot though. In the first, we have another track from Sylphstorm, and the 3rd, a bit of Orchestral battle music from Radiarc! get them all below.
1.) Morning Mist - SlyphStorm (Vocal - Symphonic Rock)
2.) The Friendship Express (fan song) (Vocal - Acoustic/Country)
3.) Radiarc - Chimera (Instrumental - Orchestral)
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