Nightly Roundup #913
by Calpain
Apple sisters? Apple sisters. Considering that we have an episode with these two coming soon this is quite an appropriate header I must say. So what's next guys? What do you think?
While you mull that over, check the current events after the break!
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We have had a few people report this, some from McDonalds, and others just from word of mouth. There isn't anything exact to point to as of right now though, so I'm leaving it as a rumor tag.
Anyway, a few months ago, we posted this image of Vinyl Scratch as a McDonalds figure from Chinese website Taobao. Since then, she has popped up in various locations, including Ebay and other cross-continent shipping sites.
Over on the McDonalds website, they usually show off the next set in the toy lineup for happy meals. Currently LEGO is dominating, with Mr. Peabody and Sherman coming in after. Once that finishes it's rotation, rumor has it pony is in line.
We will know for sure once LEGO is finished in the next few days here. If Vinyl Scratch is one of them, expect some of the other fan favorites to dominate this set.
Thanks to everyone for the tip! -
Trixie delayed the drawfriend, then we yelled at her for it, then this happened. Now I feel like a douchebag.
Have some art while I try to make it up to her.
[1] Source
Constellations Cover Art
If any of you follow the EQD Facebook or Twitter, you know these two arrived yesterday, and if any of you follow EQD, you know I love me some GREAT AND POWERFUL Trixie. What better way to celebrate than to review her?! Will she mind? Does a molded figurine of EQD's unofficial mascot live up to the pony it is attempting to represent? Can anything live up to a pony of Trixie's calibur? Honestly I don't even know. Those are tough horseshoes to fill. We better review this before she starts suing for royalties though.
Oh, and Princess Twilight too. I always did say she looked better in wings.
[Comedy][Slice of Life]
Author: Foxy Kimchi
Description: It is that time again, the dreaded flu season. Not even Princess Celestia, the ruler of the sun and day, is safe from it. When Celestia contracts the flu, what pony could possibly nurse Celestia back to health? Why none other than her dear, loving sister of course! Enter Nurse Luna!
Enter Nurse Luna! (New Part 11!)
Additional Tags: Luna is the best nurse.
op 5:00 PM
Labels: Author: Foxy Kimchi, Celestia, Fanfiction, Incomplete, Luna, OC Ponies, Star-Needed, Story -
We Love Fine sent this to us and a bunch of people subscribed to their email stream today. Our link lead to the My Little Pony Design contest, but there isn't anything else released other than "you'll find out VERY soon". If anything pops up, we'll let you know!
Thanks to everyone that sent it in!
Over in the wonderful world of Walmart, the new Daring Do pony set has been spotted in the wild. This one popped up for pre-order on sites like Toywiz a while back, and now appears to be heading to the brick and mortar retailers.
And for those of you out in Germany, the new NICI Fluttershy plushie is starting to appear at a store called "Müller" and will apparently be available at NICI Shops, Amazon and all NICI partners. I haven't had the chance to see one of these in person yet, but the images released so far make them appear really well done.
Happy hunting! Thanks to Framwinkle and Mazzn for the images and Gerjet for additional information. -
With BABSCon right around the corner, and a boatload of major guests planned for it, they have released a few more major news announcements for the leadup, including a big one with Tara Strong herself! Are you brave enough to venture into the world of voice acting with Tara as the judge? Can you handle the pressure? Are you planning to attend the con this April? Then hit it up below!
[Sad][Slice of Life]
Author: TheMessenger
Description: From the beginning to the very bitter end, Twilight must deal with Spike and his stubborn refusal to sleep.
The Dragon Who Would Not Sleep
Additional Tags: Twilight deals with sleepy Spike
op 12:00 PM
Labels: Author: TheMessenger, Complete, Fanfiction, Sad, Spike, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
I'd ask you to prove me wrong, but it's impossible. Have a new cover for the 17th comic in the series available over at Hot Topic. I'm just going to go out on a limb here and say they have all the best covers.
And Trixie is the best fangirl.
And best pony.
Go get it over here!
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