Nightly Roundup #912
by Calpain
Sea Breeze is pretty badass for a Breezie I've got to say. Plus he's got this awesome bodysuit thing going on.
Sorry for no Roundup last night guys, there just wasn't a whole lot going on. At any rate, we have news tonight so catch it after the break and vote for a new header in comments!
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While Europe was announced a few days ago, the USA was still a mystery on the release of the new CMC And Rarity plushies at Build-A-Bear. A flyer went out to people subscribed to their mail service revealing the same exact date for the states. Expect to find Rarity for 25 bucks (or an extra 14 if you toss in the gala clothing), and each of the CMC for $15 a pop
Thanks to Lauryn, Joseph, and everyone else for sending it!
(Update: And be sure to check out the stuff below this post too, lots of things went up all at once) -
As was announced during Toy Fair and a few weeks before, Hasbro has a new series of figures on the way dedicated to customization. If you ever thought Applejack would look better with Rainbow Dash's mane, these are the ones for that. Apparently they arrive some time this Fall. Thanks to Andrew and everyone else for the heads up! -
Spike and Celestia team up for the third installment in the Friends Forever series, planned for a March 12th release. What madness will these two get involved in? I've liked the comics dedicated to the princesses in the past, so hopefully it doesn't disappoint! head on down below to check out the previews, and the synopsis.
The 17th installment of the main series My Little Pony comic is arriving on the 19th of this month, and iTunes already has a three page preview up. If you aren't running an apple tablet, you can find the full size pages below, along with the synopsis. This is probably going to be one of the biggest world building comics we have seen yet, so expect some awesome.
Heya folks! Welcome once again to another edition of the Tumblr Spotlight! We've got a real interesting mix of tumblrs today: from the silly, to slightly sad, to odd! We've got it all today!
As always, if you have a tumblr you would like to share, whether it is your own or someone elses, please make sure to send it my way at calpain@equestriadaily.com or my Twitter for review and filing. Mature themed ones (PG-13) are welcome as well!
Now on to the tumblrs!
The testers and devs working on the Tribute edition of Fighting is Magic that many of you are trucking away at today plan on running a live in-house tournament and Q&A event today at 4:00 PM PST (12:00 PM GMT+0). If you wanted to ask some direct questions or just sit back and watch some Fighting is Magic, this is the place to do it. Head on over here for the stream, and here for information on the tournament itself.
Update: Alternate New livestream url -
So, Fluttershy is now a bee. Flutterbee, Flutterguy, Flutterbat, Fluttertree... It just keeps happening. At least her name seems to work really well with just about anything tagged on to the end.
Onward to the art! Get it all below.
[1] Source
Perhaps a BEE...
Discussion: Would you Watch a Series about Rainbow Dash the Griffon? What Would You Want it to Be About?
by Sethisto
So, Ponyville's number one flyer is having griffon envy is she? With Twilight's new transformation power, the possibilities are pretty endless here aren't they?
In our hypothetical world, we once again have another project in the works, a new side series to be exact. The major premise is: Twilight transformed Rainbow Dash into a griffon. Nothing else is planned with it, but it's happening.
Would you watch something starring a Dashy griffon main role? What would you want it to be about? -
[Comedy][Slice of Life]
Author: Jeffrey C. Wells
Description: Luna and Philomena: a hate affair for the ages. A thousand years ago, Celestia's pet harrier chases a broken Nightmare Moon through the Everfree Forest. A thousand years later, a much-diminished Princess Luna attempts to feed and take care of the elderly phoenix. In neither case does it go particularly well.
Additional Tags: uplifting sesquipedalian princess/bird humor
op 12:00 PM
Labels: Author: Jeffrey C. Wells, comedy, Complete, Fanfiction, Luna, Philomena, Slice of Life, Star-Needed, Story -
Spotlight Music: Time Is an Adventure / Employment / Pegasus Device (Viricide Filly Remix)
by Sethisto
We have another awesome one from 4everfreebrony with a some Feather joining in on the vocals from their new album, followed by a song dedicated to Coco Pummel funk-rock style, and finish with a remix of Sylphstorm's Pegasus Device in a much darker style. Get them all below!
1.) 4everfreebrony - Time Is an Adventure (ft. Feather) + [ALBUM RELEASE] (Vocal)
2.) Employment - Original by Arturo Fonseca (Vocal - Funk Rock)
3.) SlyphStorm - Pegasus Device (Viricide Filly Remix) [Funk Hop] (Remix)
[Slice of Life]
Author: ArgonMatrix
Description: At her coronation after-party, Twilight begins freaking out a little bit at the prospect of growing into her new life, especially one specific aspect of it. She knows better than anyone that talking to a friend about her problems can help tremendously, but she doesn't have many friends with whom she'd be comfortable talking about this particular problem, let alone ones who would really understand what she's going through.
A Draconequus' Guide to Immortality
...unless she broadens her definition of "friend."
Additional Tags: Discord gives Twilight some advice
op 7:00 AM
Labels: Author: ArgonMatrix, Complete, Discord, Fanfiction, Normal, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle
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