Nightly Roundup #909
by Calpain
There was no voting last night because I thought this picture was too adorable not to use for tonight's header. I just love Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash pics!
Now that I have gotten that out of my system, what should we have for tomorrow night? While you think on that, take a look at the news we have tonight!
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The official MLP Youtube page has been tossing videos up this last week or so, similiar to the PMV's we usually run. Unfortunately, they upload them in a whopping 240p (image above), so expect the eyes to strain a bit. The Rarity one is the most interesting. I wonder if it is hinting at anything?
Anyway, get them below. Thanks to Luna and everyone else for the heads up!
Trixie and Twilight have begun shipping from Hot Topic for those of you that pre-ordered the two of them. If you still want the duo, you can find pre-order pages over here. I don't think those coupon codes work anymore, but it doesn't hurt to give them a shot!
Thanks to my email box and everyone else for the heads up! -
Spotlight Music: Find the Music in You (µThunder Remix) / Starry Nights / City of Shadows
by Sethisto
UNLEASH DA MUSICS. We didn't get a whole lot of remixes of Find the Music in You did we? I guess it would be a difficult one to do. Get that in the first slot, a bit of starry skies relaxing stuff in the second, and some smooth jazz in the third.
1.) Find the Music in You (µThunder Remix) (Remix - Electronic)
2.) Silverwing - Starry Nights (Instrumental - Orchestral / Flute)
3.) City of Shadows - Alone in Manehattan - Reverbrony (Instrumental - Dark Smooth Jazz)
op 8:00 PM
Labels: Electronic, Jazz, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Remix, Not-Fanfiction -
Ponies seem to be expanding over in Japan. I keep getting Pixiv links lately. They don't work at all with our compiler, but I could never complain at this art.
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Fluttershy is getting a lot of love lately! Check on after the break for a new teaser image and description straight from the MLP Facebook page! It's looking like an interesting episode.
Artisan Pony Crafts Compilation #35
by Calpain
Daring has been getting a lot of love lately, especially with the Daring Do books coming out sometime in the near future. So also makes a great figure!
More crafts can be found after the break!
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Daring Do
These little AJs are starting to cause quite a bit of trouble in Ponyville. Poor Apple Bloom...
Comics again folks. Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
Discussion: How Have your Views on Equestria Changed Over Time? Would You Move there Permanently?
by Sethisto
Remember this image? That was a a loong time ago. Back in the day, we were pretty limited on Equestrian lore. Outside of the Everfree Forest and it's evil denizens within, ponyland seemed pretty damn perfect. Ponies controlled the weather, Pinkie Pie lived on sugar, and Applejack had too many apples to buck. Everyone seemed to be perfectly happy with one another.
Fast forward 4 seasons later, and the world has largely been fleshed out. Our flawless little utopia has plenty of greed, famine, and even a bit of conflict between races. It's starting to look a lot more similar to earth than we thought, aside from the cartoony anime eye ponies. It kinda makes you wonder how you would fit in if that age old pony fan dream of visiting said world actually happened.
So, over time, have your views on Equestria changed at all? If The Great and Powerful Trixie appeared in your room one day and offered you a one way single ticket to ponyland without any chance at coming back, would you take it? -
LIFE MLP Edition - Update from USAopoly
by Calpain
The LIFE MLP Edition we reported on yesterday seems to have been pulled according to responses received from USAopoly when people contacted them about the game boards. According to Qcom who made us aware of the situation he got these responses:
Thank you for contacting USAopoly.
When trying to clarify from the article that EQD posted earlier, I got this:
No, the article was correct until we pulled the games in the last day. Both the Life and Connect 4.
Update: Some clarification from USAopoly about the pony LIFE game!
@Loretta_Snape @EquestriaDaily It will likely still exist, but not from us. We can't say more than that for right now.
— USAopoly Games (@USAopoly) February 27, 2014
Received some more clarification from a USAopoly rep, apparently there will be a pony LIFE game sometime this year just not from them!
Thank you for contacting USAopoly.
So expect whatever version to pop up to probably be slightly different from what we have seen already.
Twitter: Calpain
What happens when it snows like crazy for weeks on end? You make snowponies! As many of you were aware of from a week ago, we tossed an event up to send pictures in of your masterfully crafted creations, and these are the results!
We start off with this beautiful Twilight Sparkle up above, complete with tail, ears, horn, and... raisins! Why raisins? I haven't a clue. The full Flickr gallery can be found over here for her!
And below the break, more snow ponies! Enjoy!
ORGANIZATION! That is what Twilight Sparkle is known for! And now you can have her organize your loose change, until the government stops considering pennies currency at least. It's only a matter of time!
Found at Walmart by Spectacles. It might make a neat statuette if money storage isn't your thing. -
Pointy ponies everywhere lately! They are so adorable I've got to say.
Morning comics folks, click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
Oh glorious Civilization V... many a night I have spent chugging away until 8 A.M. desperately trying to finish Alexander off while completely losing track of time. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has fallen prey to it's incredibly addicting wiles. "Just one more turn!" or "I'll go to bed after I finish this wonder! I gotta know if I'm going to beat Egypt on it!" is a common occurrence.
Many years ago we posted a mod or two, but over the years a ton of new ones have popped up. Time to do some catch up! I threw the Trixie above up over on the Equestria Daily Facebook page, and a ton of people wanted to know where to get it. Why not add her and a ton of others?
Anyway, head on down below for a bunch of mods! Time to dominate the world with PONY.
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