Nightly Roundup #902
by Calpain
All right, I know we voted but I thought I'd dedicate tonight to Nightmare Moon for a certain commenter that has been really patient and asking for her awhile now. Anyhow, back to voting as normal though so leave a suggestion down below!
Now, on to the news!
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With the 17th MLP comic releasing next month, Larrys has revealed the variants they will be dropping for all you collectors out there, or people that are into the whole Shiny/Cadance thing. Head on down below for a reminder on what exactly this arc will be covering! It's going to be pretty awesome to say the least.
Author: Draconian Soul
Description: Gummy is the best pet in the world! He always listens to me, never moans or complains when I talk too much, and always comes along with me without a resistance. Sure, he isn't much of a talker, but he's a really swell listener. Every day I spend with him is super fantastic!
He'll Never Leave Me
Yet Mr. and Mrs. Cake always look sad every time I play with Gummy. Those sillies! Don't they know that Gummy couldn't hurt me even if hewanted to? He's all gums! Duh! Even my friends have been showing "concerns" about my relationship with Gummy.
I don't know why they're being such party poopers all of a sudden!
Additional Tags: He Will Never Leave Me
As is the norm for episodes airing each week, Dave Polsky will be live-tweeting the one he wrote this week! Twilight Time (synopsis below the break) will pop up on Saturday so get some questions gathered! And follow him over here to prepare for it!
And while you are at it, can we axe the poor guy's "controversial" title yet? It was only two episodes in season one! That was a lifetime ago in pony terms!
Thanks to Nick for the heads up.
With all the madness that has been going on these last few months, I completely forgot to get the usual resource post up for the 16th MLP Comic! My bad! As always, have some links and feel free to discuss it down below!
Variants (Images in order from right to left, top to bottom)
Cover A
Cover B
Retail Incentive
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"I don't know what to head this Drawfriend with. I can't use Trixie again or I'll get angry emails" - Sethisto
"Just use Luna" - Digzy
Have a Luna header!
And more art below!
[1] Source
Man, things are about to get super awkward for Celestia... Poor girl. Makes me wonder how many secret admirers she has had in her life. She's been around for a long, long time after all. Plus, I hope we get to see her again sometime this season.
Comics again, click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
[Sad][Slice of Life]
Author: Bad_Seed_72
Description: Vinyl Scratch knew from the day they met that she and Octavia would be friends forever. They were inseparable, indivisible, invincible. Nothing would change that, Octavia promised. Nothing.
Elegy Of Emptiness
However, as time goes on, not all foalhood promises seem concrete. Time, after all, changes everything.
Additional Tags: Vinyl misses Octavia's birthday
op 12:00 PM
Labels: Author: Bad_Seed_72, Complete, Fanfiction, Normal, Octavia, Sad, Star-Needed, Story, Vinyl Scratch
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