It's that time again, guys. Time for what, you say? Time for Cereal and I to talk about pony stuff and embarrass ourselves in front of the whole internet!
For real, it has been a busy week for show and merch news, but the fandom itself doesn't have terribly much to report. Check everything out along with our potentially humorous commentary below the break.
Nightly Roundup #899
by Calpain
The journey of a human life is fraught with many twists and turns. If there is anything predictable about life in general it is how predictably unpredictable life can be. In a single instance your life can change forever and you can be sent into a spiral you might think impossible to pull out of, but once you get your bearings and hold yourself steady you can see new opportunities around you that before you might never have thought of. Hold steady and true to yourself, ever trying your best and working towards the future. Even in the darkest situations, hold on to hope and strive to change the future.
Musings aside, it looks like Big Mac won last night's poll. He's so stunned you guys made him drop his cider! He doesn't seem to mind though. Now then, no voting for tonight because tomorrow is number 900 and we have something planned for then! Voting will continue tomorrow night so just use tonight to sit back and relax.
Comic: No Excuse for the Heart / Putting Down a Team Player / Age (In)appropriate Part 5
by Sethisto
Comic time! Horses breaking bones, Sparity going full circle, and whatever happens in that Age Inappropriate series! Click for full.
I'm taking over the writing event main post this week so Couch Crusader can go off and draw things on his fancy windows tablet! What does this mean for you? Probably nothing. Feel free to write some Trixie into your story to appease me though. Bonus points for avoiding that old sad mare trope.
On with the prompt! Get it below.
Little Pip unlocks so many things we can't usually do to ponies. Expect something with a bit more adult themes in that first one, followed by something much less grim in the second, and a remix of Loyalty dubstep style in the last. All below!
1.) I'm Not Addicted ft. Aoshi, Biscayne & Versal (prod. Da Mane)
2.) SMOR3S ft. Turquoise Splash - That Mare (Vocal - Acoustic)
3.) AcousticBrony & MandoPony - Loyalty (OMNI REMIX) (Remix - Dubstep)
Ponies singing? Ponies singing. Who had the best voice out of these five? You choose!
And get some art below.
(Update: I completely forgot to get the duplicate list from Calpain, so expect a few duplicates in this one from yesterday! My bad!
[1] Source
Tones of Ponies
New York Toy Fair has already revealed a bunch of new toy lines from the official side of pony, but so far it has all been limited to images. Now to see it all in motion! They also look pretty deeply into the Breezies line for those curious about what the Friendship is Magic version of those will be. Head on down below the break to check it out!
Thanks to Sweetie Bot for the heads up.
(Season 4 tagged due to some spoilers)
Woke up to an interesting article this morning in the Wall Street Journal about toy makers and their strategies to extend the lifespans of their doll lines by appealing to the older crowds. As we know, EqG is an attempt at that but Hasbro appears to be trying some other things as well to appeal to older kids such as so called pony salons.
The article gives us a bit more detail into Hasbro's thinking behind EqG and their other marketing attempts in the past year or so and is an interesting look into the world of marketing. I've got some pictures after the break, but if you have a Wall Street Journal subscription online you can read the article here.
This week, Fluttershy got another turn in the spotlight (literally and metaphorically!) and brought us another music-heavy episode, with a surprising twist and a couple callbacks to classic episodes of seasons gone by.
Unfortunately, there wasn't a fight over who got to write this followup, so unlike Couch's intro last week, I have no yarns to spin of a heroic battle with my fellow blogponies.
I have an idea! Let's talk about the episode instead!
In an effort to better understand their odd new demographic, that hypothetical executive from Hasbro is here once again handing out blank checks. You crazy brony people need to choose one of your favorite background ponies and give him a song idea to toss into a future episode.
With your new unlimited budget, you can make it as epic as possible and any genre imaginable. Want a full Disney level live orchestral piece for Octavia to head? Or does Luna need to unleash her inner 50's with a Fly Me to the Moon parody? It's up to you! Just be sure to give them a genre, pony, and anything else you want to see included!
Hit up those comments.
Or just talk about how cute Fluttershy is. That's pretty much all I did yesterday. -
by XyroTR1
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