Nightly Roundup #888
by Calpain
You heard Soarin'! Get to coloring!
Who's next in our header rotation guys? Leave a comment down below after the short roundup tonight.
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Over on a site called FunkoFantatic, poster ShoMeNodder tossed these images up of what appear to be prototypes for Trixie, Twilight, and an unrevealed Applejack. Similar to Trixie, Applejack looks to be bringing her hat to the table, something that most toy lines completely ignore. Lets just hope they color that thing brown in the final product!
Thanks to Aquatic Neon for the heads up! -
Author: Croswynd
Description: Continuing the search for Havoc's locked away powers, Novell and Whisper must lead their friends on separate quests to both the wintry peaks of the Draconic Domain and Dromadary, the deserts of the Camels. Unprepared for her newfound role as leader, Whisper must brave a labyrinth of political intrigue and assassinations, while Novell is forced to put his diplomacy aside and stand his ground before the might of the dragons. All the while, the avatar of chaos schemes from the shadows, gathering deadly, new allies to bring about a world under his direct control.
Havoc's Hourglass (New Part 3!)
The sands of Havoc's Hourglass diminish with each day gone by.
Additional Tags: Political Intrigue and Draconic "Negotiations"op 8:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: Croswynd, Fanfiction, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Star-Needed, Story -
With season 4 in full swing, the pony world is looking incredibly busy once again. From an EQD standpoint, things started off a little sluggish after the Princess Twilight two-parter hype died down, but this last month has brought us back to an era we haven't seen since the great explosion of season two.
The ponynet has many things that keep us interested between episodes, from meetups and fan content to the official comic series. Our massive community is what keeps the "brony" phenomenon alive when Hasbro surprises us with nine months of no episodes.
So what portion of the world of pony do you take part in the most? Are you one of those that comes on for a fan animation or two then disappears until the next episode? Or do you obsessively follow every single piece of fan produced material you can get your hands on?
Hit the comments up! -
Artisan Pony Crafts Compilation #33
by Calpain
Now look at this perfect looking example of equine muscle! Doesn't he just make you want to shout?
Huge compilation this time around guys! Check out the awesome after the break.
[1] Source
Bulk Biceps, AKA Snowflake, AKA Roid Rage
The second installment of Pony Tales, the compilation series that covers the Micro Comics (Celestia, Luna, CMC, and Spike in this case) is releasing tomorrow. While there isn't a whole lot of new here, it's a good way to catch up on the last half a year of micros. Comicosity has a 9 page preview up. Find that over here! -
I'm kind of disappointed that Flutters didn't keep at least a few of those bat features. The ears look really good on her!
Maybe some day...
Now go get some art!
[1] Source
iTunes has the first official MLP comic up completely free over on iTunes right now. If you have an account, you might as well grab it if you haven't already. Find it over here!
Thanks to Sage Everfree for the heads up! -
Tumblr Spotlight: Ask Mare Sombra / Equestria Gardens / Anhari's Rhyming / Selestia and Runa
by Calpain
It's been far too long since the last Tumblr Spotlight so let's mix things up with a wide variety of different tumblrs to explore today! We've got a R63 Sombra, a Korean Celestia and Luna tumblr, an adorable zebra OC and an amazing rendition of our beloved ponies as real horses. All worth checking out in my opinion!
As always, if you have a tumblr you would like to share, whether it is your own or someone elses, please make sure to send it my way at calpain@equestriadaily.com or my Twitter for review and filing. Mature themed ones (PG-13) are welcome as well!
Now on to the tumblrs!
It looks like MLP figures are stepping into the world of wild and wacky. USA Today has revealed these guys, with snappable parts that let you mix and match various manes and tails. The base models were already revealed a few days ago with that Sugar Cube Corner set, but we didn't get a chance to see the crazy hair. Expect to see these some time during the holidays according to the end of the article.
And get more images below.
Nostalgia Critic's recent Ghost Rider review pulled a bit of pony off at a couple of points in it's 30 minute length. While nothing too significant if you are just here for the pony, enough of you are fans of it that I figured it would be a good idea to set it for a sub slot here. The first happens at the 24:10 mark, and the second at 31:05. Head on over here to check it out!
Thanks to everyone for sending it in! -
Michael Morones' Story Hits People Magazine
by Calpain
The massive publication People Magazine has picked up on the Michael Morones' story, bringing it to a national level in the public eye. It doesn't appear to contain much new information, but the fact it has reached such a big publication is pretty big news in of itself.
Hopefully this spreads some more awareness of Michael's plight and put a bigger spotlight on bullying.
People Magazine Article
Also on Topless Robot Now! -
With conventions taking place all over the world we can't forget the Big Apple! Big Apple PonyCon has recently revamped their website to prepare for the big event this year with ticketing now available as well as announce the attendance of the Mother of Pony herself, Bonnie Zacherle.
Check on after the break for the full details!
A music site going by the name of "Pigeons and Planes" did an extensive article on all things pony music. Visiting their main page, it's almost shocking seeing our overly colorful equines headlining a place primarily stylized toward modern music with it's monochrome color scheme. Don't let the out of place nature fool you though, this one digs deeper than most media outlets and touches upon just about every aspect of our humongous music community, from the convention scene to specific artists.
Anyway, if you are curious, head on over here to read it! -
Comic: There's a Monster At The End / Ancient Relic / Helping Applejack / Cut to the Cheese!
by Calpain
Now this is an incredibly clever comic strip I've got to admit. You guys never cease to amaze me you know?
Click for full as usual and the Ancient Relic comic is multiple pages so make sure to check the description for the other parts!
Twitter: Calpain -
Convention Compilation - Feb 4
by Calpain
I had no idea what to use for a header so have some Cheese Sandwich; he's always relevant. Got some convention news from all over the globe today so check it all out after the break!
- BABSCon 20% Off Sale Reminder
- Amy Keating Rogers at MLP-MSP
- Canterlot University Art Contest
Friendship is Magic Season 3 DVD Releases Today on Amazon, Plus Poster Book Pre-orders Open!
by Sethisto
A small reminder for all you people out there that don't like pre-ordering things, the Friendship is Magic Season 3 Shout Factory DVD is now available over on Amazon for 15 bucks. While most of us are probably pretty jealous of our European buddies and their Blu-Ray compilations, It's still a good way to add pony to your collection.
Head on over here to grab it.
And if DVDs aren't your thing, the poster book is now available for pre-order joining the Daring Do Collection and Journal of the Two Sisters tossed up yesterday. Find that over here!
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