Nightly Roundup #882
by Calpain
You know, Zecora probably has some really awesome ghost stories to tell around a camp fire. Plus they would all be done in rhyme which makes it ever better!
Evening folks! Not too much in the way of news tonight though we do have a bit of media for you all to dig through if that is your thing. Cake too! Get it all after the break.
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Author: ocalhoun
Description: After years of trying, Scootaloo finally discovers her special talent.
One In A Million
It's the worst thing that ever happened to her. She'll have to leave Rainbow Dash and all her friends behind as she's forced to go off and learn about her new talent... and then it gets worse.
Additional Tags: Scootaloo flies by using magic
op 7:00 PM
Labels: Adventure, Author: ocalhoun, Fanfiction, Incomplete, OC Ponies, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Star-Needed, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Drawfriend Stuff #1060
by Calpain
We've had mention of the Breezies in last weekend's episode so I wonder when we're going to get a sea pony episode? I wouldn't mind if the girls got all waterlogged and had an undersea adventure!
Seth is out for the day so I pieced together what I could! Hope I remember how to do this right.
[1] Source
One of the less publicized announcements from the London Toy Fair was the playset found up above. This is the first time I've actually seen images of the thing. For all you collectors out there it is probably going to be yet another addition to your way-over-ponified rooms. For everyone else, there is an interesting description to go along with it. While these may or may not be related to the current season's keys, It's still worth noting:
Ages 3 and up, Available Autumn 2014
My Little Pony fans can discover the newest royal empire inside the Friendship Rainbow Kingdom Castle Playset, a grand three level palace fit for a pony princess! Use the friendship keys to unlock a number of magical accessories within the kingdom, including a wardrobe, vanity, book, and treasure chest. Pony friends can travel the kingdom in style on the rolling cloud car, taking a ride down a fun swirly slide.
Thanks to Andrea for the heads up! More Toy Fair stuff over here. -
Another Pinkie's Pride clip has surfaced over on a Youtube channel called "Geekscape TV". Once again, it expands on Cheese Sandwich. They also have an updated synopsis to go with it. Head on down below the break for both!
Thanks to Marxa for the heads up!
(Update: Second clip added and get some high resolution images over at Geekscape!)
BABSCon Announces Natasha Levinger
by Calpain
After her debut episode Pinkie Apple Pie and song Apples to the Core, I'm sure quite a few of you would love meet the writer in person. Now is your chance as BABSCon announces Natasha's attendance at her first pony convention!
Check on after the break for the full press release.
Eile Monty has been hosting a livestream to benefit Micheal Morones today (Information over here for those that missed it). So far they are up to a whopping $5,435 already reaching the goal. If you'd like to join in, head on over here for the stream, which includes some live drawing and the usual shenanigans, and here for the donation page! -
The usual MLP Design Contest over at We Love Fine has expanded to something even greater this time around. From the 11th of February all the way to November, winners will be chosen every other week. Winners will receive $250 in cash and consideration into the Mighty Fine artist program (where you sell your shirts).
The full information can be found over here! Good luck! -
The Evolution of My Little Pony Commercials
by Calpain
A large number of us first started our love for little colored equines starting with the advent of the fourth generation of MLP, but ponies have been around longer than most of us have been alive. As such, it's interesting to take a look at the past of MLP and see how far it has really come over the past 30 so years. Thanks to the efforts of MLP Evolution, we have a compilation of MLP commercials ranging from 1984 till now that will help show how far we've come!
Fun fact from OneBrokePony: Most of the G2 commercials in the video are in French because G2 wasn't sold as widely in the US as they were in Europe. G3 saw a resurgence of pony in the US.
Check after the break for the full video and a short video of what G1 looked like in the 80s in Japan. It really isn't what you'd expect! Thanks to OneBrokePony again for this piece of info. Also, check out what goes into a pony commercial before it is made with some cool storyboards for some G4 commercials.
4 Days Left For The 2014 Herd Census
by Calpain
The Herd Census is drawing to a close on the 31st this month and already 10k people have left their input! Check out below for the full info and above for a little taste of what the census has to offer.
The 2014 Herd Census will come to a close on Friday the 31st at 11:59PM, so there’s not much time left to join the more than 10,000 ponies who have participated so far this year. Just 20 minutes can help the brony research community compile a more accurate picture of where bronies live, what they like about the show, and what the brony personality is all about. We know there are a lot more bronies hiding out there, and we want to makes sure that everpony gets counted. Besides, if you don’t participate, someone else’s favorite might win the honor of Statistically Best Pony!
English Speakers can take the survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/M7KF9G6 All other languages: http://survey.herdcensus.com
Twitter: Calpain -
Author: TacticalRainboom
Description: A thousand years ago, jealousy transformed me into a creature of darkness named Nightmare Moon, and I attempted to plunge the world into eternal night. In order to protect Equestria and her little ponies, Princess Celestia used the Elements of Harmony to banish me. This is the story as you have heard it.
Waking from the Nightmare
The story is not entirely false. I became Nightmare Moon, I rebelled against my sister, and in the end, I was banished by the Elements of Harmony. But time has eroded the story, and much of it has been forgotten.
This is the story of Nightmare Moon as told by the only one who remembers the truth.
Additional Tags: The night will last forever.
op 11:00 AM
Labels: Author: TacticalRainboom, Celestia, Complete, Dark, Fanfiction, Nightmare Moon, Star-Needed, Story -
Bunch of Pony Folk to Follow On Twitter
by Calpain
We've got a bunch of awesome folk for you guys to follow today! With the recent talking role for Soarin in Rainbow Falls it bears mentioning again that he is voiced by the talented Matt Hill who has also voiced not only other characters on MLP but is known for being Ed on Ed, Edd, and Eddy!
Besides Matt, we also have some show staff as well as the voice of Megan from the old MLP cartoons that could use some love. First up is Joel Dickie who is a layout supervisor for MLP: FiM followed by Nicole Dubuc who worked as a story consultant on season 1 before going on to work on Rescue Bots. Finally, we have Bettina Bush who served as the voice of Megan in the old generations of MLP.
Find all their links below and give them some love for their involvement in MLP and MLP:FiM
Matt Hill - Voice of Soarin
Bettina Bush - Voice of Megan
Nicole Dubuc - Story Consultant on Season 1
Joel Dickie - Layout Supervisor on MLP:FiM
Twitter: Calpain -
So that's what happened to that house! Oh well, at least you can say life isn't dull in the land of Equestria!
Comics guys, click for full.
Twitter: Calpain
Stay Brony My Friends has always been up for helping the needy whether it be in the community or elsewhere! This week, the show is looking to raise some funds for a friend in need. You can find out all you need to know in the press release after the break. There's also a chance of winning some prizes as well if you help out so give it a look!
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