Nightly Roundup #875
by Calpain
I don't know about you guys, but I really love it when the ponies act like their namesake and horse around a little. Must be nice to have food anywhere you walk.
News time everyone. Mainly a lot of reviews and analysis today, but there are some other tidbits in there as well!
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Fallout: Equestria is a big, expansive and inclusive universe that has spawned a whole plethora of side-stories,the newest and freshly updated editions of which are listed below.This post only features New or Updated stories from Monday, December 16th, 2013 through Friday, January 17th, 2014 for a total of 114 stories (11 of which are new) and 242 new chapters -but fear not, should you be searching for old favourites, you can find them at:- The Official Fallout: Equestria Resource Site
- Fallout: Equestria Group on Fimfiction
- In the Official Fallout: Equestria Side Stories Compilation Document
- In the old Equestria Daily Compilation post
Check them out after the break. -
Custom Compilation #113
by Calpain
Now this is one rocking 90s Octavia! Maybe show Octavia went through a rebellious rocking phase before she settled down, huh?
Customs on the way guys, get them after the break.
[1] Source
Phresh 90's Tavi
Comic: Overshadowed / Regifting / The Sitcomic / MLP 4koma / Applejack Loves Chaurus Eggs
by Calpain
Derpy certainly doesn't have to do much to steal a scene! At least you have company now AJ.
Comics once again! Click for full.
Twitter: Calpain
Rainbow Falls! I totally run a website about rainbows.
Get some art below!
[1] Source
Bulk of Colour
UPDATE: Ask, and receive. Let's push the submission deadline to Thursday, January 23, 11:59 PM PST.
When one-third of your kingdom's population can tell gravity to go tuck itself in bed at any given moment, that's going to be a lot of secret awesome many ponies never get to experience. Beyond just bending the third dimension to their will, something as simple, yet unorthodox as giving pegasus ponies the ability to control the weather has seeded some of the show's finest settings and stories.Who hasn't looked out of an airplane at 36,000 feet? Those clouds down there certainly look solid enough, don't they? My favorite ponies may not be pegasi, but I have to admit I wouldn't hesitate to take a walk on the winged side if I had the chance.Hit the break for this week's prompt, and prepare for something a little different this time.
Another year, and a boatload of conventions to go with it. I'm expecting these guys to grow pretty large this time around. Nothing keeps a fandom going like a giant get-together!
Head on down below for all the ones that have been sent in so far. If you are running a convention, please reference this post for information on submitting yours.
Updated: July 4th: Added UK Ponycon, DerpyCon South
I originally thought this was a fake tweet making the rounds, but apparently she actually sent this one out. While there aren't any guarantees that something like this would end up happening, It appears that Jan and Claire may team up on a fan animation project. Considering how much Sweetie is in Button's Adventures, it's not too surprising to see more. Can you imagine hearing the actual voice of the pony in a fan project though? That would be wild.
Again though, no guarantees. For all we know it could just be a fun little Twitter jab.
Jan did drop a response though, so anything is possible!
Update: Apparently this is a private "card" for a friend according to Claire's dad.
When Rainbow Dash touches down, the ground is already shaking. Everypony in Rainbow Falls is roaring with approval, their hooves outstretched towards her, the sky, and the timer that’s egging them all on from the center of the pitch. She’s just flown one of the fastest steepleflight splits in history and, with fractions of a second to spare, put the team from the town of Ponyville on her back and qualified for the Equestria Games.
But even as the shouts and cheers wash over her, even as Spitfire and the other Wonderbolts walk up to congratulate her, Rainbow’s thoughts are on something else. She’s the reason Ponyville was able to qualify, but she wouldn't have even had the opportunity to try without her flightmates. From across the pitch, Bulk Biceps strides solemnly forward, parting the crowd with ease as Fluttershy follows close behind him. As Spitfire smiles and starts to talk, Rainbow Dash raises a hoof right in her face, sidesteps past her, and meets Bulk halfway.
“You,” he growls, raising his foreleg to point at her nose. A moment later, the leg drops, and he smirks. “You’re still dangerous,” he admits. Caught up in the emotion of the moment, he can’t bring himself to say it, so Fluttershy puts a hoof on his shoulder and says it for him.
“You can be our wingpony anytime,” she says. Rainbow takes one last glance back at the Wonderbolts, then turns back to Fluttershy and shakes her head. Earlier today, she wouldn’t have thought twice about leaving her team behind for a chance to join the fastest ponies in Equestria. Now, though, she couldn’t imagine flying with anypony else.
“Horseapples,” she says with a grin. “You guys can be mine.”
I’m Aquaman, this is the “Rainbow Falls” episode followup, and if you aren’t listening to Kenny Loggins right now then I have nothing else to say to you. Let’s take off. -
Poll Results: With the page smudged, Pinkie remains a mystery. Is she an Apple family member or Not?
by Sethisto
Welcome to the Apple family Pinkie Pie! At least in the fanon world.
New Poll: Lets throw two fan favorite poll dominators together for once in the next one. With the Derpy train still on full steam ahead, will Luna finally lose something? Hit the poll on the side bar and decide! -
Radio Play: Domestics / Anthropology: The Audio Drama - Chapter Eight / Property Damage / Historical Equestria 01 / Fallout Equestria: Silver Linings Episode 1
by Sethisto
Radio plays! We have a bunch today. Get them all below.
1.) DW&A Short: Domestics
2.) Anthropology: The Audio Drama - Chapter Eight - Property Damage
3.) Historical Equestria 01- From Grazing Age to Great Cataclysm
4.) Fallout Equestria: Silver Linings Episode 1
5.) Sherlock Hooves: A Dash of Color
Another one of those limited time shirt sites has a pony shirt available, this time focusing on Luna. It's available for just 12 bucks at the moment, though as with all of these will disappear in a few hours. Get it over here if you want it.
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