Nightly Roundup #873
by Calpain
I guess I'll jump on the Coco Pommel bandwagon as well. She is really cute and had a really sweet voice. Hope we see more of her in the future!
Anyhow, short Roundup tonight folks! Get it after the break! Seeya in the morning after the new episode.
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Pinkie Says Goodnight - What Fourth Wall?
by Calpain
Everyone ready for tomorrow's episode? Pinkie certainly is and she is ready to say good night to you all as we wait these last few hours for the new episode!
Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
Coming back from seeing The Wolf of Wallstreet, I can totally agree with how dark this song is.
Anyway, tombstone made a really awesome new one with Asi Meskin. Get it below.
And thanks for the swarm who sent it! I always do love seeing the mass amounts of emails on things. It's a lot more exciting to post!
Convention Compilation - January 17
by Calpain
Isn't Peanut Bucker adorable? Well, she and quite a few others have some news for you today in today's convention compilation! Check on after the break for the full scoop.
- TrotCon 2014 Guest Announcements
- Edmonton Brony Expo Announcement
- EFNW 2014: Ponystock 2014 Application Live
- BronyCAN 2014 - Pre-registration, con theme, panels, and hotel information
Story: The Riddle
by Calpain
[Slice of Life]
Author: Golden Vision
Description: When you’re young, it seems like old age is an eternity away. For Twilight Sparkle, though—student, librarian, and eventual alicorn—growing up is anything but difficult. There’s a mystery to life, she realizes: a spark, a dream. A riddle from Celestia may hold the answers that Twilight seeks, but a princess’s words may take a lifetime to understand.
The Riddle
Additional Tags: What's the Meaning of Life? -
Traveling Pony Museum 24 Hour Fundraiser
by Calpain
The Traveling Pony Museum, exhibitors of some of the best pony works the fandom has to offer, is running a fundraiser starting at 8pm EST tonight to raise some money for the group. If you're interested in the arts and would like to help out, check after the link for all the ways you can help and the cool things you can pick up while doing so.
Update: Over here instead!
Does Lauren Faust's OC pony have a name other than Lauren Faust? I don't think I've ever even considered that.
Get some art below!
[1] Source
Towers in the Sky
We Love Fine has expanded their keychain section with three new ones (found above). Luna, Pinkie, and Chrysalis can be found in the pony section for 10 bucks a pop.
And in the new episode world, we have a Pinkie's Pride shirt with Cheese Sandwiches in tow. I'll put that below the break for all you people that haven't accidently run into it yet.
Get it all over here!
Despite what your reaction to an ask blog of this subject matter may be, there is no doubt that Ask Princess Molestia was a titan in the Tumblr world. With over 68,600 followers, there weren't many that came close. As of today, it appears to have finally shut down for good.
Aside from the adult level humor, this was the birthplace of the much loved Gamer Luna, or at least where she really took hold and spread across the ponynet. The headphone clad moon princess has spawned an endless supply of art, animations, comics, and music over the years. I doubt we will ever see an end to her.
The trio behind it (JJ, Calpain, Jen) plan on starting something else up outside the realm of pony this spring. Keep on eye on their Twitter pages for updates on that. -
The next book in the main series of pony comics has officially released and hopefully a good amount of you got a chance to read through it and do some brain storming. What did you think? Hit the comments up below! And if you haven't read it already, have some links/locations to go get it:
Variants (Images in order from right to left, top to bottom)
Cover A
Cover B
Retail Incentive
(Not sure what this one is)
IDW Solicitations for April - Main Series #18, Friends Forever #4 My Little Pony Comics Revealed
by Sethisto
Solicitations have been released for both the 18th main series comic and the fourth friends forever comic! These are way out there in April, so we have a bit of time before they ever see the light of day. Head on down below the break for the information on them though!
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