• Netflix Not Axing Friendship is Magic According to Customer Service

    The image above is from someone's Netflix instant queue.  It appears that, at least in the queue section, that Friendship is Magic is being removed on the first of January.  Quite a few people have brought this up, so we decided to bug their customer service area and find out from the source. Our response was pretty straight forward:

    "...I checked with my team and there are no updates that the show license will expire or be removed soon, so no worries, keeep enjoying that show!!"

     So I guess we can all rest easy! It sounds like the instant queue image is simply filled with either a placeholder date, or bugged out.  Considering the 4th season was just recently added, it seemed a little bit odd that the entire series would be scrapped so soon afterward.

    Thanks to Sleepysteve, Jamiella, and everyone else that brought it to our attention!