Nightly Roundup #1118
by Calpain
Happy New Year everyone! Welcome to the last post on EqD for 2014 (unless Seth posts something after this goes up...). We're looking forward to 2015 with you, so we'll see you then!
News time guys, get it after the break!
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Nightly Discussion #217
by Calpain
Why not some party pony on the last day of the year? Hope you're all having some fun tonight!
But while you're taking a break from all the partying, why not chat a little? Or heck, have your own little party in the comments!
Twitter: Calpain
I totally had a new years Trixie heading this to start, but then I realized it would probably get me in all sorts of trouble if it wasn't hidden by a tag, so have Applejack Samus instead, which is equally cool.
Now go get art!
[1] Source
Cosplay series: Samus.
TrotCon Announces G.M. Berrow!
by Calpain
TrotCon is starting to get things set up for the new year as they are now happy to announce the attendance of G.M. Berrow to their guest lineup! Not only that, but for a limited time only ticket prices are $35 until the 10th of January when things bump up to $45 a ticket.
Check out the full presser after the break!
Hitting both sides of the pony instrumental music spectrum, with some Orchestral from Carbon Maestro as part of the Carrot Top and Derpy series, followed by an electronic track from Nicholas Dominique dedicated to Celestia. Get both below!
1.) Carbon Maestro - Wings Of Bravery (D&CT) (Instrumental - Orchestral)
2.) Nicolas Dominique - Sunshine (Instrumental - Electronic)
Author: Titanium Dragon
Description: Long ago, before the ponies came to this land, the buffalo roamed free across the hills and plains, and the stampedes could run from mountain to sea without fear. In those days, a buffalo brave, Falling Rocks, became legend. Come, listen to the tale of how he saved his people. A story of buffalo mythology.
The Legend of Falling Rocks, Buffalo Brave
Additional Tags: Buffalo mythology, Native American style -
We do have a habit of getting underfoot...Hey guys! In just one short hour the staff of Equestria Daily (Blogponies and Pre-Readers or at least as many as we can track down) will be going live to chatter and answer questions! find it over here and feel free to throw questions at us down below.We'll update this post when it goes live. Hope to see you there.
Celestia and Discord from the POP! lineup that Funko creates are now appearing in stores. Discord in particular is available over at the Hot Topic website if you don't feel like making the trip. Celestia was found at Hot Topic (and is labeled as an exclusive) while Discord was snagged at a comic store called Newbury Comics.
It might be best to call around before making the trips, as stock on Funko figures in general is always a little bit random. Hell, it took me 2 months to get Rarity and Daring Do.
Thanks to Swift Blaze and t.K for the heads up!
Comic: Twilight's Magical Solutions / A Deadly Feast / Diamond and Dazzle: Session / The Royal Flu 5
by Calpain
Maybe giving Twilight all that power wasn't such a good idea. Celestia should totally do psych profiles on any pony she wants to make into an alicorn.
Comics guys! Click for full!
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Twitter: Calpain -
Top 50 Pony Music Countdown Airs Today!
by Calpain
It's New Year's Eve and you know what that means! That's right, the Top 50 Pony Music Countdown is ready to air today thanks in large part to your votes. If you want some nice pony tunes check out the info below on how you can participate.
Over 10,000 votes went into this year's race, so many that we had to run two rounds to narrow down finalists. Also, we're totally trying to raise money for Bronies for Good. Donate, or use the hashtag #PonyTop50 on Twitter to be entered for the drawing to win cool prizes like art, collectible cards, and even a mini twilight sparkle plushie!
Tune in December 31, 2014 from around 1pm to 7pm EST (6pm-midnight GMT) as your host, the man they call Toast, counts them down on Ponyville Live's Fillydelphia Radio!
Twitter: Calpain -
Early Morning Discussion #79
by Calpain
New Years Eve is here everyone! Got any big plans to kick off 2015? I know I'll be dining with family as we wait for the ball to drop!
Ready for a chat my friends?
Twitter: Calpain -
Nightly Roundup #1117
by Calpain
That poor pony. I guess these kids really do like MLP, but that pony's friends aren't going to let him live it down.
Last Roundup of 2014 everyone! Another year down!
Arriving soon in many card shops, comic stores, and hobby locales across the US is the latest issue of Game Trade Magazine, commonly given out free to customers. And, included in Issue #179 of GTM is an exclusive alternate art promo version of this excellent blue Ultra Rare from Premiere Edition: Rainbow Dash, Winged Wonder!
Winged Wonder is a great addition to practically any blue deck. Don't play blue? This is excellent trade fodder. Either way, you can't lose. This issue of GTM is going to fly off the shelves, so be sure to check in with your friendly local game shop soon! -
Nightly Discussion #216
by Calpain
The CMC are just adorable little fillies! We get such great artwork of them around this time of year. Sing your hearts out girls!
Evening everyone, ready to chat?
Twitter: Calpain -
We have another thing to look forward to this Spring, with Fluttershy now available for pre-order at 4DE! The estimated release period is some time in March, and as is the norm for plushies from these guys, they can sometimes be pretty tricky to acquire. I'm not usually into the pre-order thing, but in this case it's a good idea if you want one. They are going to go fast, just like last time.
On top of that, the unicorn version of Twilight Sparkle is getting another run before they shift over to Alicorn. She joins Fluttershy for a March 2015 release period. It's about time she popped up again!
Have the links:
Fluttershy Pre-order
Twilight Sparkle (Unicorn) Pre-order
TAAACOS. You better be joining Sonata here for some glorious tacos today.
Below the break, get loads of art to check out while you eat your tacos!
[1] Source
Taco Tuesday Tactical Team
Story: Funatics
by Calpain
[Slice of Life]
Author: Baal Bunny
Description: A simple exchange of gifts between the Royal Sisters becomes not-so-simple as the fun gets doubled, then quadrupled, then very nearly octupled.
Additional Tags: Celestia's hard to buy forop 4:00 PM
Labels: Author: Baal Bunny, Celestia, Complete, Fanfiction, Luna, Normal, Pinkie Pie, Story, Twilight Sparkle -
Dang, it's a good thing that Rainbow Dash stuck with Tank! If you let her have whatever she wanted it probably would be something that could endanger the town.
Comics folks! Click for full!
Comic Updates:
Twitter: Calpain -
Courage is Magic 1.18 Releases! Full Dungeons and Dragons Conversion For all YouTable Toppers Out There
by Sethisto
I remember the days rolling the d20 around. Good times. Courage is Magic has released it's new update, with a bunch of classes, weapons, and more to keep that Dungeons and Dragons style pony madness going long into the future. The full update note can be found below the break!
One thing is for certain, the pony community definitely takes the show's "friendship" morals to heart. From meetup groups to giant conventions, getting together and celebrating Friendship is Magic is just something the fandom does.
There are a lot of them, and not everyone is so social. I wonder how many people out there simply lurk the various pony based things o n the internet, but never get involved beyond that?
I guess it will be difficult to get them to come out of the woodwork and comment, but for the rest of you, have you ever been to a MLP meetup or convention? Was it your first time meeting people from online in person? How did your experience go? Hit the comments up with your story!
Apparently, Hasbro ran out of ideas and just sell the logo itself on things now. This case was found at a Toys R' Us in New York. Apparently it has a button to press on the "My" part, though no batteries are included.
I'm more confused at a toy that is literally just the log than anything else.
Thanks to Lauryn for sending it, and get more random merch below!
With the pony Armageddon joining the swarm of other Hasbro toy brands doing incredibly well right now, Hasbro's main franchises have jump a whopping 36%. This includes My Little Pony, Transformers, Play-Doh, and Magic: The Gathering. While it isn't split per brand like normal, quite a few toys have released in the last year that would probably point toward pony being a big chunk of that increase.
Here's to hoping it keeps going! More money in Hasbro's pocket means potentially better ways to not give us giant gaps of time with no pony! I need side a side series.
The full article with all the specific percentages can be found over here.
Thanks to Sleepysteve for sending it.
Capricorn Restaurant in Manila, Phillipines - Clever Photoshop? Or Best Restaurant Ever?
by Sethisto
As one of the best Horoscope ponies from a few years ago, Capricorn clearly needed to be loved. A restaurant in Manila, Philippines is taking it to the next level though, with an entire restaurant branded with her glorious visage. Either this is a photoshop (and a good one at that with the reflections on the sign on the upper left), or we may have a new brony meetup location for all you Filipino people (I had no idea that was spelled with an F, why is that?) .
Lets hope someone from Hasbro sees it and opens some Horoscope pony restaurants over here in the states!
Thanks to Jason for the heads up.
(Update: Turns out it is completely legit, providing karaoke, Drinks, and... Prostitutes.)
Here's something I bet a lot of people would like in their houses. Someone painted a giant pony wall mural of Canterlot and Celestia over on imgur. I guess if you have the talent and wallspace, you might as well fill it with a painting! Now we need a Luna one, along with more information. I wonder how long it took them?
Would you paint an entire wall in your house with ponies?
Thanks to Khalua for the heads up.
For those outside of the UK looking to pick one of these Sunset Shimmer's up, she appears to be popping up in two more locations for the US/Canada residence. Amazon has her listed at 16.99
with 18 up as of the creation of this post.
Along with that, if you prefer the more physical retailers, people have mentioned that she has been spotted at both Target and Walmart. We don't have images of those though.
Thanks to Izerae, Meltonk, and everyone else for sending them!
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