I just love moths, they're so fuzzy and cute! Looks like this moth has grown quite attached to AJ though it's going to be awful hard to put her hat on with it there.
News time guys! Get it all after the break.
Tonight's Stories
Ponies on a Bus - Mexico City
Looks like EqG is getting some advertising on Mexico City buses! Nice!
My Little Brony - California State University Article
More and more articles about the fandom in college papers! We really are everywhere.
Check out the full story here!
Ponibooru Film Night
Poster artist DaisyHead here. We're watching the
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie this week.
Hosts will be:
Harlequin Jester
Pony Cat
LOCATION WILL BE HERE: http://www.livestream.com/poniboorufilmnight?t=250163
Tonight's Successful Meetups
Medicine Hat Meetup
So we decided to hit up Walmart to see what this whole Rainbow Rocks party hubbub was about. It was nothing really special, just mostly stuff for the target demographic, but we managed to have lots of fun and hang and talk.
Tonight's Groups Looking For More
Brony Network Stream Weekend
Next weekend is Thanksgiving and we hope everyone have a safe and happy thanksgiving.
Friday {11/14/14}:
Monty Python and the Holy Grail {PG-13}: [BN Lounge 4]
9pm Central / 10pm Eastern / 7pm Pacific
Saturday {11/15/14}
Toonami Pre-Show: [King's Lounge 2]
King's Game Stream: Super Smash Bros for Wii U
1pm CT / 2pm ET / 11pm PT
Toonami [King's Lounge 2]
10:30pm CT / 11:30pm ET / 8:30pm PT
Sunday {11/16/14}
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 1 {PG-13} [BN Lounge 9]
1:20pm CT / 2:20pm ET / 11:20am PT
Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows Part 2 {PG-13} [BN Lounge 9]
3:40pm CT / 4:40pm ET / 1:40pm PT
[Classifed] {BN Special Live Event, Revealed on our Steam Community Group Page}
[BN Lounge 9 & 10]
6pm CT / 7pm ET / 4pm PT
Follow Us on Twitter @TheBronyNetwork or Steam Community Group for more News & Updates.
MLP CCG Pre-Release Tournament - Henderson, Nevada - The Gaming Goat
Henderson, Nevada - The Gaming Goat - (702) 586-3650
Address: 245 N Stephanie Street, Suite A
When: Saturday November 23, 12:00pm
Details: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1H1f0pJjpJD95rcuBQU9Wvb49zRGtXMBn5px6Yd_7U7E/edit?usp=sharing
Facebook Event: http://www.facebook.com/events/381586038673874/
Looking for voice actors for the pony characters in "Super Smash Bros Worlds"
I (The creator of the Smash game in last Round ups) am looking for some voice actors for the pony characters (All are female roles.) and the Smash announcer (Who can be male or female.).
The characters that need a voice are:
Littlepip (FO:E, playable character)
Trixie (Unknown to be assist or playable.)
Black Jack (Fallout Equestria, Playable)
Twilight Sparkle (Also unknown to be an assist or playable.)
Velvet Remedy (Assist)
Bon Bon + Lyra (Playable???)
and everyone's favorite pony, The ANNOUNCER! Please submit auditions to the email Mynameisnotmario@gmail.com.
Also, those who want to voice the playable ones are definitely expected to scream like they're falling off a ledges and "Squeak" in pain, so yeah. Make sure no one is around. They might think you're dying.
Hopefully it can be posted TONIGHT at the Nightly Roundup
There is a Pre-release of The Crystal Games at Frank & Son Collectible Show.
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Starting at 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Entry is $25 and what you'll be getting is...
6 The Crystal Games booster packs
1 exclusive foil participation cards
1 My Little Pony CCG buttons
1 My Little Pony CCG dice & counter bags
1 My Little Pony CCG post cards
Also, there will be prizes and raffles
There will be a tournament of 4 or 5 rounds to declare our winner. At the end of each round (40 mins), we'll have raffles. You must be present to receive the prize.
Game Format is Sealed.
Also If you've never been to Frank and Son Collectible Show, they have over +250 vendors selling tons of stuff! It's a shopping mall(Swap meet) for card, comic, pony, and more!
I advise you to eat before coming. There are some food/snack vendors too.
I will keep updating any new information and reply to your comments within 12 hours or less.
Invite your friends and family to learn to play too!
Meetup Sweden
Hello everypony.
We are currently hosting a Rainbow Rocks meetup near Västerhaninge, Sweden at the 29th of November (Saturday).
Due to difficulties on finding other Bronies around the areas, we are currently posting this on EQD on search for new people who would be interested on joining us. Incase you are interested please check out the event at Facebook for further information, regarding busses and other subjects:
We will also have an other meetup, but located in Stockholm, in 13th of December (more information will be posted later).
Incase you are wondering of something, feel free to contact our host personally via Facebook or by posting a post in the facebook event.
Tonight's Podcasts and Blogs
The MBS Show Reviews: MLP Comic Book 21 & 22 Manehattan Mysteries
Hey there bronies & pegasisters
Join Norman Sanzo, James Corck and Silver Quill as they discuss what we like and dislike about the My Little Pony Comic Book number 21 & 22 Manehattan Mysteries.
What is wrong with Flash Sentry
Today In Pony History
November 21, 2011-2013
2011 - How Equestria Was Made.
2012 - One Bad Apple teaser.
2013 - Another season 4 premier teaser.
Twitter: Calpain