Nightly Roundup #1102
by Calpain
At least Scootaloo has all these different RDs to keep her company before getting a good nights sleep. Sleep well little Scoots!
Got some news tonight for you guys! Get it after the break.
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What Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie Could have Looked Like - Horrible Knockoffs
by Sethisto
We lucked out when Lauren Faust picked up this pony filled awesomeness a few years ago. One thing a lot of companies love to do is attempt to ride on that fame, and these are some of the most recent toy knockoffs Yes, those are indeed Pinkie Pie, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash's cutie marks, albiet a bit different colored. I for one am very afraid.
Luckily this alternate reality never came to be. We ended up with some of the most appealing character models in cartoons, all of which will live on for years after the show is over.
So go celebrate our ponies. They deserve it.
Thanks to @JonDGlass for the images up! -
Nightly Discussion #186
by Calpain
If you want to turn a baddie into something harmless just turn them into a little kid. They get 10x more adorable with their mini-sized evilness.
Evening guys! Ready to chat before going back to work/school on Monday?
Twitter: Calpain -
Something we have always wanted to do here on EQD, but couldn't due to time constraints, is run editorials and interesting articles on various topics around ponyland. With most of the EQD staff working full time tech jobs on the side, and the rest of us trying to keep up with the general pony news/fandom creations as a whole, periods of inspiration for putting together anything well researched (or well written) in the editorial sphere are rare.
Our editorial section is a good example of how uncommon these are, with only a handful in the last year or so (and many of them more silly than useful). That's something we have wanted to change for a long time. And so, in usual pony community way, we ask the masses out there for help.
Do you have a super interesting article in mind that you think would be awesome to publish here on EQD? We are opening up the submit box for it!
As with most things here, we will only be able to accept a limited amount, and typically only the best. Silly topics are welcome (top 5 cutest ponies in socks on the way), but we'd like to get some in depth interesting stuff as well.
THE CHOSEN will get to publish their completed article, and of course, list their Twitter, Deviant Art, or whatever other social network page they want people to go bug them on. Since EQD has always been relatively small in the grand scheme of the internet, and never large enough to fully hire anyone, these will be volunteer based. As an added note, we are not taking older already published articles. Just brand new stuff!
And with that, we are open! Hit the submit box up if you are interested in giving it a shot. Have some examples too:
(Serious/in depth) Fandom History Series 1 / 2 / 3
(Silly/Fun) 5 Things we Want to See in Season 5
THE COLORS EQD, THE COLORS. You know what I hate about modern gaming outside the Wii-U? No colors. What is with the browns and grays that have dominated the last decade? Why is Final Fantasy 15 promising browns and grays with generic anime dudes on motorcycles? What happened to my ridiculously colorful Spira? I demand a rethink on the way gaming works in the next 10 years! We need colors!
And this art is awesome.
Get some more awesome art below.
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The Keepers of Discord (Illustration)
Custom Compilation #127
by Calpain
Just look at that Sonata! That hair is gorgeous and she even has little sockies! Squee~
Ahem, um, yes... We've got a huge compilation for you guys today! One of our biggest custom comps in a long time so enjoy my friends!
[1] Source
Custom G4 Sonata Dusk For Sale
Another week means another Artist Spotlight my friends! Hopefully I can keep this schedule up. We've got a mix of active artists and artists on a bit of hiatus today, but even though they haven't updated in awhile doesn't mean their work shouldn't be recognized. So check on after the break to get some great art and make some new friends!
As usual, these posts are in similar style to the Tumblr Spotlights, a group of 3-5 artists will be spotlit each entry along with a small short description along with a small selection of their artwork! In order to make this feature work though we need people to suggest artists to us so make sure to send artists you think need some exposure to calpain@equestriadaily.com. Please also include a short biography I can work with as well as what medium you work in most.
What sort of artists count? Suggestions should follow these criteria:
- No clop or extensive gore galleries as those typically violate our content guidelines. If the artist has a safe for work gallery separate from their not safe for work stuff they or their fans can submit the safe for work gallery. If there is a mix of SFW/NSFW on a gallery the decision whether or not to include them will be judged on a gallery to gallery basis.
- Don't be afraid to spotlight yourself as well as others!
- Artists of all types accepted -vector, OC, traditional, digital. As long as it is pony and of quality it has a chance of being spotlit.
Now on to the artists!
I do believe we featured the above comic at one point a long time ago, but failed to provide updates to the story over time. It's expanded quite a lot since then so click above for page one of the story and follow the links in the description for more pages.
Comics again gang! Click for full!
Comic Updates:
Twitter: Calpain -
Hello again, good mares and gentlecolts! I apologize for my long pause in posting these interviews, for which I have no good reason. However, they are still very much a thing!Today we are having a good chat about art and ponies with dm29. You likely know him from the comics he makes, as well as from the fairly distinct vector artstyle he has and for the fact that his ponies normally end up sillycute and adorable as all get-out. I had many things I wanted to ask him about, and he has graciously answered my questions. Look below the break to see what he has to say about doodling habits, facial features, ships and prestige classes!
[Slice of Life][Comedy]
Author: alexmagnet
Description: Diamond Tiara is a rich, spoiled brat, and the only thing she cares about this Hearth's Warming is how many presents she's going to get. However, the night before Hearth's Warming she receives three mysterious visitors, each with something different to show her. With the help of these ghosts of the past, present, and future, she just might realize the true meaning of Hearth's Warming.
Diamond Tiara's Hearth's Warming Carol
Additional Tags: Diamond Tiara learns a lessonop 12:00
Sildid: Applebloom, Author: alexmagnet, comedy, Complete, Diamond Tiara, Normal, Scootaloo, Silver Spoon, Sweetie Belle -
Funny how fan animations seem to be getting more use when we are in hiatus mode for PMVs. It just keeps happening!
Have two really interesting ones with loads of custom motion graphics, and some Tricks Up My Sleeve Typography to follow them! All below.
1.) From the Dust - PMV
2.) PMV - Metempsychosis
3.) Trixie - Tricks up My Sleeve [Typography / PMV] (60 fps)
It seems like just yesterday we were all hyped up over the first Balloon Party with it's army of musicians at the helm bringing us a boatload of pony music. Fast forward to 2014, and Academy of Power has arrived. The 3rd installment will release at 2:00 PM EST on December 1st, with a full radio show on Celestia Radio at 2:00 PM EST to 7:00 PM the same day.
More information should pop up in the next few days! That poll on the side bar says you all love music, so get hype yeah? -
Early Morning Discussion #50
by Calpain
Just looking at this picture makes me feel cold and it's chilly mornings like this that make you just want to stay in bed, doesn't it?
Morning gang, ready to chat as you warm up?
Twitter: Calpain
Nightly Discussion #185
by Calpain
Celestia here to wish you all a good night before she heads off to bed and lets her sis take over. Hope you all had a wonderful!
Now, time to chat my friends. Let's get to it!
Twitter: Calpain -
For whatever reason, Blu-Ray versions of the MLP series have been few and far between. Germany is one of only a few countries actually putting the episodes in this format.
The best part about theirs is the bonus of it being Region 0, meaning any Blu-Ray player can run it. Their season one version even included an option for English audio (albiet with a bit downgraded sound from 5.1 to 2.0).
While we don't have the specifics on this one yet, chances are it falls into the same category.
You can find it over here, with a December 12th release date.
Thanks to Sascha for sending it! -
I completely forgot to toss this one up. My bad! Thanks to everyone that sent it though. Blame pie.
A boatload of shirts are on sale over at Tee Public for Black Friday with just a few hours left. Everything from Portal crossovers, Queen of Hearts Rarity, and even some Hunger Games are all up for 14 bucks. All of this can be found in the pony section, along with tons of others. It might help to sort by popular at the top, as the newest are mixed with a few other types.
Build A Bear is announced Celestia almost half a year ago, and she is finally popping up for sale online, at least in the UK. An early release for her official drop on Friday has appeared on their website. Along with that, her accessories can be found on her very own page.
Thanks to Xandra for the heads up! -
Suddenly SNAKES. Can you imagine how freaked Twilight Sparkle would be in this situation? You'd have to peel her off the ceiling. At least Cadance here just looks startled. Best Princess.
Get some art! You know you want it.
[0] Source
According to this USA Today report on Google searches, the USA seems to have a seriously lack of pony toy love in all states but New Mexico. I wonder why that is? What do you New Mexico bronies do that makes the rest of us look like we aren't ponying nearly enough anymore?
Thanks to Kaser and Andrew for the heads up! -
Season one was absolutely overflowing with world building when it came to the weather of Equestria. Fall Weather Friends showed us the running of the leaves, and Winter Wrap Up explained the manual transition between Winter and Spring that Ponyville has to go through each year. Can you imagine shoveling up all that snow?
Since then, we haven't gotten much information on what exactly caused Equestria's weather to simply stop. As far as we know, the Everfree Forest works earth style, with weather doing it's own thing, so why the shift in such close proximity? Where did this unique system come from?
Hit the comments up with your thoughts, and get a Discord related theory from Tommy Oliver below!
Livestream Saturdays and Drawfriend
by Calpain
Hope you all are having a good Thanksgiving weekend or just weekend in general! Ready to watch some streams today guys?
As always with this event, if you want to partake in the madness make sure to send an email to me at calpain@equestriadaily.com with your name, the type of art you'll be doing, a gallery link (optional) a link to your livestream and a banner (also optional). Make sure that your stream follows our content guidelines as laid out under our submit tab and also make sure to that you can be ready to stream at our standard time of 4pm EST / 1pm PST on Saturday. Also, if you participated in this week's stream event please send me the art you made so I can include it in next week's Livestream Drawfriend.
Twitter: Calpain -
Comic: Glimpse / Timey Wimey Bonus Page / PreCMC 16 / My Little Sterelis 2:31 / Crazy Future 40
by Calpain
This series with Diamond and her cat Dazzle is super cute I must say. Makes you feel just a little bit sympathetic towards Diamond.
Lots of comic updates guys! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
Story: Collaborators
by Calpain
[Slice of Life]
Author: Baal Bunny
Description: Ahuizotl threatens to sue A. K. Yearling for libel unless she stops writing the Daring Do books. She makes him a counter-offer.
Additional Tags: For whom the typewriter tollsop 12:00
Sildid: Ahuizotl, Author: Baal Bunny, Complete, Daring Do, Fanfiction, Normal, OC Ponies, Story -
The blessings and the curses being a muffin whisperer brings. Poor, poor Derpy.
Comics guys! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain
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