BATS. Or more specifically Flutterbat. It's pumpkin time good citizens of Equestria Daily, and we have a boatload of them for you all to check out, a whopping 77 in all. Giant hiatus? I laugh in the face of giant hiatus!
Head on down below the break for PUMPKINS!
1 I'm Borrowing Your Space - 5v5v5v5v

Once again I failed to make the deadline last year, but the extra time did allow a few more ideas to propagate. Discord certainaly seems to be enjoying himself.
Once again I failed to make the deadline last year, but the extra time did allow a few more ideas to propagate. Discord certainaly seems to be enjoying himself.
2 The Pony Ghost With The Most - 5v5v5v5v

Say it once; say it twice; third time's the charm. The ghost with the most is back for another halloween.
Say it once; say it twice; third time's the charm. The ghost with the most is back for another halloween.
3 halo 4 - Nathan Y.

I carved this about 2 years ago. Sorry for the poor photo quality, using an Ipod doesn't gain much, and i don't have a good camera. And I know it's not pony, but it's the only thing I've done that's remotely good.
I carved this about 2 years ago. Sorry for the poor photo quality, using an Ipod doesn't gain much, and i don't have a good camera. And I know it's not pony, but it's the only thing I've done that's remotely good.
4 pony bones - Timberr1

using a picture downloaded from google and cut in sections so it would fit the curved surface. carved using a standard box cutter razor.
using a picture downloaded from google and cut in sections so it would fit the curved surface. carved using a standard box cutter razor.
8 My First Time Carving a Pumpkin! - Brian Williams

please be gentle with me, this is my first carving :-)
please be gentle with me, this is my first carving :-)
11 Orcryst's Fluttershy Pumpkin - brandon "Orcryst" Whittington

technically this is my pumpkin of 2013, but i thought i'd submit it as we get 3 entries and i doubt i'll have more then 2 pumpkins this year.
technically this is my pumpkin of 2013, but i thought i'd submit it as we get 3 entries and i doubt i'll have more then 2 pumpkins this year.
13 Flutterbat Pumpkin - Johwee

Flutterbat pumpkin from vectors by deviantart users Pirill-Poveniy and Doctor-G.
Flutterbat pumpkin from vectors by deviantart users Pirill-Poveniy and Doctor-G.
14 Pinkie (Pumpkin) Pie Watch Out!! - Adrienne

Pinkie Pie, Watch Out! I am really proud of it because I did this with 2 healing wrist sprains. I think I was worth it, I hope you like it too. :)
Pinkie Pie, Watch Out! I am really proud of it because I did this with 2 healing wrist sprains. I think I was worth it, I hope you like it too. :)
16 Nightmare Moon - joolzanfire

Carved this last year but I missed the deadline, so a whole year later I'm finally sending it in this time round!
Carved this last year but I missed the deadline, so a whole year later I'm finally sending it in this time round!
17 Nightmare Moon is coming for you - Rachel Defibaugh

This is actually my first year carving a pony on my pumpkin, since it had so much detail in the image that i wanted to do i decided instead of carving completely thru the shell of the pumpkin i would simply peal off the skin and leave thin lines behind for the smaller details and useing stratigic removal and leaving skin on in certain places to create the illusion of color differences thats how i created the image of nightmare moon, plus not carving completely thru makes it last longer especially when you do what i did and coat the cut areas with a clear acrylic spray but hairspray would work too.
This is actually my first year carving a pony on my pumpkin, since it had so much detail in the image that i wanted to do i decided instead of carving completely thru the shell of the pumpkin i would simply peal off the skin and leave thin lines behind for the smaller details and useing stratigic removal and leaving skin on in certain places to create the illusion of color differences thats how i created the image of nightmare moon, plus not carving completely thru makes it last longer especially when you do what i did and coat the cut areas with a clear acrylic spray but hairspray would work too.
19 Sweetiebelle Pumpkin 2014 - Brandon "Orcryst" Whittington

My second submission of this contest, and my second MLP pumpkin ever! this pumpkin took about 3 hours of work on the skin to complete (longer then i thought, but carving the skin off around the hair curls was harder then it looks!) I hope you enjoy it!
My second submission of this contest, and my second MLP pumpkin ever! this pumpkin took about 3 hours of work on the skin to complete (longer then i thought, but carving the skin off around the hair curls was harder then it looks!) I hope you enjoy it!
20 Flag of the New Lunar Republic - Benjamin Croom

Thank you so much for this opportunity! I had a ton of fun carving and might even come back next year; once again, thanks so much!
Thank you so much for this opportunity! I had a ton of fun carving and might even come back next year; once again, thanks so much!
21 Flutterbat - John R.

Done mostly with wood carving tools and an X-Acto knife. The inset is an overhead view of the lid.
Done mostly with wood carving tools and an X-Acto knife. The inset is an overhead view of the lid.
23 Pumpkin Carving - Midnight Blossom - Blue Horizon

This is my first time carving a pumpkin like this and I think it turned out pretty well :D HAPPY NIGHTMARE NIGHT EVERYPONY \)
This is my first time carving a pumpkin like this and I think it turned out pretty well :D HAPPY NIGHTMARE NIGHT EVERYPONY \)
27 Twilight's cutie mark - Nathan Young

Again, sorry for the crappy quality, I have nothing but my Ipod. But, I carved this for Halloween 2014.
Again, sorry for the crappy quality, I have nothing but my Ipod. But, I carved this for Halloween 2014.
31 Pinkamena Diane Pie Pumpkin Carving (Dark) - Derpy Suzumiya

Here's a pumpkin carving I did of Pinkie Pie as Pinkamena Diane Pie. This is the one in the dark, I also have an image of her in the light so you can see her face better.
Here's a pumpkin carving I did of Pinkie Pie as Pinkamena Diane Pie. This is the one in the dark, I also have an image of her in the light so you can see her face better.
32 Derpy Eyes Pumpkin Carving - Derpy Suzumiya

Here is one done by my friend who doesn't have a deviantart of her own. It's derpy! I think its cute :D
Here is one done by my friend who doesn't have a deviantart of her own. It's derpy! I think its cute :D
39 BLEH!!! - Alex, Carl, Eri, Taps

the pumpkin was worth 100$ and weighed over just about as much as it cost.
40 Happy Bon Bon - xkappaxthe pumpkin was worth 100$ and weighed over just about as much as it cost.
45 Cutie Mark Crusaders Pumpkins for Nightmare Night 2014 - CMC_Scootaloo

My entry for this year's Annual Pumpkin Event. For each of the Crusaders, one of their best moments from Season 4: - Applebloom after her swimming performance with Granny Smith - Scootaloo and her epic *squee* face - And Sweetie Belle's first attempt in using magic Was a lot of work and I improved much in carving pony pumpkins with them as they look much better than my Nightmare Moon pumpkin from last year. I'm proud of the results. :)
My entry for this year's Annual Pumpkin Event. For each of the Crusaders, one of their best moments from Season 4: - Applebloom after her swimming performance with Granny Smith - Scootaloo and her epic *squee* face - And Sweetie Belle's first attempt in using magic Was a lot of work and I improved much in carving pony pumpkins with them as they look much better than my Nightmare Moon pumpkin from last year. I'm proud of the results. :)
47 The Queen of Halloween - Lucy Nicholson

My first pony pumpkin =D Hope y'all like it, and have a great Nightmare Night! ^^
My first pony pumpkin =D Hope y'all like it, and have a great Nightmare Night! ^^
48 The Stars Will Aid in Her Escape... - Lucy Nicholson

My sister saw my pumpkin, and decided she wanted me to help her carve herself one =P
My sister saw my pumpkin, and decided she wanted me to help her carve herself one =P
50 Pumpkin Chrysalis - Georgia Warley-Cummings

Well, here she is, Chrysalis...on a pumpkin. Probably took me 2-3 hours to carve, tops. My poor lino-cutting kit is going to smell of pumpkin for weeks now, but it was so worth it. Happy Halloween fillies and gentle colts. ^_^
Well, here she is, Chrysalis...on a pumpkin. Probably took me 2-3 hours to carve, tops. My poor lino-cutting kit is going to smell of pumpkin for weeks now, but it was so worth it. Happy Halloween fillies and gentle colts. ^_^
51 Pumpkin Apple Diane Pie - Victor Ramirez

My first ever attempt of carving a pumpkin with my kids. We had a blast and watch Rainbow Rocks on blu ray while sketching out the pumpkin and then carving. Next year: Trixie and Maud!!
My first ever attempt of carving a pumpkin with my kids. We had a blast and watch Rainbow Rocks on blu ray while sketching out the pumpkin and then carving. Next year: Trixie and Maud!!
55 Cutie Mark Crusader Pumpkin Heads! - Shipmun

They're all different kinds of squash. Scootaloo is a regular orange pumpkin, Sweetie Belle is a white pumpkin, and Apple Bloom is a spaghetti squash.
They're all different kinds of squash. Scootaloo is a regular orange pumpkin, Sweetie Belle is a white pumpkin, and Apple Bloom is a spaghetti squash.
56 Cutie Mark Crusader Pumpkin Heads with lights on - Shipmun

See? Different kinds of squash. Still best friends.
60 - imageconstructorSee? Different kinds of squash. Still best friends.
64 Luna Pumpkin - HorizonsBound

Saw the design from quigon777 on deviantart. Liked it, butchered the pumpkin while creating this.
Saw the design from quigon777 on deviantart. Liked it, butchered the pumpkin while creating this.
66 The Thousand Yard Stare Sonata Pumpkin - TGWRFF

I tried my best. I think it came our rather good. It's nowhere near the best pony pumpkin, but I don't think it's the worst.
I tried my best. I think it came our rather good. It's nowhere near the best pony pumpkin, but I don't think it's the worst.
67 Surprising Nightmare - Zachary Granna

Took 4 hours to make because I've never actually tried when I carved pumpkins in previous years. Sorry for being so late!
71 Pinkie in a Treehole - KarachTook 4 hours to make because I've never actually tried when I carved pumpkins in previous years. Sorry for being so late!
72 - Agata
73 - Pegasummer Pegasister
74 - Mane-iac
75 Fluttershy Stare