• A Brony Tale - The 20% Cooler Journey Video and DVDs available at BronyCon

    Haven't had a chance to check out A Brony Tale either online or on physical media? Now's your chance if you're heading to or are already at BronyCon! The team will be selling the documentary at their booth so make sure to drop by and say hello if you can!

    Check after the break for the booth location as well as when you can attend a panel by Brent himself!

    From Vancouver, British Columbia, to New York City, to Seattle, to New Zealand, to Mexico, to theaters all across the United States, this film has been a journey for us all.

    It all started when Ashleigh told Brent about bronies. Brent realized immediately 'we need to film this.' After the 2012 BronyCon in New York City, Brent went all across North America to find stories ... we've realized this fandom, this community is full of really amazing stories and is full of creative and amazing people ... musicians, artists, animators, writers. Just really passionate people. Genuine people. People who we call friends now. We appreciate that. There needs to be more genuine people in the world.

    Hodgee Films has a lot planned in the future... it's going to be a journey. A journey we'd like to take you all on with us.

    Always remember ... Friendship is magic."
    - The Hodgee Films Team

    DVDs are being sold for the first time at BronyCon 2014, and you can get them at Booth 1004a. Director Brent Hodge also has a panel tonight at 9:15 PM in the Mane Hall talking about the film.

    A Brony Tale - The 20% Cooler Journey

    "As long as My Little Pony exists there will be Bronies" - Ashleigh Ball

    Follow Hodgee Films on:

    For a full list of places you can buy and rent "A Brony Tale" and for where you can get the official soundtrack by Chris Kelly and Cayne McKenzie, visit http://www.bronytalemovie.com/

    Twitter: Calpain