Fly around the world in a balloon, explore the streets of Manehattan, or just chill in Ponyville. Go get some stories!
[Slice of Life]
Author: AugieDog
Description: A collection of poems by and about the various inhabitants of PonyvillePonyville and Other Poems (New 18-20!)
Author: Zurock
Description: An effort to analyze, explore, reflect on, and understand several real world concepts and themes by echoing them off the more harmonious ideals and reality of Equestria. In story, this is driven by a human soldier's arrival there, and the struggle of both sides to understand not only the physical nature of the others' reality, but the heart behind it as well.What Separates
Author: Redback Spino
Description: The Tears of Gaia. An artifact of unmeasurable magical power from the Ancient Days, when the Others ruled the land. If found, they would be the discovery of the century!The Tears of Gaia (New Part 22!)
At least, those are Twilight Sparkle's thoughts. But something is stirring in lands to the south. Soon she will find that she and her friends are not the only ones who are after the legendary Tears. And so what starts as a simple
research trip is soon to escalate into the greatest journey of the young ponies' lives, filled with new friends and foes, incredible danger and great adventure!
Author: CEO Kasen and Chessie the Cat
Description: Monster attacks. Crime. Illegal hallucinogens made from electric fruit.Starlight Over Detrot: A Noir Tale
They say things didn't use to be like this. They say things were different, before Luna came back 60 years ago, but Detective Hard "Hardy" Boiled of the Detrot Police Department has never known any world other than that demarcated by the seedy streets of his beloved decaying metropolis; a world in which the coroners sing and dance, surveillance bugs have personality disorders, and the Chief of Police is a scarier entity than most of the eldritch things the city attracts.
The grey unicorn who turned up dead outside the posh High Step Hotel seemed like just another case, but her missing horn is just the pointy tip of a very large and nasty iceberg. It's up to Hardy and his friends - a rejected monster hunter, a psychic cab driver, and an underground antiques heir - to find out what’s going on in an investigation that promises to turn Detrot upside-down and inside-out.
Especially if Hardy has anything to say about it.
Author: Zaponator
Description: Awake and alone, Applejack will find a way to survive.Mother of Invention (New Part 30!)