There is a part of me that dreads this event each year, not due to how many submissions we get, but because of how much I end up wanting to travel after seeing it. Some of these locations just look awesome. The mountains in that one up there with the giant golden statue are already on my bucket list now.
It's always cool to see how much ground we cover as a community. Literally every country has been hit at this point I think.
And if you missed the last post, you can find that over here:
Ponies Around the World Day 1
Now get your daily ponies taking over the world below!
102 Downtown Newmarket, NH - zorknemesis

Downtown Newmarket NH. A historic mill town incorporated in 1727, the mills to the left were built in the mid 1800s and were primarily used for textile production. Lots of history for Twilight Sparkle to take in around here.
Downtown Newmarket NH. A historic mill town incorporated in 1727, the mills to the left were built in the mid 1800s and were primarily used for textile production. Lots of history for Twilight Sparkle to take in around here.
103 The War of the Rebellion Memorial, Newmarket NH - zorknemesis

A monument commemorating the 290 citizens of Newmarket who fought for the Union during the American Civil War.
A monument commemorating the 290 citizens of Newmarket who fought for the Union during the American Civil War.
104 World War II Roll of Honor - Newmarket NH - zorknemesis

On top of a raised platform in the center of downtown is a monument dedicated to the men of Newmarket who served in World War II. Also on the sides of the platform, but not pictured, are plaques commemorating those who served in the first World War as well as the Vietnam War.
On top of a raised platform in the center of downtown is a monument dedicated to the men of Newmarket who served in World War II. Also on the sides of the platform, but not pictured, are plaques commemorating those who served in the first World War as well as the Vietnam War.
105 The Macallen Dam - Newmarket NH - zorknemesis

Built originally to power the nearby textile mills, this granite dam is the last dam on the Lamprey River before it flows out into Great Bay. In 2006 the dam was nearly destroyed by considerable flooding. Thanks to the efforts of the local fire department and the national guard the dam survived. Had the dam been destroyed the damage caused by the raging flood waters would have been catastrophic.
Built originally to power the nearby textile mills, this granite dam is the last dam on the Lamprey River before it flows out into Great Bay. In 2006 the dam was nearly destroyed by considerable flooding. Thanks to the efforts of the local fire department and the national guard the dam survived. Had the dam been destroyed the damage caused by the raging flood waters would have been catastrophic.
106 Newmarket Public Library - Newmarket NH - zorknemesis

Twilight's favorite stop! This library was built in 1884 initially for the mill workers before it was eventually given to the town.
Twilight's favorite stop! This library was built in 1884 initially for the mill workers before it was eventually given to the town.
112 Pinkie at the edge of caldera - Cloudberry

Pinkie is standing before the caldera "Rogue de los Muchachos" on La Palma, Canary Islands. The height is some 2400 metres! :3
Pinkie is standing before the caldera "Rogue de los Muchachos" on La Palma, Canary Islands. The height is some 2400 metres! :3
113 Lyrica Lilac in a tree - Yuuki

I hopefully did this correct, cause I'm pretty sure I messed up last year xD Please call me MidnightRarity, and not by my real name please!
I hopefully did this correct, cause I'm pretty sure I messed up last year xD Please call me MidnightRarity, and not by my real name please!
114 Princess Cadence and Shining Armor wandering in a tree! - Yuuki

Please refer to me as MidnightRarity! Hopefully you liked my entry!
Please refer to me as MidnightRarity! Hopefully you liked my entry!
115 Rarity inside the loveable Illinois state! - Yuuki

Please call me MidnightRarity! I just love my entries, hopefully they are eligible because I didn't go to that many exciting places recently
Please call me MidnightRarity! I just love my entries, hopefully they are eligible because I didn't go to that many exciting places recently
117 Pinkie hanging out with friends in a tree! - Yuuki

Please call me MidnightRarity! Hopefully I am eligible for this, because I didn't have any good recent pony pictures in amazing places.
Please call me MidnightRarity! Hopefully I am eligible for this, because I didn't have any good recent pony pictures in amazing places.
118 Fluttershy at Chicago! - Yuuki

This is more of a "perfect timing" picture, since the car was moving so fast! Please call me MidnightRarity!
This is more of a "perfect timing" picture, since the car was moving so fast! Please call me MidnightRarity!
120 Twilght visits the Kentucky Castle, Lexington, Ky. - Granpa_Pony

Twilight wanted to see the local castle, since she has spent time in Canterlot and the castle of the two sisters. Plus she now has her own as well. The Kentucky Castle was started in 1969, by Kentucky home builder, Rex Martin. He and his new bride honeymooned in Europe, where she fell in love with castles. Upon there return to Lexington he built her this replica of a castle, but they divorced before it's completion. When finished, the castle was to have seven bedrooms and 15 bathrooms. There was supposed to be an Italian fountain in the driveway, and tennis courts. It sat for decades before its sale to Thomas Post, an attorney in Miami Fla. Mr Post had the property completed in late 2008. For more information, search for thecastlepost.
Twilight wanted to see the local castle, since she has spent time in Canterlot and the castle of the two sisters. Plus she now has her own as well. The Kentucky Castle was started in 1969, by Kentucky home builder, Rex Martin. He and his new bride honeymooned in Europe, where she fell in love with castles. Upon there return to Lexington he built her this replica of a castle, but they divorced before it's completion. When finished, the castle was to have seven bedrooms and 15 bathrooms. There was supposed to be an Italian fountain in the driveway, and tennis courts. It sat for decades before its sale to Thomas Post, an attorney in Miami Fla. Mr Post had the property completed in late 2008. For more information, search for thecastlepost.
122 - Svyatoslav Ivaschenko

Rainbow Dash prompts, how many flowers are necessary for masterpiece creation!
Rainbow Dash prompts, how many flowers are necessary for masterpiece creation!
124 - Svyatoslav Ivaschenko

Middle of day, hot. Pegasus Rainbow Dash admires the Embankment of Birobidzhan from a parapet. Behind her back the river Bira slowly flows and cranes are going to soar up in the sky. And she still will wait, a place very good.
Middle of day, hot. Pegasus Rainbow Dash admires the Embankment of Birobidzhan from a parapet. Behind her back the river Bira slowly flows and cranes are going to soar up in the sky. And she still will wait, a place very good.
125 At the Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak (Sarawak State Legislative Assembly Building), Malaysia. - Jennifer

Pinkie Pie goes on a weekend trip to Kuching City, Sarawak in the island of Borneo. Kuching is also commonly known as Cat City.
Pinkie Pie goes on a weekend trip to Kuching City, Sarawak in the island of Borneo. Kuching is also commonly known as Cat City.
126 Excitingly waiting for the Rainforest World Music Fest to start. But first... let's pose for a shot! - Jennifer

Pinkie Pie attends the Rainforest World Music Festival at the foot of Mount Santubong in Sarawak, Borneo. Photo taken on June 21st 2014. The RWMF is an annual event that celebrate traditional music from across the globe, infused with modern rhythms and dance.
Pinkie Pie attends the Rainforest World Music Festival at the foot of Mount Santubong in Sarawak, Borneo. Photo taken on June 21st 2014. The RWMF is an annual event that celebrate traditional music from across the globe, infused with modern rhythms and dance.
127 The Derp Meets The Bat - Mark Barnard

The pic came at a terrible cost. Derpy proceeded to fall off the railing and got stepped on by a horse. A typical day in Old Cowtown...I...guess.
The pic came at a terrible cost. Derpy proceeded to fall off the railing and got stepped on by a horse. A typical day in Old Cowtown...I...guess.
128 AJ grabs a cold one at the Willimantic Brewery - lordalexander74

Hopefully dog tags will suffice. I forgot to pack my AJ brushables for my trip to CT. Took a pic of AJ at the Willimantic Brewery. Also a couple pics at the overlook in Rock Springs wildlife refuge in Scotland CT, and with a random toad I found in the woods. The pic of the AJ dog tag in front of the brewery is the main one I'll submit out of this batch.
Hopefully dog tags will suffice. I forgot to pack my AJ brushables for my trip to CT. Took a pic of AJ at the Willimantic Brewery. Also a couple pics at the overlook in Rock Springs wildlife refuge in Scotland CT, and with a random toad I found in the woods. The pic of the AJ dog tag in front of the brewery is the main one I'll submit out of this batch.
131 Skrillex, Ponies and the Eden Project - CuteHornyUnicorn

Skrillex playing 'The Lion King Theme' at The Eden Project, Cornwall, UK. Rainbow Dash flew just inches away of his face during the performance, didn't come back thou...
Skrillex playing 'The Lion King Theme' at The Eden Project, Cornwall, UK. Rainbow Dash flew just inches away of his face during the performance, didn't come back thou...
133 Ms Hooves visits Keeneland race course. - Granpa_Pony

Ms Hooves & I went to Keeneland race course. Shown is the grandstands and club house. Now is between Spring & Fall Meets, so there isn't much going on. They are currently replacing the poly track with a more traditional 'dirt' which 9 out of 10 thoroughbred horses prefer. :) Learn more at
Ms Hooves & I went to Keeneland race course. Shown is the grandstands and club house. Now is between Spring & Fall Meets, so there isn't much going on. They are currently replacing the poly track with a more traditional 'dirt' which 9 out of 10 thoroughbred horses prefer. :) Learn more at
134 AJ & RD go for the bee stare! Again! - Granpa_Pony

Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash irritating my honeybees again. The bees don't seem to be too interested, although Rainbow gets a few points for having a few bees on her. It seems they take to cerulean. Location is my apiary in Versailles, Kentucky.
Apple Jack and Rainbow Dash irritating my honeybees again. The bees don't seem to be too interested, although Rainbow gets a few points for having a few bees on her. It seems they take to cerulean. Location is my apiary in Versailles, Kentucky.
135 Ms. Hooves & I shop at Ikea West Chester Ohio - Granpa_Pony

I know what you're saying; big deal! An Ikea store. I'm from a small town, where this kinda is a big deal. I think all of the shopping in my home town (Versailles, Ky) could fit inside this one store. Including the Kroger and Kmart. PONY FEATHERS! The restaurant inside this place is larger than any of our little eateries!
I know what you're saying; big deal! An Ikea store. I'm from a small town, where this kinda is a big deal. I think all of the shopping in my home town (Versailles, Ky) could fit inside this one store. Including the Kroger and Kmart. PONY FEATHERS! The restaurant inside this place is larger than any of our little eateries!
136 Dash Meets Dolphin - Antimon

Rainbow Dash visits SeaWorld Orlando and gets up close and personal with several dolphins in the Key West dolphin lagoon underwater viewing. They seem to be taking an interest in her as well.
Rainbow Dash visits SeaWorld Orlando and gets up close and personal with several dolphins in the Key West dolphin lagoon underwater viewing. They seem to be taking an interest in her as well.
137 One last pic before we leave... - Antimon

Twilight, Trixie, & their friend Luna take one more picture by the fountain before they leave their hotel after a fun weekend of adventure in Texas. They...might be kissing
Twilight, Trixie, & their friend Luna take one more picture by the fountain before they leave their hotel after a fun weekend of adventure in Texas. They...might be kissing
138 No Holidays for Applejack - Aranel

In France, Midi Pyrénées ;) Applejack is busy with her new combine but she will soon go on holidays ! :)
In France, Midi Pyrénées ;) Applejack is busy with her new combine but she will soon go on holidays ! :)
139 Pinkie in Paris - Tek3.14

I took this the when i was in Paris in anticipation of Ponies around the World Rarity can keep Manehattan, Pinkie Pie is parting it up and Paris. I found a ty Pinkie Pie Plush at a toy store in Paris, and then this happened. I think i got some very strange looks from people walking by. I regret nothing.
I took this the when i was in Paris in anticipation of Ponies around the World Rarity can keep Manehattan, Pinkie Pie is parting it up and Paris. I found a ty Pinkie Pie Plush at a toy store in Paris, and then this happened. I think i got some very strange looks from people walking by. I regret nothing.
140 National Zoo, Washington D.C. - Regal Charmer

Fluttershy in front of some Flamingos in the national zoo. Part of my trip to D.C. as well as Maryland.
Fluttershy in front of some Flamingos in the national zoo. Part of my trip to D.C. as well as Maryland.
141 Chesapeake Bay, as viewed in Maryland - Regal Charmer

Fluttershy in front of the giant Chesapeake Bay. Part of my trip to D.C. as well as Maryland.
Fluttershy in front of the giant Chesapeake Bay. Part of my trip to D.C. as well as Maryland.
142 Liberty Bell, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Regal Charmer

Fluttershy in front of the Liberty Bell... that's obviously not in Maryland. Part of my trip to D.C. as well as Maryland (and now Phillydelphia).
Fluttershy in front of the Liberty Bell... that's obviously not in Maryland. Part of my trip to D.C. as well as Maryland (and now Phillydelphia).
143 Liberty Bell, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - Regal Charmer

Fluttershy in front of the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C. Part of my trip in Washington and Maryland.
Fluttershy in front of the Washington Monument in Washington, D.C. Part of my trip in Washington and Maryland.
144 Gateway Arch, St. Louis, Missouri - Regal Charmer

Fluttershy in front of the Gateway Arch. Part of my trip in Washington and Maryland, since I drove all the way from Colorado to D.C., so making a stop at the gateway arch was reasonable.
Fluttershy in front of the Gateway Arch. Part of my trip in Washington and Maryland, since I drove all the way from Colorado to D.C., so making a stop at the gateway arch was reasonable.
146 Bruneau Dunes State Park, Idaho - Framwinkle

Pinkie Pie atop the largest sand dune at Bruneau Dunes State Park in Idaho.
Pinkie Pie atop the largest sand dune at Bruneau Dunes State Park in Idaho.
147 Princess Cadence hits the park! - Kelmari

Took a trip to Canada's Wonderland in Vaughan Ontario today. Who knew Cadence was such an adrenaline junkie!
Took a trip to Canada's Wonderland in Vaughan Ontario today. Who knew Cadence was such an adrenaline junkie!
149 Applejack: City Skyline - Porpora

Applejack in Chicago! Photographed by me, but I'm not the one in the photo.
Applejack in Chicago! Photographed by me, but I'm not the one in the photo.
152 Pinkie Visiting The University of Ottawa - Jon Lett

The university's Community Engagement building.
The university's Community Engagement building.
153 Pagaruyung Palace, West Sumatra, Indonesia - Mewy101

Istano Basa, or better known as Istana Pagaruyung, is a palace located in the district of the Tanjung Emas, Tanah Datar district, West Sumatra. This palace is the famous cultural attractions in West Sumatra. The palace that stands now is actually a replica of the original. The original palace itself is located at the top of the hill of Batu Patah and was burned to the ground in a bloody riot in 1804. Palace is then re-established in 1966 but was again burned.
Istano Basa, or better known as Istana Pagaruyung, is a palace located in the district of the Tanjung Emas, Tanah Datar district, West Sumatra. This palace is the famous cultural attractions in West Sumatra. The palace that stands now is actually a replica of the original. The original palace itself is located at the top of the hill of Batu Patah and was burned to the ground in a bloody riot in 1804. Palace is then re-established in 1966 but was again burned.
154 Gadang Clock Tower, West Sumatra, Indonesia - Mewy101

Jam Gadang is the name for a clock tower located in the center of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia. It has a big clock on each of its four sides, thus giving the name "Jam Gadang", "Big Clock" in Minang (Local Language) Besides of being Bukitinggi's famous landmark, the clock tower has also been used as a tourist attraction with the expansion of the park around the clock tower.
Jam Gadang is the name for a clock tower located in the center of Bukittinggi, West Sumatra, Indonesia. It has a big clock on each of its four sides, thus giving the name "Jam Gadang", "Big Clock" in Minang (Local Language) Besides of being Bukitinggi's famous landmark, the clock tower has also been used as a tourist attraction with the expansion of the park around the clock tower.
155 Twilight Visits Manila: Hay There - Jonas Trinidad

A horse eating forage along Baywalk, Roxas Boulevard, Manila
A horse eating forage along Baywalk, Roxas Boulevard, Manila
156 Twilight Visits Manila: A True Friend - Jonas Trinidad

Rizal Monument at Rizal/Luneta Park, Roxas Boulevard, Manila
Rizal Monument at Rizal/Luneta Park, Roxas Boulevard, Manila
157 Twilight Visits Manila: Celestia at Work - Jonas Trinidad

Famous sunset at Manila Bay, Roxas Boulevard, Manila. Heavy machinery at the far right is Manila North Harbor.
Famous sunset at Manila Bay, Roxas Boulevard, Manila. Heavy machinery at the far right is Manila North Harbor.
158 Rainbow Dash at Bus Cavalcade, Regent Street, London - Bert HM

Submission #3 of Bert HM I'm very glad I got this picture because it was a one off opportunity, it was taken at the 'Year of the Bus Cavalcade'. This was an event in London which gathered a huge array of buses new and old (from hydrogen powered to horse-drawn), all on Regent Street (a busy street which runs from Piccadilly Circus to Oxford Circus). There were other events as well such as a a full size lego bus stop, a choir, jewellery making and more. There are other pictures of this event on my DA if anyone is interested.
Submission #3 of Bert HM I'm very glad I got this picture because it was a one off opportunity, it was taken at the 'Year of the Bus Cavalcade'. This was an event in London which gathered a huge array of buses new and old (from hydrogen powered to horse-drawn), all on Regent Street (a busy street which runs from Piccadilly Circus to Oxford Circus). There were other events as well such as a a full size lego bus stop, a choir, jewellery making and more. There are other pictures of this event on my DA if anyone is interested.
159 Fluttershy with Thomas Cook, Leicester - Loganberry

Fluttershy has been trying to overcome her shyness, and what better way to expand her horizons than to set off on holiday? She's in the very capable care of none other than Thomas Cook, the pioneer of the package tour. This statue stands outside Leicester's main railway station in central England.
Fluttershy has been trying to overcome her shyness, and what better way to expand her horizons than to set off on holiday? She's in the very capable care of none other than Thomas Cook, the pioneer of the package tour. This statue stands outside Leicester's main railway station in central England.
160 New Maidens' Convent, Moscow, Russia - Big Man

Cheerile & Big Mac waiting for the first rays of Summer Sun. June 21st, around 4 a.m., the dawn of the longest day of the year.
Cheerile & Big Mac waiting for the first rays of Summer Sun. June 21st, around 4 a.m., the dawn of the longest day of the year.
166 Pinkie Goes A Cruisin' - EddictedBrony

Pinkie Pie spending her bright summer day on the Boston Spirit in where else than Boston.
Pinkie Pie spending her bright summer day on the Boston Spirit in where else than Boston.
167 Rarity Takes Manhattan - EddictedBrony

No, that was not a typo of that certain episode. Our unicorn friend jumped at the opportunity to visit New York City, and she revealed that, like Luna, she's also into gaming!
No, that was not a typo of that certain episode. Our unicorn friend jumped at the opportunity to visit New York City, and she revealed that, like Luna, she's also into gaming!
168 Little Piano Mare - EddictedBrony

Twilight Sparkle visits Londonderry Piano in Salem NH and plays a little something for the empty store to hear. Poor Twilight.
Twilight Sparkle visits Londonderry Piano in Salem NH and plays a little something for the empty store to hear. Poor Twilight.
169 Rarity Befriending A Giant Turtle - EddictedBrony

While on a trip to Wollaston Beach, Rarity comes across a snapping turtle crossing the waters. Fortunately for her, it was a friendly turtle, unlike those giant crabs.
While on a trip to Wollaston Beach, Rarity comes across a snapping turtle crossing the waters. Fortunately for her, it was a friendly turtle, unlike those giant crabs.
170 A Surprise Visit From The Dark Lord Sassaflash - EddictedBrony

This time (because I had no more unique places left in my world), the entire Mane 6 take a trip to Wollastan Beach. They unfortunately don't get a vacation this time, as they get a surprise visit from Sassaflash with...Godzilla!? Now the six must spend the day defeating the dark lord and taming Godzilla before any damage could be done.
This time (because I had no more unique places left in my world), the entire Mane 6 take a trip to Wollastan Beach. They unfortunately don't get a vacation this time, as they get a surprise visit from Sassaflash with...Godzilla!? Now the six must spend the day defeating the dark lord and taming Godzilla before any damage could be done.
171 Vinyl Visits: MSU Rock - NihilusNix

Maud would have been more appropriate. Oh well. Perhaps I might continue Vinyl Visits beyond this, at MSU or elsewhere.
Maud would have been more appropriate. Oh well. Perhaps I might continue Vinyl Visits beyond this, at MSU or elsewhere.
175 Iconic Orleans Flair - Bridget Uluman

St. Louis Cathedral, Jackson Square, French Quarter, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, North America, Earth. This was the location of one pegasister's Rarity plush. She poses there, regal as always, in front of one of the most iconic New Orleans shots of General Jackson and the St. Louis Cathedral.
St. Louis Cathedral, Jackson Square, French Quarter, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States, North America, Earth. This was the location of one pegasister's Rarity plush. She poses there, regal as always, in front of one of the most iconic New Orleans shots of General Jackson and the St. Louis Cathedral.
178 Scoots & Dash in Adventure Cove, Resorts World Sentosa, Singapore - Alanii & Vianda

Our first entry. Picture taken during family vacation. Apparently brought some ponies along. We received help from the waterpark's attendants (by that we mean the hands on the picture).
Our first entry. Picture taken during family vacation. Apparently brought some ponies along. We received help from the waterpark's attendants (by that we mean the hands on the picture).
179 Cadance (and Jetfire) across the HarborFront district - Alanii & Vianda

Our second entry. This time taken just outside the Adventure Cove entrance with the panorama of HarborFront, Singapore as the background. The boat at the back is the replica of a boat that is thought to be the first vessel to cross the Strait of Malacca (I think....). Here we have Cadance with Jetfire who apparently spends his retirement walking along the docks.
Our second entry. This time taken just outside the Adventure Cove entrance with the panorama of HarborFront, Singapore as the background. The boat at the back is the replica of a boat that is thought to be the first vessel to cross the Strait of Malacca (I think....). Here we have Cadance with Jetfire who apparently spends his retirement walking along the docks.
180 Celestia, Princess of the Univers(al) - Alanii & Vianda

Our third entry. Shot in front of the Universal Studios globe near the entrance to the Universal Studios Singapore. This one is my personal favorite since the globe fits Tia perfectly in this picture.
Our third entry. Shot in front of the Universal Studios globe near the entrance to the Universal Studios Singapore. This one is my personal favorite since the globe fits Tia perfectly in this picture.
181 Beach on top of VivoCity - Alanii & Vianda

Fourth and final entry. On the roof of VivoCity, Sentosa Island is an artificial pond where you can dip your legs in to. It's surprisingly a nice place to relax and enjoy the view. The edges of the pond along with the night setting (thanks Luna!) is perfect for this picture featuring AJ & AB strolling along like siblings. Sorry for the blurr, it's hard to photograph at night and occasionally having to avoid incoming waves caused by other people in the pond.
Fourth and final entry. On the roof of VivoCity, Sentosa Island is an artificial pond where you can dip your legs in to. It's surprisingly a nice place to relax and enjoy the view. The edges of the pond along with the night setting (thanks Luna!) is perfect for this picture featuring AJ & AB strolling along like siblings. Sorry for the blurr, it's hard to photograph at night and occasionally having to avoid incoming waves caused by other people in the pond.
182 Imperial Palace Ponies - Caliaponia

Statue of the great samurai Kusunoki Masashige at the East Garden outside Tokyo Imperial Palace
Statue of the great samurai Kusunoki Masashige at the East Garden outside Tokyo Imperial Palace
183 The Mane 6 at Aoshima - Caliaponia

Ponies pose in front of some wave-sculped rocks at Aoshima Island, near Miyazaki Japan
Ponies pose in front of some wave-sculped rocks at Aoshima Island, near Miyazaki Japan
184 Gates of Tartarus? - Caliaponia

The Mane 6 visit jigokudani - "hell valley" in Noboribetsu on the island of Hokkaido, Japan
The Mane 6 visit jigokudani - "hell valley" in Noboribetsu on the island of Hokkaido, Japan
185 Riding the Bullet - Caliaponia

The Mane 6 ride the Hayabusa shinkansen to Aomori, Japan. Picture taken somewhere in northeastern Japan, at around 300kph / 186mph
The Mane 6 ride the Hayabusa shinkansen to Aomori, Japan. Picture taken somewhere in northeastern Japan, at around 300kph / 186mph
186 Mane 6 at the Centennial Memorial Tower - Caliaponia

The Mane 6 visit the "Centennial Memorial Tower" commemorating a hundred years since the colonization of Hokkaido. Taken in Sapporo, Japan
The Mane 6 visit the "Centennial Memorial Tower" commemorating a hundred years since the colonization of Hokkaido. Taken in Sapporo, Japan
188 Applejack checking out a new bat cave - xengk

Applejack visiting one of the largest cave in West Malaysia, and a religious site for hindus.
Applejack visiting one of the largest cave in West Malaysia, and a religious site for hindus.
189 Ponies of the Southern Highlands - Ronnie Rucker

This picture was taken under the Harry Springett Rotunda at Corbett Gardens, home of the annual Tulip Time festival held in Bowral NSW Australia. The town of Bowral is part of the Southern Highlands region and is well known as the home of Australian cricketing legend Sir Donald Bradman (aka The Don).
This picture was taken under the Harry Springett Rotunda at Corbett Gardens, home of the annual Tulip Time festival held in Bowral NSW Australia. The town of Bowral is part of the Southern Highlands region and is well known as the home of Australian cricketing legend Sir Donald Bradman (aka The Don).
196 Rainbow Dash Watches the Rangers - ajnrules

Rainbow Dash watches the Texas Rangers take on the Tampa Bay Rays in the tiebreak game in the Ballpark at Arlington. Unfortunately, the Rangers lost, but Rainbow Dash still had a great time.
Rainbow Dash watches the Texas Rangers take on the Tampa Bay Rays in the tiebreak game in the Ballpark at Arlington. Unfortunately, the Rangers lost, but Rainbow Dash still had a great time.
197 Rainbow Dash at the Ballpark - ajnrules

Rainbow Dash poses in front of the field at the beautiful Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium in Taichung, Taiwan.
Rainbow Dash poses in front of the field at the beautiful Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium in Taichung, Taiwan.
198 Rainbow Dash at the Waterfalls - ajnrules

Rainbow Dash poses in front of some beautiful waterfalls at the Farglory Water Park in Hualien, Taiwan
Rainbow Dash poses in front of some beautiful waterfalls at the Farglory Water Park in Hualien, Taiwan
199 Rainbow Dash at Wrigley Field - ajnrules

Rainbow Dash takes a trip to the legendary Wrigley Field in Chicago, ILL, on its 100th birthday. It was a busy day, but she was still able to get a picture with the famous marquee.
Rainbow Dash takes a trip to the legendary Wrigley Field in Chicago, ILL, on its 100th birthday. It was a busy day, but she was still able to get a picture with the famous marquee.
200 Applejack at the "S" bridge - Steam Bolt

Here we have Applejack at the "S"bridge in New Concord Ohio.
Here we have Applejack at the "S"bridge in New Concord Ohio.