Twilight sparkle AT THE BEACH. That is one badass view right there. And the best part? We have a ton of extra badass views to go with it today. I think this is my favorite Ponies Around the World compilation post so far. 100 images of epic. We even have ponies popping up in the back of military refueling carriers.
It's looking like after filtering we are going to hit ~ 570 images for this one, though people are still sending late entries into the submit box so it could be higher.
Anyway, get more WORLD TRAVEL below.
203 view of my entire hometown - jacob heath

there wasn't much i can get pictures of in my town and theirs no where close enough to get anything decent i remembered i could get a whole view of my entire town (more or less some trees are in the way)
there wasn't much i can get pictures of in my town and theirs no where close enough to get anything decent i remembered i could get a whole view of my entire town (more or less some trees are in the way)
204 Fluttershy in Moscow - Lightning Flash (Pony4tonado)

Fluttershy at the fountain "Friendship of Peoples" at the Exhibition Center in Moscow.
Fluttershy at the fountain "Friendship of Peoples" at the Exhibition Center in Moscow.
206 Twilight Sparkle Visits Mt. Rainier - StrawberryAqua

Sometimes I take Twi on adventures with me.
Sometimes I take Twi on adventures with me.
207 Twilight visits Machu Picchu - Silvana Injoque

A few months ago I went to Machu Picchu for my senior year trip and I decided to take Twilight with me so that I can take this picture and submit it to Ponies around the World. Now there's only 6 more wonders of the world for twilight to visit! Yay :D
A few months ago I went to Machu Picchu for my senior year trip and I decided to take Twilight with me so that I can take this picture and submit it to Ponies around the World. Now there's only 6 more wonders of the world for twilight to visit! Yay :D
208 Rainbow Dash in Ukraine - Nocturnal Nelona

This picture was taken in Kiev, Ukraine on the Independence Square (Maidan). Dedicated to the heroes of Maidan.
This picture was taken in Kiev, Ukraine on the Independence Square (Maidan). Dedicated to the heroes of Maidan.
209 Rainbow Dash in Germany - Nocturnal Nelona

This picture was taken in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, overlooking the Alps.
This picture was taken in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, overlooking the Alps.
210 Ponies at Mount Washington, NH - Slipstream

This is a picture from the base lodge of Mt. Washington in northern New Hampshire. We would've taken it from the summit, but today the winds up there topped 85 MPH and they were not allowing us to chance it. I'm pretty sure Dash was bummed about that, something about wanting to experience a mountain that has some off the worst weather on record, boasting a world record high 231 MPH wind speed.
This is a picture from the base lodge of Mt. Washington in northern New Hampshire. We would've taken it from the summit, but today the winds up there topped 85 MPH and they were not allowing us to chance it. I'm pretty sure Dash was bummed about that, something about wanting to experience a mountain that has some off the worst weather on record, boasting a world record high 231 MPH wind speed.
211 Downtown Festivals - Kelsey Brockerville

Twilight and Rainbow had a blast downtown Barrie, Ontario today. Between Canada Day and Ribfest we had some time to stop by and see Barrie's monument, the Spirit Catcher.
Twilight and Rainbow had a blast downtown Barrie, Ontario today. Between Canada Day and Ribfest we had some time to stop by and see Barrie's monument, the Spirit Catcher.
212 Princess Cadence hits the park! - Kelsey Brockerville

Took a trip to Canada's Wonderland in Vaughan Ontario today. Who knew Cadence was such an adrenaline junkie!
Took a trip to Canada's Wonderland in Vaughan Ontario today. Who knew Cadence was such an adrenaline junkie!
213 Doctor Whooves and Derpy watch the 4th of July Fireworks Show over the Missouri River - Chrissy and Kay

"Independence is a wonderful thing, Derpy."-Doctor Whooves
"Independence is a wonderful thing, Derpy."-Doctor Whooves
219 Derpy at the Kearney Archway - Alex

Took Derpy with me to the Great Platte River Road Archway in Kearney Nebraska.
220 Derpy delivers a letter to the Ohio Statehouse - Blazing WhirlwindTook Derpy with me to the Great Platte River Road Archway in Kearney Nebraska.
221 Rainbow Dash at Shelsley Walsh hillclimb - Loganberry

Rainbow Dash loves speed, so where better for her to visit than the Shelsley Walsh hillclimb? This has been staged on this very track since 1905, and over the same 1,000-yard stretch since 1907, making it the oldest motorsport event in the world to be held over the same distance. This photo was taken at the intermittently wet Vintage Sports Car Club's meeting; Rainbow doubtless approves of the colour scheme of the Bugatti seen climbing the hill!
Rainbow Dash loves speed, so where better for her to visit than the Shelsley Walsh hillclimb? This has been staged on this very track since 1905, and over the same 1,000-yard stretch since 1907, making it the oldest motorsport event in the world to be held over the same distance. This photo was taken at the intermittently wet Vintage Sports Car Club's meeting; Rainbow doubtless approves of the colour scheme of the Bugatti seen climbing the hill!
227 Pinkie in Puebla's Cathedral - Pinkie Pryde

Puebla's Cathedral is the second largest in Mexico and its twin bell towers are the tallest in Mexico.
Puebla's Cathedral is the second largest in Mexico and its twin bell towers are the tallest in Mexico.
228 Rarity's fashion cliff - Mick Chen

This place is NanYa Wonderful Rock in north Taiwan. When I got there,I was shocked by the amazing view!The sun just like an unripe egg yolk,and the sky just like a color palette,it's colorful! And I think this Rarity kind of like Lion King :)
This place is NanYa Wonderful Rock in north Taiwan. When I got there,I was shocked by the amazing view!The sun just like an unripe egg yolk,and the sky just like a color palette,it's colorful! And I think this Rarity kind of like Lion King :)
229 Applejack in Utah, Arches National Park - whatchyagonnado

Applejack had a great time enjoying the amazing feats of nature, but she got very frustrated when her very expensive camera camera kept blurring either her or the background so she screamed and raged on and tried to adjust the stupid settings (to no avail!) until she hung her hat up and accepted that a blurry background would have to do!
Applejack had a great time enjoying the amazing feats of nature, but she got very frustrated when her very expensive camera camera kept blurring either her or the background so she screamed and raged on and tried to adjust the stupid settings (to no avail!) until she hung her hat up and accepted that a blurry background would have to do!
230 Mount Rinjani, Lombok, Indonesia - Andy "Gurita" Yudosaputro

Went hiking to mount Rinjani in Lombok, Indonesia for the first time a few days back, brought Derpy with me, so I thought, "why not?" Challenging, beautiful and the climb is Satisfying
Went hiking to mount Rinjani in Lombok, Indonesia for the first time a few days back, brought Derpy with me, so I thought, "why not?" Challenging, beautiful and the climb is Satisfying
231 Ponies on Martha's Vineyard - Moira Pero

This photo was taken at sunset from the balcony of my room out in Martha's Vineyard, overlooking the ocean. The ponies you see are Fluttershy and my two OC ponies, Trot L'Eoil and Princess Votia. The house is at the top of a beautiful hill and has wonderful sunsets. I thought this would be perfect.
This photo was taken at sunset from the balcony of my room out in Martha's Vineyard, overlooking the ocean. The ponies you see are Fluttershy and my two OC ponies, Trot L'Eoil and Princess Votia. The house is at the top of a beautiful hill and has wonderful sunsets. I thought this would be perfect.
232 Ponies on Martha's Vineyard Pt. 2 - Moira Pero

This photo was taken at sunset from the balcony of my room out in Martha's Vineyard, overlooking the ocean. The ponies you see are Fluttershy and my two OC ponies, Trot L'Eoil and Princess Votia. The house is at the top of a beautiful hill and has wonderful sunsets. I thought this would be perfect.
This photo was taken at sunset from the balcony of my room out in Martha's Vineyard, overlooking the ocean. The ponies you see are Fluttershy and my two OC ponies, Trot L'Eoil and Princess Votia. The house is at the top of a beautiful hill and has wonderful sunsets. I thought this would be perfect.
233 Afternoon Ponies - Moira Pero

This photo was taken at sunset from the balcony of my room out in Martha's Vineyard, overlooking the ocean. The ponies you see are Fluttershy and my two OC ponies, Trot L'Eoil and Princess Votia.
This photo was taken at sunset from the balcony of my room out in Martha's Vineyard, overlooking the ocean. The ponies you see are Fluttershy and my two OC ponies, Trot L'Eoil and Princess Votia.
235 Pinkie pie hanging at Public Market Center. - Alex cupo

Taken at the public market center at Seattle, WA.
Taken at the public market center at Seattle, WA.
236 My little AJ sees the Petronas Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur - Jennifer Stephanie

AJ went a-gallopin' around Kuala Lumpur City Centre Park and takes in the view of the Petronas Twin Towers. She sends her love from Malaysia!
AJ went a-gallopin' around Kuala Lumpur City Centre Park and takes in the view of the Petronas Twin Towers. She sends her love from Malaysia!
237 Twilight at the Royal Albert Memorial and Hall - Bert HM

Submission #4 of Bert HM I wish I had an octavia figure for this, but i'm sure twilight enjoys music too =) Taken by The Royal Albert Memorial in Hyde Park, London, England
Submission #4 of Bert HM I wish I had an octavia figure for this, but i'm sure twilight enjoys music too =) Taken by The Royal Albert Memorial in Hyde Park, London, England
238 fluttershy at the western wall, Jerusalem - turquoiseBubblegum

this picture was taken in the western wall in the city of Jerusalem, in Israel. the wall is thought to be the remains of the second temple of the Jew's outer wall, and is a sacred place for the Jews around the world.
this picture was taken in the western wall in the city of Jerusalem, in Israel. the wall is thought to be the remains of the second temple of the Jew's outer wall, and is a sacred place for the Jews around the world.
239 Cobalt Lightning visiting Gällivare - The Torx

So I decided to participate this year and this is my OC Cobalt Lightning in front of Gällivare station, not a famous building by I find it quite beautiful.
So I decided to participate this year and this is my OC Cobalt Lightning in front of Gällivare station, not a famous building by I find it quite beautiful.
240 Cobalt Lightning visiting Gällivare - The Torx

So I decided to participate this year and this is another picture of my OC Cobalt Lightning this time in front of Fjällnäs castle, perhaps the most famous building in my town. Although this was the first time I saw it up front.
So I decided to participate this year and this is another picture of my OC Cobalt Lightning this time in front of Fjällnäs castle, perhaps the most famous building in my town. Although this was the first time I saw it up front.
1 Atomic Twilight - Andrew
Twilight sparkle and Hannah in front of the Atomic Annie artillery. Located in (state Oklahoma,town Lawtonon) Fort Sill military base.
242 KL Tower needs to be Pinkie-fied - Jennifer Stephanie

Menara Kuala Lumpur (KL Tower), with Pinkie Pie stuck on the glass window. Pinkie sends her love from Malaysia's capital city!
Menara Kuala Lumpur (KL Tower), with Pinkie Pie stuck on the glass window. Pinkie sends her love from Malaysia's capital city!
250 Chillin' In Seattle - Summer Farrow

Rainbow Dash, Trixie, and Big McIntosh chilling on the roof of my Dad's new Mustang by the Seattle skyline
Rainbow Dash, Trixie, and Big McIntosh chilling on the roof of my Dad's new Mustang by the Seattle skyline
251 The Mane 6 visits the Village of Shiloh, Illinois - Evan

Pinkies hope of eating the worlds largest peppermint were dashed when she and her friends discovered it was actually a water tower. Located in Southern Illinois, near St. Louis, is the town of Shiloh. The center of the town has a giant red and white water tower and can be viewed from miles within the county.
Pinkies hope of eating the worlds largest peppermint were dashed when she and her friends discovered it was actually a water tower. Located in Southern Illinois, near St. Louis, is the town of Shiloh. The center of the town has a giant red and white water tower and can be viewed from miles within the county.
252 - Raimundo Gutierrez

Princess Luna in front of "Palacio de La Moneda", the chilean presidential palace.
Princess Luna in front of "Palacio de La Moneda", the chilean presidential palace.
253 - Raimundo Gutierrez

Princess Luna in front of the "Intendencia de Santiago", the intendence of Santiago de Chile.
Princess Luna in front of the "Intendencia de Santiago", the intendence of Santiago de Chile.
254 - Raimundo Gutierrez

Princess Luna and Twilight at the Santa Lucia Hill of Santiago de Chile. In the back, Santiago skyline and the "Cordillera de Los Andes".
Princess Luna and Twilight at the Santa Lucia Hill of Santiago de Chile. In the back, Santiago skyline and the "Cordillera de Los Andes".
255 - Raimundo Gutierrez

Rarity posses in front of the "Teatro Municipal", the most important theater in Santiago de Chile
Rarity posses in front of the "Teatro Municipal", the most important theater in Santiago de Chile
256 - Raimundo Gutierrez

Applejacks possing in front of the "Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura", de National Agriculture Society, in Santiao de Chile.
Applejacks possing in front of the "Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura", de National Agriculture Society, in Santiao de Chile.
257 Twilight and the Shrine - Spirit Guide

When I first found out about Ponies Around the World, I knew I had to submit something. I mean, I like photoshopping(or GIMPing, as it were) but to actually take my Twilight plushie to a hoofful of special and interesting places? Count me in! Here we are at the Shrine of the Book, part of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Something tells me twilight would have loved to see what's inside.
When I first found out about Ponies Around the World, I knew I had to submit something. I mean, I like photoshopping(or GIMPing, as it were) but to actually take my Twilight plushie to a hoofful of special and interesting places? Count me in! Here we are at the Shrine of the Book, part of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Something tells me twilight would have loved to see what's inside.
258 Knesset Sparkle - Spirit Guide

Perched on the eleventh floor of an apartment building, we have a great view of the Knesset, the parliament of Israel
Perched on the eleventh floor of an apartment building, we have a great view of the Knesset, the parliament of Israel
259 The Western Wall - Spirit Guide

The Western Wall. The holiest site in the world. Not to mention one of the most popular. Me and Twilight aren't the only ones who find that its tourist season year round there. Vising the wall is already a great experience, but on that same day, Hamas fired a couple of missile, forcing us all to take shelter in the stone synagogue beside the Wall. Of course, quite a few people stood in the entrance, taking pictures of the Iron Dome dispatching the rockets. Thank you Equestria Daily, for this opportunity to share with the whole fandom.
The Western Wall. The holiest site in the world. Not to mention one of the most popular. Me and Twilight aren't the only ones who find that its tourist season year round there. Vising the wall is already a great experience, but on that same day, Hamas fired a couple of missile, forcing us all to take shelter in the stone synagogue beside the Wall. Of course, quite a few people stood in the entrance, taking pictures of the Iron Dome dispatching the rockets. Thank you Equestria Daily, for this opportunity to share with the whole fandom.
260 Dyrholaey, Iceland - And The Rainfall

Took Rainbow Dash on a trip around Iceland last year. Here she's chilling at Dyrhólaey, in southern Iceland.
Took Rainbow Dash on a trip around Iceland last year. Here she's chilling at Dyrhólaey, in southern Iceland.
261 Langjokull, Iceland - And The Rainfall

Took Rainbow Dash with me on a trip around Iceland. Here she's literally chilling atop the second largest glacier in Iceland, Langjökull: the long glacier. There was endless white in every direction, and the air was so dense that objects a few paces away turned into shadows. The edge of the glacier might as well have been a construct of our imagination, existing only because others told us it did. It was a pretty surreal experience.
Took Rainbow Dash with me on a trip around Iceland. Here she's literally chilling atop the second largest glacier in Iceland, Langjökull: the long glacier. There was endless white in every direction, and the air was so dense that objects a few paces away turned into shadows. The edge of the glacier might as well have been a construct of our imagination, existing only because others told us it did. It was a pretty surreal experience.
262 Búðir, Iceland - And The Rainfall

Took Rainbow Dash with me on a trip around Iceland last year. Here she's chilling at the beach in Búðir, on the southern edge of the Snæfellsnes peninsula. It was an idyllic location, where sand, ocean, mountains, snow, lava fields, snow, and even a double waterfall, met in almost complete tranquility. Dash probably got bored pretty quickly, though.
Took Rainbow Dash with me on a trip around Iceland last year. Here she's chilling at the beach in Búðir, on the southern edge of the Snæfellsnes peninsula. It was an idyllic location, where sand, ocean, mountains, snow, lava fields, snow, and even a double waterfall, met in almost complete tranquility. Dash probably got bored pretty quickly, though.
264 Dr Hooves and the twin piers - SUP3R Toastr

This is me and The Doctor on the cliffs of Whitby, North Yorkshire in England overlooking the town's unique harbour mouth and it's twin piers. Little known trivia: The town's harbour was a target for the Americans during the Revolutionary war. Luckily it wasn't attacked otherwise i probably wouldn't be able to take this picture of it to share with you!
This is me and The Doctor on the cliffs of Whitby, North Yorkshire in England overlooking the town's unique harbour mouth and it's twin piers. Little known trivia: The town's harbour was a target for the Americans during the Revolutionary war. Luckily it wasn't attacked otherwise i probably wouldn't be able to take this picture of it to share with you!
265 The Two Explorers - SUP3R Toastr

This is me and The Doctor in front of the statue (hopefully JUST a statue. I'm not blinking just in case) honouring the great explorer, Captain Cook, who, amongst many other discoveries, is most famous for discovering the continent that would become Australia. The budding explorer learned his sailing skills in the town of Whitby where the statue is located. Trivia: Even though Cook was a great explorer, he developed a balshy personality in his later life which ultimately cost him his on the island of Hawaii.
This is me and The Doctor in front of the statue (hopefully JUST a statue. I'm not blinking just in case) honouring the great explorer, Captain Cook, who, amongst many other discoveries, is most famous for discovering the continent that would become Australia. The budding explorer learned his sailing skills in the town of Whitby where the statue is located. Trivia: Even though Cook was a great explorer, he developed a balshy personality in his later life which ultimately cost him his on the island of Hawaii.
267 Pinkie Pie at the Pink Pony on Mackinac Island, MI! - Ben Smith

I took a trip to Mackinac Island, and bought Pinkie just so I could take this photo outside a restaurant with a very brony-friendly name!
I took a trip to Mackinac Island, and bought Pinkie just so I could take this photo outside a restaurant with a very brony-friendly name!
268 Frozen Kingdom of Ice-cream #2, 100% Vinyl Approved! Minsk, Belarus - lezvion

Factory of best Ice Cream in Belarus!
Factory of best Ice Cream in Belarus!
269 Trixie Visits the Salt Lake Temple - Gwinvere W

Not much else to say, just my submission! Please feel free to resize the picture if need be.
Not much else to say, just my submission! Please feel free to resize the picture if need be.
274 Gros Horloge, Rouen, Normandy, France - Qbe Root

Being basically a huge clock, the Gros Horloge seemed like a perfect spot for our Time Pony!
Being basically a huge clock, the Gros Horloge seemed like a perfect spot for our Time Pony!
275 Jardin des Plantes, Rouen, Normandy, France - Qbe Root

My ugly Fluttershy toy visiting the biggest garden of Rouen!
My ugly Fluttershy toy visiting the biggest garden of Rouen!
277 Surf's Up, Celestia! - JazzyTyfighter

Our beloved princess is on the arm of the father of surfing, Duke Kahanamoku, in Waikiki.
Our beloved princess is on the arm of the father of surfing, Duke Kahanamoku, in Waikiki.
278 Rainbow Dash at the Polynesian Cultural Center - JazzyTyfighter

My family and I visited this amazing park in the northern shores of Oahu. The educational parts would probably bore Dashie here, but she would definitely think the fire dancing would be "so awesome!"
My family and I visited this amazing park in the northern shores of Oahu. The educational parts would probably bore Dashie here, but she would definitely think the fire dancing would be "so awesome!"
279 Fluttershy Will Remember... - JazzyTyfighter

I took this picture at the USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor. The Element of Kindness will surely pay respect to those who passed on that tragic day...
280 Old Faithful - Tristen HunterI took this picture at the USS Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor. The Element of Kindness will surely pay respect to those who passed on that tragic day...
281 Matsumoto's is Best Shave Ice! - JazzyTyfighter

The line for this place wasn't as bad as the Apple Family's cider line, but it was still pretty long. It's a famous grocery/shave ice place on the north shore of Oahu.
The line for this place wasn't as bad as the Apple Family's cider line, but it was still pretty long. It's a famous grocery/shave ice place on the north shore of Oahu.
284 Our Library - Airtower

The building in the background is the "Stadt- und Landesbibliothek Dortmund" (City and State Library Dortmund), also called the "salad bowl", and right next to Dortmund Main Station. Seriously, where else would I take Twilight Sparkle? ^_^ For those who do not know, Dortmund is one of the 10 biggest cities in Germany and part of the "Ruhrgebiet" metropolitan area.
The building in the background is the "Stadt- und Landesbibliothek Dortmund" (City and State Library Dortmund), also called the "salad bowl", and right next to Dortmund Main Station. Seriously, where else would I take Twilight Sparkle? ^_^ For those who do not know, Dortmund is one of the 10 biggest cities in Germany and part of the "Ruhrgebiet" metropolitan area.
290 Lyra visits Tugu Muda - Isai Karnadhi

This was taken on Tugu Muda, Semarang, Indonesia. Lyra seems to be enjoying the scene of human life around.
This was taken on Tugu Muda, Semarang, Indonesia. Lyra seems to be enjoying the scene of human life around.
291 Rainbow Pride (Zagreb, Croatia) - theOwtcast

Photo taken on June 14, 2014, during the Zagreb Gay Pride, at the parade's starting point on the Square of Fascism Victims in Zagreb, Croatia. The small picture shows the museum (originally a mosque) in the center of the square. The large picture shows the fountain in front of the museum. I would have preferred to show the museum on the main picture for this landmark, but that photo didin't turn out quite right, and I was also filming the event (if you want to watch the video, the link is in the photo description on DeviantArt), so I kind of didn't have a lot of time to look for a perfect angle for the PATW photo. The backup photo (i.e. Dash standing on drums next to the fountain) turned out better, so I decided to use that one instead.
Photo taken on June 14, 2014, during the Zagreb Gay Pride, at the parade's starting point on the Square of Fascism Victims in Zagreb, Croatia. The small picture shows the museum (originally a mosque) in the center of the square. The large picture shows the fountain in front of the museum. I would have preferred to show the museum on the main picture for this landmark, but that photo didin't turn out quite right, and I was also filming the event (if you want to watch the video, the link is in the photo description on DeviantArt), so I kind of didn't have a lot of time to look for a perfect angle for the PATW photo. The backup photo (i.e. Dash standing on drums next to the fountain) turned out better, so I decided to use that one instead.
292 Devoted student (Zagreb, Croatia) - theOwtcast

Photo taken in front of Medical School of Zagreb University.
Photo taken in front of Medical School of Zagreb University.
293 I want to fly with you (Opatija, Croatia) - theOwtcast

The statue in the background, Maiden with the seagull, is one of the most famous symbols of Opatija.
The statue in the background, Maiden with the seagull, is one of the most famous symbols of Opatija.
294 ElephantShy (Brijuni National park, Croatia) - theOwtcast

The statue Fluttershy is standing on represents the world with two elephants on it: Sony and Lanka, the gifts from Indira Gandhi to Yugoslavian president Josip Broz Tito, who used Brijuni as his summer residence during his realm. Sony died in 2010, but Lanka is still alive. In tht background, the 1700-years-old olive tree can be seen.
The statue Fluttershy is standing on represents the world with two elephants on it: Sony and Lanka, the gifts from Indira Gandhi to Yugoslavian president Josip Broz Tito, who used Brijuni as his summer residence during his realm. Sony died in 2010, but Lanka is still alive. In tht background, the 1700-years-old olive tree can be seen.
295 Pony et circenses (Pula, Croatia) - theOwtcast

Rainbow and Applejack are standing in the spectator area of the amphitheatre in Pula, Croatia, commonly known as the Arena. It was built between 27 AC - 68 AD as the city of Pula became a regional centre of Roman rule. It remained in use until 5th century, after which the local populace started was plundering its stone until the patriarch of Aquilea forbade further removal of its stone in 13th century. Today, the Arena is used for concerts.
Rainbow and Applejack are standing in the spectator area of the amphitheatre in Pula, Croatia, commonly known as the Arena. It was built between 27 AC - 68 AD as the city of Pula became a regional centre of Roman rule. It remained in use until 5th century, after which the local populace started was plundering its stone until the patriarch of Aquilea forbade further removal of its stone in 13th century. Today, the Arena is used for concerts.
298 Roseluck and Fluttershy at the Tomori Stone Lion - Casey C.

This is Roseluck and Fluttershy in Okinawa Japan. Fluttershy just had to see the lion!
This is Roseluck and Fluttershy in Okinawa Japan. Fluttershy just had to see the lion!
299 Applejack and Pinkie Pie at Mori no Kawa Springs. - Casey C.

Applejack and Pinkie Pie at Mori no Kawa Springs in Okinawa Japan. This is where the story of the Celestial maiden is said to have happened.
Applejack and Pinkie Pie at Mori no Kawa Springs in Okinawa Japan. This is where the story of the Celestial maiden is said to have happened.
300 Ponies and Gilda at Heritage Station, Huntington WV. - Casey C.

Zecora, Big Mac, Princess Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Gilda, Roseluck, Princess Cadance and Applejack looking at the train of Heritage station in Huntington WV.
Zecora, Big Mac, Princess Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, Gilda, Roseluck, Princess Cadance and Applejack looking at the train of Heritage station in Huntington WV.