Her gaze pierces into your SOUL.
Can you deny her power? Are you capable of handling the Great and Powerful Trixie?!
Probably not. Only I can do that. Get some roundup stuff instead. I have worlds to conquer.
Top Ten Pony Video Voting for June 2014
Crystal Fair Organizer Interviewed
For those of you attending Crystal Fair. Have an interview!
Fluttershy Tattoo
I actually just finished Far Cry 3, so tattoos are cool.
From Steve in England.
Ponyfinder with Silver Quill
Head on over here to check it out!
Twilight on Djorno Pizza Builder
I do love me some Djorno.
Build em over here!
Voting for Top Ten Pony Songs of June 2014
Brony Spotlight Episode 6: University
Head on over here to check it out!
AppleJoy Dramatic Reading
Fanfic time! Get it over here.
Twilight and Scootaloo: Adventures of Twilight's Gall Bladder Reading
Find it over here!
The Stars Ascend Dramatic Reading
Find it over here!
More Pony Science - Shadows Head Cannon
Find it over here!
Pony 411 Episode 61 - For Your Con-sideration

It's time for a new Pony 411! We have a lot of news for you this week, including the usual con stuff, a lot of Toys"R"Us exclusives, some SDCC exclusives, and Rainbow Dash appearing on the big screen!
Nemesis and Alca7raz then get into convention talk. Particularly, how to maximize your enjoyment of them! Budgeting, behavior, and more! Plus, they have issue #20 of the MLP comic to review, and the usual fan content. Tune in!Download: http://pony411.libsyn.com/episode-61-for-your-con-sideration
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VX8rz25c_8
Show Notes: http://pony411.libsyn.com/shownotes
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pony411
Merch/Ebay Stuff
Anthro Luna Plushie
Comissions for July
Trixie Sculpt