The long wait is finally over and those who have waited patiently now have their chance at watching A Brony Tale on iTunes! With a successful theater and festival run under its belt along with a majority of positive reviews (including our own editorial) to its name you don't want to miss this. Not only that, but we have a letter to you all from Brent Hodge himself!
Check on after the break for all the info you need on how to get your hands on the release as well as the letter from Brent.
And if you have watched it, what did you think of it? Hit the comments up!
At long last, after a very exciting and successful theatrical and festival run, “A Brony Tale” is available to the public today on iTunes and VHX. The film's soundtrack is also available on iTunes Music. Share it with your friends! Let's get this on the iTunes front page!
The film was entirely self funded through Brent Hodge’s production company Hodgee Films. This is the first feature length documentary for Hodgee Films which specializes in pop culture, music and travel documentaries from around the world.
The Movie on iTunes -
$12.99 for HD
$9.99 for SD
The Soundtrack on iTunes -
$0.99 per track or
$9.90 for the whole thing
The Movie on VHX -
$12.99 for HD
“As Brent Hodge vividly illustrates in his entertaining, insightful and affectionate documentary about a seemingly bizarre subculture, there's more to this phenomenon than meets the eye. Heck, it might even make a Brony out of you.” –Michael D. Reid, Victoria Times Colonist
“The best documentary I’ve seen on the subject . . . has the advantage of a filmmaker who understands storytelling and Hodge does an excellent job not only of capturing the energy and passion of the fans but packaging that up in a documentary that is both entertaining and informative."
-Marina Antunes, Row Three
“If we all joined them in not necessarily watching and playing with and dressing up as My Little Pony but at least in following its message and influence, then the planet would be a much better place.”
-Christopher Campbell,
Letter from Brent Hodge:
"To all the bronies,
I first off want to say thank you for being who you are. Without you I wouldn't have a film! I appreciate all the love and attention that you have given to this film as we have completed the festival circuit around the world from New Zealand to Canada to Mexico to theaters across America. It has been quite the journey. I can't tell you how much it has meant to me every time I see a photo or a comment about the film from the brony community. This project really became my passion. I traveled all over the world and made true friends through doing it.
I'm so proud of this movie and what it has accomplished. It was our first feature length documentary and we spent over two years making it. If you saw me while filming you will know that I was just a kid with a camera. I'm one guy, no different than anyone else who loves making movies. I have a wicked team who put this film together with me (I consider them MY bronies) and it all came from our heart and soul and love for one another.
This project is completely independent. It was our own equipment, our own money and our own time. It's totally self funded and has taken everything we have to get it this far in the film world. We got a film about bronies into theaters across the nation.. Documentaries typically don't get into theaters. We did it. We werent going to stop until we met that objective.. and we did it! Bronies were a big part of helping us get it there. We knew it was a great idea, we knew it was a real story and we knew there was magic here.
As a community that strives to develop original content and support that content, I truly can't thank you enough for supporting this film. You respect yourselves as a fandom and you respected me as a filmmaker. Thank you for supporting the efforts, the love and the brony in us all that went into making this film.. for supporting the musicians, the editors, the sound designers that all helped this thing come to fruition…and most of all, thank you for supporting what it means to believe in something and then have that pay off in the end.
And if you want to see the film.. what are you waiting for! haha Im kidding...please enjoy the film :)
Yours in filmmaking and friendship,
Ps. See you at BronyCon /) "
Twitter: Calpain