The world's Manliest Brony is back with another charity drive, this time picked out by Amy Keating Rogers. The charity this time is the Epilepsy Foundation of California and as usual your donations could net you some really awesome prizes!
Check after the break to see how you can help!
Another two weeks has gone by and episode
77 of Stay Brony My Friends is in the books. This week we had the wonderful and
talented Amy Keating Rogers on the show talking about Season 4 episodes, Pinkie
Pride, Testing Testing 1,2,3 and Filli Vanilli. They we got into the Journal of
the Two Sisters book she wrote and releases on June 10th!
As with all of our guests, we have a 2
week flash charity going for her. By know everyone knows of her son Sorin and
his battle with Epilepsy. So this time we are raising bits for the Epilepsy
Foundation of California!
one of the most misunderstood conditions in the world, and is still the subject
of fear, ignorance, and even persecution by religious leaders. More than just
physical seizures, it is a condition which temporarily disables portions of a
patient's brian... physical control, vision, blackouts, and even emotional
reactions. Great strides in treating this disease have been made, but there is
still much to do, and this is where the Epilepsy Foundation of California
excels. Public education, supporting research and aiding patients in their
daily lives are what they are all about. It's a noble mission, and it's one we
will be a part of.
help put epilepsy where it belongs: in the past!
to and click the link. Register on
the Manliestbrony web site and at FirstGiving to be eligible for some great
time we have 5 more packs of Enterplay MLP card game, an Autograph card from
G.M. Barrow with art by Pixelkitties, a copy of issue 13 of the MLP Comic with
Amy Mebberson cover and if we break 500 bucks, I'm tossing in a Crystal Funko