Just a quick reminder for people in the Seattle area that the premiere of A Brony Tale in your city is close at hand! You might even get the chance to catch Ashleigh Balle or Brent Hodge at one of the premieres so check after the break for all the info you need to get your ticket.
SEATTLE (and the surrounding area) BRONIES! Just a reminder, A BRONY TALE is coming your way Thursday May 22 @ SIFF Cinema Uptown and Saturday May 24 @ the Egyptian Theatre.
Director Brent Hodge is going to be at the May 22 screening and both Brent Hodge and Ashleigh Ball will be at the May 24 screening.
If you can make it to either (or both :P) screenings feel free to wear brony/pony shirts to support the film!
GET YOUR TIX HERE AND THEATRE INFO HERE: http://myaccount.siff.net/festival/film/ detail.aspx?id=47324&fid=334
Twitter: Calpain