With the launch of Wildstar, it looks like the final choice has been made on servers. Assuming the game doesn't explode with everyone trying to login at once, we will be aiming for the PVE server Stormtalon. Enough people wanted that over PVP that we went that route!
Expect it to open up some time later today, until then, if you plan to play with us, just roll Exile there. It's pretty dependant on how stable servers are and how quickly we can get to level 12 and get 10 gold to to start the guild up.
And if this is completely irrelevant to you, have some sweetie bot again below, because shes the best bot.
When: Some time tomorrow if we can get the guild open through inevitable server derps
Update: (Followup will go out once we are starting to invite, chances are I (Ended up with Sethisto) and a few others will be doing it)
Update: Guild now open, /whisper Alexstrazse, Sethisto, or anyone else online for an invite to SPACE PONIES.
Update: All of the servers are pretty bombarded at the moment as expected. Don't stress too much about guild invites right now.
(Also below the break, some character code for pony style characters from CurryKatsu!)
Character Codes from CurryKatsu (Input at character select in the save/load box at the bottom):
Fluttershy - (female aurin)
eNotjE0aQDAMRIPST6l/d3ALR+ M2jmZrZVuTkcV7XzqZND4iuYg4kIEL eNDbu5J/r1lhPWe5t06wbAAtKDU/ tZEOT9d0oBt4e6P+ e3dMes56vaeRtxM90wu9svkBTnEShQ ==
Twilight Sparkle- (female aurin) - recommended class: esper
eNrj/ cDAwMTAwMACxIxAvByI2YGYH8pnY4D Ig2hmIOZAUgtSxwXFIDEBKM0Kkm8A6 fhfzw4mOcEkF5jkBpIa33hB5j7nA4v wg9kg3fb/ BcF6hcCkMJgUAZOiYJUAToMShA==
Rainbow dash (female aurin)
eNotjMsVgCAMBKOiPFDEbw92YWnaja V59eQVlzWHmRd2E8IjUoqIAQW4gAVR 3438vQOVZkZnq73XbAAdqPPemZt0WN rRnm7h7Q3537tnEjnn6z2NvJ3omV7o lZsfTscShg==
Applejack (female aurin) - recommended class: spellslinger
eNoti0sWQDAQBAchT4i/ O7iFo3EbR7O1so2eNouql/ R0x0ckFxEHMnABD3r7V/ LflcIyZx1vebDbAFpQau/ UZTo8XdOBbuDtjbq9OyY937re08jtR M/0Qq9sfkrXEn4=
Princess Luna (female aurin) recommended class: esper
eNotjN0RQDAQhA+RTEL8m9GNHjREA+ pQmlcdsFn38H2zt8ldfERyETEgAxdw oNPZyv/ uQaGd0ex0DtqlnRqU4N0t7WhPB7qCz y2mu3fDpmVO2+vbp5vHQI/0RM/ 8uTB/CbMT2Q==
Derpy Hooves (Female Aurin)
eNpNjUsOgCAMRIuiIIrib+ Fp9TYeza030GHSRBfvZeikJd4ihYhY YMAJPEj6ruXrSxA0O8X+ ZnmnA5vuVuDZ8wVzOGZPN3SgW7Yx/ 3L1nAzMiXlkO9EzvdAr2xftNhPR
The Great and Powerful Trixie who is also the Highest Level Unicorn, (female Aurin) reccomended class: esper
eNotjckNgDAMBM0VSFC4kaAaWkA0BA 1QB6XxpQPYLH7MyM6uHP+ IxCKSgghcoACN7kb+ 3IIEOO2GTq6706zRbAYryMC7GzqnLe 3oEj43H+7fFV9qzuHK8rbh/ 6Oje3qgRzYnzh9MWxRR
------------------------------ ------------------------------ ------------------------------ -----------------------
other characters that aren't Aurin
DJP0N3- (mordesh female) - make her a Medic, because all the medic's attack effects looks like wubs/ sound equalizer things.
DJP0N3- (human female version)
eNpNjO0RgjAUBJ8m8qEBImBMfxZiur EtSqADPVac8cfu3Nzce91qdjSzw85L VCLZt3fCi5OoRSuiCH+ bLJrfj8K34rDH2+37WZFrMuvSks/ 4Ii+hlx/9QBPxleVInsgzvtEk8h1n/ AGznBaj
queen chrysalis (Draken female)
Pinkie Pie ( as a Chua) -make her an engineer, so she has a party cannon XD
eNotjIsNgDAIRKlt/ aYaNVrd0g10GudzAz1OmrwHPQjpESl EJMn/ blCBCTgQgbcaLdN5B1pDdwPY7a8776 lX3eXpQJfMK7pm0rDXW/ lI7Ht64HSkZ3phvrLP9EZ/LBgTHQ==