It looks like the Brony Tale train is just starting as a the documentary pulls off a successful premiere in Vancouver! With a packed theater the film continues its run of successful showings and is primed to premiere in Seattle very soon so check on after the break to not only get information on that event, but to check out pictures from the premiere at Vancouver.
Thanks again to Ian for all the information in this report!
From the packed theatres at Vancouver Playhouse and VIFF's VanCity Theatre, the Vancouver, BC hometown premiere of "A Brony Tale" was a success. The screenings were well received by audiences, and even some My Little Pony show staff were in attendance.
Below you can find photographs from the premiere. Photos by Marcus Jolly
If you've yet to hear about the documentary, here's a little background. The ideas of love, generosity, honesty, loyalty, laughter, kindness, friendship, even among those you may disagree with, searching for the truth, and personal responsibility are abundant in "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" . . . and those ideas are promoted by the Bronies . . . the teenage and adult fans of My Little Pony!
When Ashleigh Ball, voice of Applejack and Rainbow Dash, got one of the lead roles on "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic", she never expected she'd become a celebrity among the Bronies . . . but when Ashleigh gets an invitation to be a guest at the 2012 BronyCon in New York, she's taken on a journey she never expected to have. Featuring many different bronies from many different walks of life, this Brent Hodge directed documentary shows us that friendship truly is magic!
Pics from the premiere:
"The audience at the packed Vancouver Playhouse in Vancouver, BC watching a scene from A Brony Tale"
"From top left to bottom right: Brent Hodge (director/producer), Chris Kelly (composer), Lauren Bercovitch (producer), Nick Fabin (poster artist), Donald Rhoades (DustyKatt/brony)"
"Ashleigh Ball, voice of Applejack and Rainbow Dash, taking some pictures with fans."
"Ashleigh Ball taking pictures with fans at the premiere"
"Peter New, voice of Big Mac, and fans @ the Vancouver premiere."
"The audience watching a scene @ the packed Vancouver Playhouse"
For all the pictures from the Vancouver, BC premiere check out the Hodgee Films facebook page here:
Also, "A Brony Tale" is coming to Seattle via the Seattle International Film Festival! There's a May 22 screening @ SIFF Cinema at the Uptown, which director Brent Hodge will be at, and another screening on May 24 @ the Egyptian Theatre, which both Brent Hodge and star of the film Ashleigh Ball will attend.
Get your tickets and theatre information here:
Let's fill these theatres up!
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Biggest Brohoof EVER /)! God bless you guys!
Twitter: Calpain