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Author: psychicscubadiver
Description: Harry Dresden, Chicago's only professional wizard, is just looking for an escape from his latest set of enemies and happens to teleport into Equestria. Surely nothing could go wrong with that set-up.The Dresden Fillies: Strange Friends
Author: Cerulean Voice
Description: Since its reappearance in recent times, the Crystal Empire has become known for its uniquely dazzling beauty, crystal ponies and powerful defense mechanism: the Crystal Heart. But how did such a glorious kingdom come to even exist? In the heart of a frozen, otherwise inhospitable wasteland, of all places?Keeper of the Crystal Heart
In the aftermath of the first Hearth's Warming Day, harmony between each pony tribe has been newly re-established. Yet upon the dawning of Hearts And Hooves Day, a teacher, student, cloud-controller and farmer will accidentally unearth a nefarious plot to destabilise harmony once more. What they discover along the way about their history, their futures and the implications of power will shake the foundations of Equestria.
The price of such power is indeed steep...
Author: FanNotANerd
Description: It has been theorized that there exist an infinite number of worlds, representing an infinite number of possibilities. Great minds have long wondered at the possibility of opening a window between two worlds, to look into what may have been.A Simple Reflection (New Part 5!)
Princess Celestia is no exception. Her objective: open a window and observe a perfectly ordinary pony from another world. Except what results isn't a window. It's a doorway. And what comes through is almost too ordinary. Too mundane.