Story updates! I can't believe Paradise had an update. How long has it been? What a nostalgia bomb.
Get that and more below!

Author: Slywit
Description: Celestia and Luna were born as unassuming foals in troubled times. But already marked for greatness, the simple earth ponies stand to face a world set against them, full of danger, fear, and sadness. A world they will change forever.Paradise (New Part 18!)
Author: CyborgSamurai
Description: I consider myself a lucky guy. Good job, good family, and best of all, really, really good friends. We call ourselves MMPD, and together we've had tons of crazy adventures, helped one another discover ourselves, and always have had a good time. It's a shame we've drifted apart since high school, but at least we get to see each other once a year on our shared birthdays.The Last Crusade (New Part 14!)
That tradition turned out to be a lifesaver, because as my friends and I just found out… well, let’s just say we’ve known each other a lot longer than we thought. Now we’ve gotta find a way back home, and hopefully we won't drive each other nuts along the way. We know we’re not the big heroes, and we’re all in WAY over our heads, but hopefully we can do just enough to make a difference in the end. If we can do that, then I know we’ll have made our families proud.
I just wish we still had our capes.
Side fic to Five Score, Divided by Four by TwistedSpectrum.The reading of that story is NOT required in order to understand what is going on in this one.
Cover art by Sonson-Sensei.
Author: Capn Chryssalid
Description: It began with a mare from Ponyville and a time-looping Prince from Canterlot. This most unlikely union now stands at a crossroads: a ruthless changeling invasion; a conspiracy within the highest circles of the Equestrian aristocracy; a half dozen power hungry noblemares looking to become a Princess in all but name. With the prize of Canterlot and its Platinum Crown at stake, it falls to six Elements of Harmony to once again save not just Ponyville, but all of Equestria.This Platinum Crown (FFN) (New Part 51!)
Author: GaPJaxie
Description: Beautiful, gifted, and faithful student of the Princess of the Sun, Siren Song has very nearly everything a pony could want. Sometimes though, in the twilight hours, Siren can see the sadness in her mentor's eyes. Once, ponies whisper, the Princess had another student named Twilight Sparkle, but she left Equestria, never to return. The pony who has a perfect life just needs one more thing—to convince Twilight Sparkle to come home so the Princess will smile again. Siren will soon learn, however, that not all of the world is as kind as Equestria. Beyond the spires of Canterlot, she will discover a new city, a place of horror and awe, of suffering and beauty: Vision.Vision
Author: Georg
Description: We all know the story of how the Princess’ young student and five friends defeated Nightmare Moon, and brought Princess Luna back to our lands. But what if the tale were false? What if the young Twilight Sparkle on the event of her entrance exam had not been rescued by Princess Celestia, but instead lost her mind among the power of her youthful surge, and had to be sent away, far away before she could destroy all of Canterlot with her newfound power. Now the feral unicorn prowling the Everfree Forest only vaguely remembers her past, slipping away from constant terrifying attempts to capture her.
And she is beginning to remember what true power felt like.
The Monster in the Twilight
Author: Cerulean Voice
Description: Since its reappearance in recent times, the Crystal Empire has become known for its uniquely dazzling beauty, crystal ponies and powerful defense mechanism: the Crystal Heart. But how did such a glorious kingdom come to even exist? In the heart of a frozen, otherwise inhospitable wasteland, of all places?Keeper of the Crystal Heart
In the aftermath of the first Hearth's Warming Day, harmony between each pony tribe has been newly re-established. Yet upon the dawning of Hearts And Hooves Day, a teacher, student, cloud-controller and farmer will accidentally unearth a nefarious plot to destabilise harmony once more. What they discover along the way about their history, their futures and the implications of power will shake the foundations of Equestria.
The price of such power is indeed steep...
Author: Medicshy
Description: A Journalist is given a major scoop about a certain six ponies at the Grand Galloping Gala. But it seems that these ponies don't like the attention. Will he be able to get his story? Will he be able to go through writing it if he does? And what consequences await the aspiring writer's choice? Whatever the outcome, it is all Newsworthy.
Newsworthy. Part 1: The Scoop