The nice folks associated with the Creativity Kitchen are looking for you! Those of you who want to learn how to create, animate, and pony-up something artistic in cooperation with some very talented folks, this is the project for you. These lovely bronies are already working on beautiful works of art for projects that are already in the oven as well as prospective ideas that are just getting their ingredients together.
Check out what's cooking after the jump!
Hello marshmallows! Here's the call for creators that the Creativity Kitchen has passed out:
"Have you ever wanted to learn about animation?
Wanted to know how top-tier animations are done from conceptualization to that polished-looking finished product?
Well, it all starts with proper education and guidance. Here at Creativity Kitchen, we have some of those top tier animators, artists and instructors to educate you and keep you engaged in the wonderful world of animation.
Creativity Kitchen has a goal of not only educating you in the ways and language of animation, but to spread what is taught throughout the fandom.
Unlike some organizations who wish to keep assets a closely guarded secret, Creativity Kitchen wishes to expand beyond conventional means by giving you, the future animator, the opportunity to provide assets for many of the fan based studios starting, or currently working on, productions.
We are currently working with a wide variety of teams starting from organized groups looking to have some puppets created all the way up to big fan based production crews, some fielding over 75 highly skilled individuals.
At this time, Creativity Kitchen is providing support for over 7 major fan based production projects and studios. These include some wonderful groups, such as: Bogyle Bronies, Spectra Studios, Everfree Animation, Project Thundercloud 3, Super Smash Ponies, and Writers in Harmony, just to name a few.
Your work will be varied, and will be consistently evolving in both skill level and complexity. From simple tween and motion graphics, to complicated 360˚ depth of field camera pans to recreating a 3D environment in a 2D platform, you could be learning anything. You will never be tasked to do long scenes, especially with tedious work like lip syncing.
You will be a vital part of assisting animation teams from all over the world in helping to complete the goals and aspirations they set for themselves and the community, not to mention having some pretty cool stuff to use for your own animations, too!
Recently, there has been a lack of quality assets being circulated throughout the fandom for use. We here at Creativity Kitchen want to change that. We want to ensure that every animator, both fresh and seasoned, has the chance to use some of the best puppet rigs built in-house, available FREE OF USE, along with high quality vector work and accessories.
YOU are the future animators of the fandom, so come join us as we explore and teach you the magical world of animation. Remember, it all starts with one keyframe at a time, and we are the ones who can help layer your education on the timeline to success.
If you wish to join, send an email to [email protected]. Please provide samples of your best artwork along with your Skype name."
These folks include some very talented individuals. Here are a few pieces I was given to demonstrate some of the work these folks have had the pleasure of producing.
Where are you going, Pinkie?
Aw, she's so excited!
How intense can one pony be?
Ready to spring into action at a moment's notice.
Look at that little guy go!
You could power some locomotives with that flame!
Well, that sure is some exciting stuff! If you feel like it's time to add your efforts to the community cake mix, shoot them an email and show your stuff to the Creativity Kitchen. At the very least you will meet like-minded bronies, which is always wonderful. Of course, at most, you could master your craft!
If any of you neigh-sayers and pony-pouters out there feel like you can't do it, take the chance. These guys can point you in the right way to get better at what you want to do. Your art could lead you down the path of animation success.
Believe in yourselves and get animating, marshmallows!
~Cocoa Delight