Brony Thank You Fund and the creator of Heavenly Nostrils are collaborating on a charity effort by giving folks a chance to have your own pony OC appear in the Heavenly Nostrils strip as a Pastel Pony by being the winner on the charity auction linked below. Take a look!
Thanks to the generosity of Dana Simpson, creator of the syndicated comic strip Heavenly Nostrils, you can bid on the chance to have your MLP OC appear as a "Pastel Pony" in an upcoming edition of the strip.
Just place your bid on the eBay auction, which benefits the Brony Thank You Fund's campaign for the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, and your OC could score immortality as a character in Phoebe's favorite show about colorful magical horses.
The auction can be found at , and runs through Tuesday, April 29th.
Twitter: Calpain