Nightly Roundup #962
by Calpain
Man I love the Layton series! Combined with the Ace Attorney series they make up my favorite games on a handheld. I can't wait to get my hands on that Ace Attorney/Layton mash up game.
Not a lot of news, but check out what we do have after the break!
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Way over int he world of MLP CCG Reddit, an AMA Recently went down (over here if you are curious) with a developer from the game. Included within the questions about the future of the game and various mechanics, were the revealings of a few of he upcoming cards from Canterlot Nights. Below the break you will find the Luna mane character card, and above a Coco Pommel friend and "In Your Dreams" event.
And in the world of Twitter, the Pinkie Pie mane character for the CN set was also revealed. Get that below as well!
Thanks to Isseus and Mr. Offspring for sending them!
It continues! Hurray! How I have missed tiny Purple Smart.
Lots of comics today guys. Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
While we don't have an official source to point to with these, the submitter KrazyKari points out that these are a future set of Build a Bear Plushies. It looks like you guys worried about the lack of Apple Bloom in the last round will finally have a chance to finish off your set. Along with that, we have Zecora, and the Greatest and most Powerful Pony in all of Equestria. While I'm not too thrilled with the tiny hat, there is always a chance that it could change in the future.
Hopefully we see these some time in the near future! -
New Episode Pic On Hub Twitter
by Calpain
Let the teasers for the new episode on Saturday begin! First we've got a teaser pic from the Hub for you all tonight. Check it out after the break!
Thanks to all for sending it in.
Octavia doesn't have many different poses in fan art, but it looks like you guys have mastered this one.
Get some art down below the break!
[1] Source
I think AJ has a problem guys? What do you think? I wonder if there is rehab for apple addiction...
Anyhow, got a small bunch of simple ones for you this time around. Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
What's great about ponies is how malleable they are to certain themes and topics. They are just as good at being cute as kittens to as badass as any superhero. It's this diversity that allows our fandom to be as all inclusive as it is, with things that suit about anyone's tastes if they look past the surface.
As usual, these posts are in similar style to the Tumblr Spotlights, a group of 3-5 artists will be spotlit each entry along with a small short description along with a small selection of their artwork! In order to make this feature work though we need people to suggest artists to us so make sure to send artists you think need some exposure to calpain@equestriadaily.com. Please also include a short biography I can work with as well as what medium you work in most.
What sort of artists count? Suggestions should follow these criteria:
- No clop or extensive gore galleries as those typically violate our content guidelines. If the artist has a safe for work gallery separate from their not safe for work stuff they or their fans can submit the safe for work gallery. If there is a mix of SFW/NSFW on a gallery the decision whether or not to include them will be judged on a gallery to gallery basis.
- Don't be afraid to spotlight yourself as well as others!
- Artists of all types accepted -vector, OC, traditional, digital. As long as it is pony and of quality it has a chance of being spotlit.
Twitter: Calpain
Another one of thosr 24 hour shirt sites is running a pony crossover, this time dedicated to Harry Potter and the Patronus spell. If you want it, go snag it over here! -
BronyCAN Announces Daniel Ingram
by Calpain
While we have are entering convention season here in the States, Canada is also gearing up their conventions! BronyCAN today is proud to announce the attendance of pony musician extraordinaire Daniel Ingram.
Get all the details after the break!
With the two-parter drawing ever closer, USA Today has posted a little preview for the season 4 finale.
We should be seeing more of these appearing in upcoming week.
Grab it here or below the break.
Seriously guys, we've had promos for conventions and other events before, but this one takes the cake. All the cakes. And even some that haven't even been made yet! GalaCon has a small halfway point announcement along with an amazing promo video that is animated and runs for over 3 minutes. Check it out, even if you know you can't make it to GalaCon. It's just that awesome.
Updated with HD Vid!
If you guys don't read this arc I'm leaving the fandom. This isn't an issue of pandas, horse fame, Tumblr warriors, Twilight growing to Celestia's size, or anything. You all will simply disappoint me to quitting. It's gonna happen!
Now that you have read it, go discuss Part 2 below! And thanks to Illustrious Q for digging up he rarer ones.
Cover A
Cover B
Cover C Retailer Incentive
Larrys Comics Right
Larrys Comics Microprint
Larrys Comics Masterpiece Edition
Hot Topic
Got to say that I am rather liking the Improving Skills series. From such humble beginnings it has really taken off! I look forward to seeing what the artist does with it in the future.
More comics guys! Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
A gaming stream is going down later today at 6:00-7:00 PM EST. Included in the festivities are a whole bunch of giveaways and community guests, including MictheMic, AcRaceBest, Saberspark, GalaxyArt, DBPony, and more. Expect a free Dark Souls 2, and expect 9 others. Get the video announcement below.
Horse Fame! Something so many of you strive for, yet few have. I wonder who thought of that term anyway? Did riders back in the old days call people horse famous? Have a song dedicated to that in the first slot from Mandopony, and something a bit more mellow in the second slot. Both below!
1.) Horse Famous - by MandoPony (Vocal - Pop/Rap)
2.) Julian Moon - Nostalgia (Vocal)
Welp, I'm heading to the other dimension to cover the other MLP Series. It was nice knowing all of you. -
Nightly Roundup #961
by Calpain
Not sure what I like more: badass ponies or cute ponies. What do you guys think?
Time for some more news my friends! Check it out after the break.
For all you busy card players out there looking to modify your Dashie decks, we have another reveal from the MLP CCG Team, this time dedicated to the new Rainbow Dash mane character card. From their Twitter account, it looks like none of the new mane characters are going to be reprints either, so expect lots of variety once it releases! Thanks to Mr. Offspring for sending it!
News keeps coming in about A Brony Tale after it premiered at Tribeca! Brent Hodge sent in this little interview he and Ashleigh did for Fox News that actually turned out to not be half bad! Check it out at the link below for some more details on the documentary.
Have a small summary from our friend Ian!
FOX NEWS interviewed director Brent Hodge and Ashleigh Ball, voice of
Applejack and Rainbow Dash, on their soon to be released documentary
"A Brony Tale", delving into why bronies are bronies.
"You think these guys are just weird, and we were definitely creeped
out at the start and scared as well, but as we kept going [with] the
film it just started getting normal," Hodge said.
Ashleigh went on to say, "A lot of these people, their lives are
changed by this movement . . . they found each other through this
fandom. They maybe don’t feel comfortable in normal social settings
and they’ve found other people like them that they can connect with on
a social level. Overall, it’s a really positive thing."
Fox News: A Brony Tale
Twitter: Calpain -
Luna being a badass. That's how night princesses are supposed to act between the silly "I'm stuck in the year 1000" thing.
Get some art below!
[1] Source
Princess Luna vs Dream/Nightmare Dragon
Plushie Compilation #152
by Calpain
Now this is the best 80s Cheerilee I've ever seen! Just look at that mane!
Lots of plushies tonight guys. Check them out after the break!
[1] Source
'80s Teenager Cheerilee
A seller over on Taobao has the new Gothic style pony set up for grabs. This was actually revealed over at Toy Fair a few months ago, without much else informationwise. A lot of people thought they were just listed there for fun. The Taobao leak dispels that notion. Ponies in lace and frilly socks is now a canon thing! How did we get to this point? (not that I'm complaining).
Now to figure out if this will actually be tied into any episodes or movies. I'd watch that.
Expect to see them flood stores some time in the next year, as is the norm for Taobao links. More images down below after the page break!
Thanks to Ayu and everyone else for sending them.
Toymag took a few images from the Kazachok 2014 Licensing Show, or more specifically the Hasbro section. As with the Russian article, this has once again been translated over, from French this time around. The big snippet of information listed here is this quote:
Equestria Girls, the parallel universe that features humanized fillies My Little Pony versions is not forgotten the contrary! Hasbro plans to develop the first movie via a new animated series that should be called Equestria Academy that will introduced in France in November 2014 when Kidexpo!
With the original already out, this could mean splitting up Rainbow Rocks, or Unless Toymag is mistaken, we may very well see a brand new mini series of Equestria Girls episodes, titled "Equestria Academy".
And on the merch side, they have a bunch of pony stuff up too! Hit that all below!
Thanks to Romain for the heads up!
Variety is the spice of life over in the tumblr pony universe! Filled with alternate realities, styles, and themes that would give fanfics a run for their money tumblr adds a unique and fun perspective on ponies and the fandom. We've got a unique variety today guys so check them out if you can!
As always, if you have a tumblr you would like to share, whether it is your own or someone elses, please make sure to send it my way at calpain@equestriadaily.com or my Twitter for review and filing. Mature themed ones (PG-13) are welcome as well!
Update: If you have been featured before and were in hiatus and are coming back you can inform me at calpain@equestriadaily.com! I am starting a section at the end of spotlights that will point out tumblrs coming out of hiatus so people can check them out.
Now on to the tumblrs!
I said we needed more Derpy and it's like the doubleWbrothers read my mind and created this heart attack inducing comic. Click at your own risk!
Click the others down below of course!
Twitter: Calpain
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