• Nightly Roundup #912

    Sea Breeze is pretty badass for a Breezie I've got to say. Plus he's got this awesome bodysuit thing going on.

    Sorry for no Roundup last night guys, there just wasn't a whole lot going on. At any rate, we have news tonight so catch it after the break and vote for a new header in comments!

    Tonight's Stories

    [MLP Fanfic Readings] 'The Canon Squad' by Final Draft

    Need a story before bed? How about a pony one! Click above for a fanfic reading.

    Summary: Some things shouldn't exist, and some things shouldn't happen. It's up to The Canon Squad to make sure Equestria stays devoid of red and black alicorns, humans, and relationships involving a few select mares. The task rarely proves to be easy, but sometimes it can be entertaining.

    ScrewAttack Reports on FiM Tribute Edition

    In their latest Hard News segment, ScrewAttack gives gamers out there an update on the newly released FiM: Tribute Edition.

    Tonight's Groups Looking For More

    ProjectFIM Animation Group

    Description: Project FIM -- What is it?
    Project FIM will be an animation group animating videos based upon the TV show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
    Note: Please send all of your files that you will submit to projectfim14@gmail.com
    There are many roles in this group, including:
    Storytellers/script writers --
    People who apply for this role will have to be able to create an original story, along with a script for the video. It is also a good idea to know camera shots and angles you would want for the video. You will send your script and story in a .doc or .docx format. Please make your story a maximum of 750 words.
    Story boarders --
    Story boarders will have to be able to create semi-detailed story boards on a story. You WILL have to have a story idea, but no extremely complex plot is required. You will send your storyboard in any image format, as long as it is High Quality.
    Animators --
    Animators will have to be able to animate a story. Like the story boarders, you do not have to have an extremely complex story. You will send your animation in .wmv or .mp4 format. Please make your video between 30 seconds and 3 minutes long.
    Editors --
    Editors will have to be able to edit a story. You may take a pony related video from YouTube, as long as it is okay with the original owner. You must send your video in a .wmv or .mp4 format, and please give a link to the YouTube video in your email. YouTube links ONLY! No tinyurl links or anything like that. Please make your video between 30 seconds and 3 minutes long.
    Composers --
    Composers must be able to create original music. You may use other music for INSPIRATION! But if I hear something like Green Hill Zone act 1 except an octave higher, I won't be too happy. Please make original music. You must send your music in an .mp3 or .wma format. Please make your music between 30 seconds and 3 minutes long.
    Voice Actors: These will be decided once the group has formed and we know what VAs we will need for each project. However, I do know we will need at least the Mane 6. Please begin practicing your lines for any of these characters. Please do NOT submit anything yet... you guys will get your own separate video in a few weeks.

    The Pony Zone

    i have Opening of Pony Zone, Pony Zone is for The Twilight Zone fans and Bronys alike

    Narrator is voice by Julian1993: https://soundcloud.com/natalie-nielsen/pony-zone-opening

    i was thinking making the first episode is going to be a MLP version of It’s a Good
    Life. http://moldyfred208.deviantart.com/gallery/48392242

    Animators Wanted

    Voice Actor/Actrass Wanted

    For Groups and first members

    1. It needs to ponytised characters and OCs but not actral characters from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic try to make the host or OC's in the group

    2. make comics and animation, PMV, games, and art but not fanfictions (talk to me only if you want to add stories and plots into animation)

    3. if you never heard of watching The Twlight Zone go the co-founder if you want to chose an episode that you like.

    4. Donate points to me if you are MLP and Twlight Zone fan if you want.

    Voting for Top 10 pony songs of February 2014

    Tonight's Podcasts and Blogs

    Bluescreen Bronies Episode #59

    Hello Bronies and Gamers!

    Bluescreen Bronies have a new episode online where Dpad runs things, giving IndieTimmie a trial by fire on his first airing! Video can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXsRNc8-uis

    This week's content:

    Irrational Games shutting down

    Gearbox working on new IPs

    Bet real money on Super Streetfighter IV

    Twitch plays Pokemon

    Year of Luigi draws to a close

    Bluescreen Bronies, the longest running video game podcast in the Brony fandom brings you Reviews, interviews, and news of the gaming kind each week! Not only will you see some of your favorite pony games, but your favorite industry guests as well! Tune into Everfree Network Sunday nights at 8pm EST

    Until then, game on Bronies!

    Pony 411 Episode 45- A Leaf on the Wind

    It's time for another Fluttershy episode! But first, some quick hits! There is a lot of con news this week, a bit of merchandise, and some more information on future episodes.

    After that, Alca7raz and Nemesis talk about "It Ain't Easy Being Breezies!" Including the key stuff. And the transformations at the end. Plus, they have issue #2 of Friends Forever to review, and some fan content! So sit down and tune in! Unless you prefer to remain standing. That's alright with us.

    Download: http://pony411.libsyn.com/episode-45-a-leaf-on-the-wind
    Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d2fBHIaRx0w
    Show Notes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DJzAFXjpR4XgzTZd0xr1TVrIQ-wagJTsso-DLJfey9g/pub
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/Pony411

    The MBS Show Episode 104

    In today’s episode of “The MBS Show” we have an awesome guest. We talk to the people responsible for the very entertaining Ask Britannia Tumblr blog. Join us as we talk to Sketchy Sounds, Hazel Hooves and Beathiebo. Listen in to how they handle their tumblr blog and make an interesting story for a very lovely mascot.

    Check it out in the link below!

    The S4 Diary: "It Ain't Easy Bein' Breezies"

    Whip Stitch Analysis - It Ain't Easy Being Breezie

    My Little Robin: Reviewing is Magic

    Tonight's Merchandise

    Rainbow Dash Plaque

    Today In Pony History

    March 5, 2011-2013

    2011 - Star ratings and labels implemented on stories on EqD.

    2012 - Adult Swim has a Derpy bump and Adweek reports on The Hub.

    2013 - Seasons 1-3 are transcribed and Moonstuck appears in game form.

    Twitter: Calpain