I hope you keep a dream diary, cause your next sleep will be filled with Luna dreams. If saying that actually works, you owe me 5 bucks.
We have 12 songs today! Go listen below.
[1] Source
Flight of the Bird of Flame-Visions of the Poet
Symphonic Metal
[2] Source
Fin - Discords Revenge
Instrumental - Dubstep
[3] Source
[4] Source
Pegasi in motion
[5] Source
Maud n' Pinkie (Ploxy)
[6] Source
Aerial Promenade - FritzyBeat
Vocal - Ambient
[7] Source
Reuel - Silence (100 Sub Acoustic Special!)
Vocal - Acoustic
[8] Source
Celestorm - Do It, Filly!
Instrumental - Electro
[9] Source
Ponysphere - Eternally
Power Metal
[10] Source
Bajanic - Pink Cloud
[11] Source
Pinkius Pieicus - DatsNoMoon (Green Day Parody)
Vocal - Parody
[12] Source
TeXXy A Lunar Nightmare Pony DnB
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