A bit of a delay on this one, I blame Trixie. Have some upcoming MLP CCG tournaments! Go be social! Live life to it's fullest, via a card game dedicated to cartoon equines.
And if you want to submit one, follow the template! We will not accept any that do not use it.
Dayton, OH - Bell Book & Comic
Address: 458 Patterson Road, Dayton, Ohio, 45419 Store # (937)643-9006
When: March 12, 5pm March 26, 5pm
Rules: This is a constructed tournament so bring your own deck. No proxy cards. Sign up at 5 and hoping to begin by 5:30. These tournaments are free with no prize support. We are trying to get an idea of how many players will be showing up and seeing if we are going to continue to run tournaments. If so, future tournaments will have a cost and prize support. www.bellbcomic.com
San Francisco, CA - Gamescape SF
Address: 333 Divisadero St, San Francisco, CA, 94117 (415) 621-4263
When: April 12, 12:00 PM
Rules: Constructed format, $5 Entry Fee, Prizes based on attendance with everybody getting at least something, along with promos (hopefully Enterplay actually getting them to us). Proxies for Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy Mane Characters acceptable until 2-player starters come back in stock. If you have any questions, e-mail us at gamescapesf@gmail.com.
Gamescape SF Website
Gamescape SF Facebook
Buffalo Grove, IL - Everything Games
Address: 316 W. Half Day Road (Route 22), Buffalo Grove IL 60089
When: Tuesdays, 6/6:30pm start
Rules: Free - Open play for now until enough members to do events.
Chicago, IL - Chicagoland Games; The Dice Dojo
Address: 5550 N. Broadway Avenue, Chicago, IL 60640
When: Saturdays - 12:00 pm
Rules:$10.00 tournament entry gets you a promo and prize support.
Lee's Summit, MO - Pulp Fiction Comics and Games
Address: 1100 SE Blue PKWY, Lee's Summit, Mo 64063 816-554-7333
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Rules: Entry Fee:$5. The tournament will be a Swiss Style tournament with a number of playoff rounds depending on the turnout. Prize credit will be given out based on number of players and standing. Sign-up begins at 3:30, tournament begins at 4:00.
Bellevue, NE - Ground Zero Comics
794 Fort Crook Rd. S
Bellevue, NE 68005
(402) 292-3750
When: 28 Februrary 2014 2:00 pm-6:00 pm, repeats every Saturday.
Rules: $5.00 entry fee. Constructed. Swiss round tournament. Each match best two out of three. Cut to top if necessary, prizes from entry fee.
Alternate rules if desired: Draft format test, cost not yet determined. 4 pack draft, must draft at least 1 problem for problem for problem deck. Mane character can only be played if opponent is also playing a Mane Character, otherwise Home Limit is equal to 1+the number of Action tokens received.
Montclair, CA - Gameology
Address: 9742 Central Ave, Montclair, CA, 91763 (909) 626-6926
When: Sunday, March 2, 1:00 pm
Rules: $5 Entry, Prizing based on attendance, Swiss tournament, Top Cut if necessary.
Promos may be available, but due to issues with Gameology's distributor, they may not be. If they aren't, the store credit in the prize pool will be increased.
Meetup: http://www.meetup.com/
Gameology Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/
Sydney, NSW, Australia - Good Games Burwood
Address: Level 1, 195a Burwood Road, Burwood, New South Wales, Australia 2134 9264 8185
When: Saturday, March 8th, 3:30pm
Rules: $10 Constructed, 6 week league (See Facebook page for prize structure)
Maitland, FL - Cool Stuff Games
Address: 8550 S. US HWY 17-92, 32751, 407-657-3882
When: March 8th, Saturday, 1pm
Rules: Constructed Tournament, $5 entry, Prize payout based on attendance, registration starts at 12pm, this is a 1 time event but a regular weekly/bi-weekly MLP CCG event will be established soon, Come get your mane on and see you there!
http://www.coolstuffgames.com, https://www.facebook.com/coolstuffinc
Bedford, Texas - Legends Tournament Center
Address: 2813 Central Drive, Bedford, TX , 76021 817- 685- 0855
When: Sunday. March, 2nd & every Sunday at 5 PM.
Rules: Constructed decks. 1 game per round. Packs (CCG, Trading Card, and Dog Tags included) to the top players based on the number of players. More players = more packs.
Cambridge (Boston), MA - Pandemonium Books and Games
4 Pleasant Street, Cambridge, MA 02139
Weekly: Sunday Nights, 6:30 pm
March Special Event: Saturday 3/15, 1:00 pm
Weekly: $5 constructed, standard rulebook rules
Special Event: $25 sealed deck - players open 7 boosters and build 30 card draw and 5 card problem decks from the cards, use a main character of their choice
www.pandemoniumbooks.com https://www.facebook.com/groups/PandyMLP/
Livonia, Michigan - RIW Hobbies
Address: 29116 Five Mile Rd Livonia MI, 48154 (734)261-7233
When: Thursdays 6:00-7:30 demos and open play. 7:30-11:00 constructed tournament
Rules: Constructed Play. $3.00 entry for the tournament
New Facebook group to promote events in and around Michigan: When: Thursdays 6:00-7:30 demos and open play. 7:30-11:00 constructed tournament
Rules: Constructed Play. $3.00 entry for the tournament
Michigan MLP:CCG
Stroudsburg, PA - The Gamer's Edge Comics and Games
Address: 580 Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, 18360 (570) 421-3343
When: Every Saturday at 5:00 p.m.
Rules: Come on in and learn how to play or participate in our Pony Games $5 Entry Fee for Prize Support
Bellevue, NE - Ground Zero Comics
Address: 794 Fort Crook Rd. S, Bellevue, NE 68005 (402) 292-3750
When: 8 March 2014 2:00 pm-6:00 pm, repeats every Saturday.
Rules: $5.00 entry fee. Constructed. Swiss round tournament. Each match best two out of three. Cut to top if necessary, prizes from entry fee. Alternatively, $16 entry fee for 4-pack draft if players present desire: rules are still being worked out and tested.