Story updates! Just three today. You know how it works. Get some stories below.
Author: Kwakerjak
Description: When Fluttershy received her certification as a fog specialist, she only wanted a plausible excuse to write off the expenses associated with her ground-based house on her taxes. However, when an accident in Cloudsdale sends a blanket of industrial-grade clouds rolling towards Ponyville, Fluttershy suddenly finds herself in charge of coordinating the response, mostly because she's the only fogFlash Fog (New Part 29+30!)
specialist in the area. Can our heroine step up to the challenge at hoof, or will she risk facing the wrath of the Equestrian Revenue Service?
Author: xjuggernaughtx
Description: How could somepony as amazing as you not have a Special Somepony on Hearts and Hooves Day?"Cheerilee's Thousand (New Part 22!)
With that one sentence, a thousand memories came flooding back to Ms. Cheerilee. A thousand memories of a thousand terrible dates that she'd just rather forget.
[Shipping] [Adventure] [Normal]
Author: Conner Cogwork
Description: What would you do, if you met a pony who was at once your brother, and yet not? Applebuck wishes to reunite with his 'Cousin JayJay', and braves the dimensional divide to reach his goal. But being a small foal, how will he deal with a world in which everything is flipped? His friends, his family, and even... himself? Finally from A Cross and Arrow, the sequel is here!On a Whisper of Wind (New Part 5!)