The Traveling Pony Museum, exhibitors of some of the best pony works the fandom has to offer, is running a fundraiser starting at 8pm EST tonight to raise some money for the group. If you're interested in the arts and would like to help out, check after the link for all the ways you can help and the cool things you can pick up while doing so.
Update: Over here instead!
Hi everyone!
Just wanted to give people a heads-up about a fundraiser the Traveling Pony Museum will be running this coming Friday, January 17, starting at 8PM. Going for 24 hours, we will have:
Just wanted to give people a heads-up about a fundraiser the Traveling Pony Museum will be running this coming Friday, January 17, starting at 8PM. Going for 24 hours, we will have:
Interviews with show talent: Matt Hill (Soarin'), Sam Vincent (Flim), Peter New (Big Mac)
Game-show segments with Museum art and trivia
Pause for The Show, with discussion after
Auctions of some older museum pieces (schedule will be posted later this week)
On-going raffle for awesome prizes (drawings at the end)
During down-time, enjoy banter with Museum staff, video game streams and Pony
Proceeds from the event will go towards Museum travel expenses, as well as the purchasing of new displays. (While many of our displays are gracious donations, we do buy quite a few pieces outright.)
Proceeds from the event will go towards Museum travel expenses, as well as the purchasing of new displays. (While many of our displays are gracious donations, we do buy quite a few pieces outright.)
List - Entries are $10 each.
Hey Ocean autograph (Rainbow Dash & Applejack's VA's band)
Comic issue 1 autographed by cover artist Stephanie Buscema
UniCon Pins
BronyCon 2013 Sponsor hat
Tara Strong autographed photo from BAP2012
Fluttershy Sides autographed by Andrea Libman
Artist commissions (TBA)
Wonderbolts Academy autographed by Anneli Heed (Swedish Spitfire) - 11x17
Hey Ocean autograph (Rainbow Dash & Applejack's VA's band)
Comic issue 1 autographed by cover artist Stephanie Buscema
UniCon Pins
BronyCon 2013 Sponsor hat
Tara Strong autographed photo from BAP2012
Fluttershy Sides autographed by Andrea Libman
Artist commissions (TBA)
Wonderbolts Academy autographed by Anneli Heed (Swedish Spitfire) - 11x17
Artist commissions (TBA)
Wonderbolts Academy autographed by Anneli Heed (Swedish Spitfire) - 13x19
Pinkie Sides autographed by Andrea Libman
The last TPM Mascot pin & a BronyCon 2014 ticket
Japanese Derpy shirt
Large painting autographed by Tara Strong
TPM Staff dinner invite at TrotCon or BronyCon
The complete collection of comics (all covers, some autographed) (+ Shipping)
Complete collection of collectable cards series 1 (including promos) and almost-complete collection of collectable cards series 2 + Posters + Tins + Binders (missing AJ Promo F38, Rarity Promo F36, Discord F43, Smartypants F44) (+ Shipping)
Also on offer are $5 sketch commissions by our own Inky Notebook.
Artist commissions (TBA)
Wonderbolts Academy autographed by Anneli Heed (Swedish Spitfire) - 13x19
Pinkie Sides autographed by Andrea Libman
The last TPM Mascot pin & a BronyCon 2014 ticket
Japanese Derpy shirt
Large painting autographed by Tara Strong
TPM Staff dinner invite at TrotCon or BronyCon
The complete collection of comics (all covers, some autographed) (+ Shipping)
Complete collection of collectable cards series 1 (including promos) and almost-complete collection of collectable cards series 2 + Posters + Tins + Binders (missing AJ Promo F38, Rarity Promo F36, Discord F43, Smartypants F44) (+ Shipping)
Also on offer are $5 sketch commissions by our own Inky Notebook.
This will also be the best time to become a Museum
Sponsor! For every $50 of sponsorship purchased, you get a free raffle
entry in addition to all the perks of being a sponsor. (Buying raffle
entries at the $10 price does not get you Sponsor status.)
Sponsor Perks - All higher value sponsors get lower perks as well!
$ 20- 49: Apple Bucker - Your name on our Sponsors page (website)
$ 50- 99: Gem Hunter - Exclusive Sponsor pin (design TBA.)
$100-149: Rainboom Maker - Your OC's picture on our website, and a custom print (of your OC, or other Museum store piece) mailed to you
$150-249: Party Planner - Name on our Sponsor Board, shown at every convention
$250-399: Faithful Student - Custom museum tee-shirt, ability to draw on the TPM trailer (once it is purchased)
$400-599: Watchful Sun - Private tour of the Museum at the con of your choice, and dinner with staff at that con. (That con must be on our schedule of course.)
$600-999: Protective Moon - Sponsor a new Museum wing! Your name will be featured prominently at conventions and on the website. Super-exclusive Sponsor pin (design TBA.)
$1000+: Cheese Legs - We buy and ship you up to $100 worth of Con merch from the conventions we visit. ($100 total for all cons, not each
$2000+: Muffin Top - Official TPM Trailer sponsor. You will be the first to draw art on the trailer.
Artists: If we feature your art, we can also help you expand your reach! For just $10, we will distribute 250 of your supplied business cards. Contact us for more information!
Businesses: You may be interested in our business sponsorship levels. Perks include your company logo in Museum slide shows, on the Museum website and Museum vehicles. Contact us for more information!
Hope to see you on Friday on Twitch:!
Traveling Pony Museum
Find us on Facebook
$ 20- 49: Apple Bucker - Your name on our Sponsors page (website)
$ 50- 99: Gem Hunter - Exclusive Sponsor pin (design TBA.)
$100-149: Rainboom Maker - Your OC's picture on our website, and a custom print (of your OC, or other Museum store piece) mailed to you
$150-249: Party Planner - Name on our Sponsor Board, shown at every convention
$250-399: Faithful Student - Custom museum tee-shirt, ability to draw on the TPM trailer (once it is purchased)
$400-599: Watchful Sun - Private tour of the Museum at the con of your choice, and dinner with staff at that con. (That con must be on our schedule of course.)
$600-999: Protective Moon - Sponsor a new Museum wing! Your name will be featured prominently at conventions and on the website. Super-exclusive Sponsor pin (design TBA.)
$1000+: Cheese Legs - We buy and ship you up to $100 worth of Con merch from the conventions we visit. ($100 total for all cons, not each

$2000+: Muffin Top - Official TPM Trailer sponsor. You will be the first to draw art on the trailer.
Artists: If we feature your art, we can also help you expand your reach! For just $10, we will distribute 250 of your supplied business cards. Contact us for more information!
Businesses: You may be interested in our business sponsorship levels. Perks include your company logo in Museum slide shows, on the Museum website and Museum vehicles. Contact us for more information!
Hope to see you on Friday on Twitch:!
Traveling Pony Museum
Find us on Facebook
Travelingponymuseum (at)
In collaboration with Ponys Live Now
PS: If you'd like to be involved (art donations, time donations, interviews, etc), shoot us a message!