Man, I really do feel like this right now. Time to hit the hay and count some sheep! Oh, and I think I'll keep Roundups at around 10pm blog time since most of you had valid reasons why that didn't fit your schedules. Back to business as usual!
Anyhow, check out the news after the break!
Tonight's Stories
Pony Themed Kids Section in Hong Kong
Ponies seem to be making their way into China lately. A recent kids section in Apple Newspaper in Hong Kong featured ponies, giving children an introduction to our favorite fillies! Check out the translation below.
Check out the full story here!
Now For Cake!
Powered up cake!
Past Sins - Chapter One - An Audio Reading
After suffering the misfortune of being ponynapped by a cult of ponies, Twilight Sparkle is spending the next day trying to restore normalcy to her life. Fate has other plans, however, when the purple unicorn realises that her ordeal has left her missing several valuable books somewhere in the Everfree Forest. Join Oliver Lacota in this live reading to find out what happens next...
WTVY Brony Feature for Creativity Month
WTVY is holding an awesome event you all can take part in. Take a look:
In October, News 4 This Morning held a Art Contest with an amazing response from all over the world from fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. For Creativity Month in January, we’re following up on that in two different ways!
Many fans of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic enjoy the original music created by fans of the hit animated series. If you have created some music based on the series, instrumental or vocal, share it with us! PLEASE NOTE: We cannot accept remixes of actual songs from the show due to copyright concerns. These must be fully original works.
If music isn’t your creative medium, we’re looking for a “Pony News” banner for our broadcast and webpage. This would be displayed on air and online with our news updates on the series and its fans. Feel free to get creative with the banner and even use our “OC” (seen above) if you would like. The image would need to be 1280x720 and have a news-related theme of some kind! Feel free to include multiple submissions if you would like.
Check out the full story here!
'World's Manliest Brony' on 'Pony' fandom: 'Why not?'
DustyKatt has recently been interviewed by NJ Magazine, providing insight into all things DustyKatt as well as some history about the fandom. Check it out, it's a good read!
Check out the full story here!
Swedish Metal Band Infested with Pinkie Pie
The metal band Machinae Supremacy has recently added a little pony to their website. Being a rather internet savvy band it makes sense they have kept up with internet culture. Curious as to their music? Check it out below!
Check out the full story here!
Tonight's Successful Meetups
Followup for Bronies of South Florida
On January 11th, Avalon Game Shop in Cutler Ridge, FL held a Win-A-Box Tournament in their store. A couple of bronies from the meetup group, Bronies of South Florida entered the tournament and competed against other local bronies for a shot at 9 booster packs from a 36 pack box! In total, about twenty bronies entered this tournament and played to win the prize. The Top 4 winners (shown in the picture; from Left to Right) were Christopher Thompson, David Rodriguez, Gary, and William Elias.
You can view the pictures from the tournament here:
Malaysia Meetup
We managed to give out all 40 muffins in one afternoon. We aim to give
out free cupcakes for next year's event. It was great fun giving out
treats, and very satisfying to know that it was enjoyed by many. We aim to
do more free giveaways next year!"
Here is our report:
Tonight's Groups Looking For More
ABQ Brony Pie Eating Contest
On Saturday, January 8th, at 2:00 the ABQ Bronies invite anyone in Albuquerque or surrounding New Mexico to join them at UNM's Dominici Center ( to watch episodes, make a guess at how many blind bags are in the mystery jar, or compete in an apple pie eating contest!
Tonight's Podcasts and Blogs
Dysfunctional Equestria Round Table Ep 6 - Podcasts on Motorcycles
The MBS Show Reviews: Season 4 Episode 9 Pinkie Apple Pie
On this weeks episode reviews, Norman Sanzo and James Corck review the 9th episode of My Little Pony Friendship is Magic Season 4.
Join us as we discuss what we like and dislike about this episode and our overall thoughts on this episode.
Tonight's Merchandise
New Ties, Pins, and More
Twitter: Calpain