With 2014 comes the call for volunteers at many conventions holding events this year! To kick off the year galloping, GalaCon is not holding anything back as they open their doors to volunteers at this year's event.
Want to help? Check the full press release after the break for more!
Booting time is over, Game's On for the 2014 GalaCon preparations, and its 1up time to log in to our ranks of helping hooves for this year's convention.
The sign-ups for volunteers are now officially opened!
The sign-ups for volunteers are now officially opened!
If you want to help us make GalaCon 2014 a great event for everyone involved, look no further, just read on. We have the following four basic categories for the volunteers:
- Guards/Runners – Assisting the guests and making sure everyone is doing alright. Guards keep an eye on everything and step in when absolutely necessary. Runners can fill in when there's unexpected need to fill some helper gaps.
- Reception/Info desk – The reception is the first stop for our guests when they arrive. Getting the tickets to all the guests as quickly as possible is your main task on Saturday. Beside that, we'll have a large info counter, handing out GalaCon goodies all the time.
- Documentation – Covering all aspects of the convention by taking photos, videos or writing texts for blogs and news sites, and get them processed and published in time. Technical and medial experience will come in handy here.
- Tech-team – A lot of technical stuff needs to be running smoothly at the Con. We'll need helpers that can operate stage and presentation technology, from projectors to audio equipment.
Due to the strict youth labor regulations on weekends, volunteers need to be over 18 years old to be accepted. Convention language is English, so you should be able to talk to people in English – don't worry, most visitors won't be native English speakers either.
Although not strictly required, we would greatly appreciate it if you can arrive on Friday, to help setting up the con, meet your fellow helpers and superiors, and get to know the location.
Volunteering means working while others have fun, you should be aware of that. As compensation, you'll get free entry in your off-hours, we'll provide some snacks as power-up, and maybe we can arrange some more extras for you. And of course you'll be part of the biggest event of the year!
Interested? To get further information and the exact terms, apply at:
Your application needs to contain the following:
- Your name (both nick- and real life name)
- A decent, clear photo so we know who you are
- Contact information both online and offline (social networks, communities, email, telephone number)
- Your home address and nationality
- Experience and talents that you want us to know about (e.g. languages you speak, past work as a volunteer, other things you consider noteworthy)
- Of course, which of the job(s) you would like to apply for
Furthermore, we highly recommend registering at www.eurobronies.org to stay updated and get in touch with other volunteers and staff members! Thank you very much in advance. Together, we will make GalaCon 2014 even better than 2013 and 2012 – We look forward to your application!
All you volunteers are belong to us. We are on the way to convention!
404compliant – GalaCon Volunteers Relations, The GalaCon team.
Twitter: Calpain