Trixie's new circus act failed horribly, and a bunch of conventions appeared out of nowhere! What ever will we do?
With this convention post comes an update to the convention section here on EQD. Be sure to check over there for all of the events happening this year. If you want to submit one, follow the instruction on that post!
And without further adieu, have some headlines:
Fiesta Equestria Announces for 2014
Everfree Northwest’s Ask a Staffer Q&A Stream
TrotCon Musician Application Deadline Change!
Lunafest 2014 announced!
Everfree Northwest 2014 - Vendor registration for is officially open!
And get the full press releases below the break!
Fiesta Equestria Announces for 2014
Howdy Bronies! After much work, my staff and I are happy to announce that Fiesta Equestria! will be happening again this year! Last year was incredible and the Fiesta Equestria! team is ready to make this year an even more fantastic experience for you all.
Preregistration has opened up for Fiesta Equestria! The following is a list of items currently available for purchase on our website:
- Regular 3-day Badge ($30): This is the standard admission badge for Fiesta Equestria! 2014 weekend. Friday, Saturday and Sunday is covered.
- Line Hopper ($25)(add-on): This is an add-on to the Regular Badge that will allow you to have preferred seating at larger events, early admission into the Dealer's room and first call for autographs.
- Musician Meet & Greet ($40)(add On): This is an add-on to the Regular Badge that will allow you to have access to the Musician Meet & Greet, a private event on the Friday of the convention where attendees with this pass will be able to spend time with all the Brony musicians.
- Very Important Pony ($90): The Very Important Pony Badge is special badge that covers everything above. You get 3-day access, the line hopper add-on, and the meet and greet add-on!
WARNING: The prices of the Regular 3-day Badge and the Very Important Pony Badge will be increasing on February 4th. The Regular 3-day Badge will be $35 and the Very Important Pony Badge will be $100. Get the best deal by buying your badge to Fiesta Equestria! today by going here:
If you are looking to book your hotel room, we do ask that you wait just a little bit before doing so since we have yet to receive the convention code form the hotel. It should be here next week, so please be patient.
This year at Fiesta Equestria!, con attendees scan be expecting to see numerous spectacular panels and great events, like concerts/dances, a charity auction, a cosplay contest, a PMV contest, and other fun activities! The Dealers Room, the 24-hour game room and the tabletop gaming room will all be returning, so having something to do at this convention will not be a problem.
Fiesta Equestria! has a new forums
We are still accepting applications from musicians that are wishing to preform on the Mane Stage at Fiesta Equestria!, so if you are interested please go to this link and fill out the form:
Conventions need panels run by you guys to bring unique and exciting events, so if you'd like to host your own panel, please apply here:
We are looking for volunteers who are willing to work hard, but still keep a smile on no matter what! If you would like to apply to be a volunteer, please go to the following link and fill out the application:
We are working hard to prepare everything, so here is a list of things you can expect to see in the near future from us:
1. Announcements of voice actors and show staff
2. More musicians and community guests attending
3. Alicorn Club Badges for sale
4. Many large events and contests to participate in
5. Various items that can be purchased in our site store
6. Vinyl Scratch Dance Floor submission forms
7. An official Forum on our site
Thank you all for reading and to keep updated with all our announcements. Please direct all concerns and questions to
Be sure to follow us on Twitter, Like us on Facebook and follow us on Tumblr!
Tumblr: http://fiestaequestria.tumblr.
Everfree Northwest’s Ask a Staffer Q&A Stream
Have you ever wondered what it’s like to staff for a con? Are you curious about who the Everfree Northwest volunteers are? Do you want to know what staffing positions EFNW is looking for? Want to have your questions answered by the people who run Seattle’s premier MLP fan convention?
If so then you’re in luck! On January 31st from 6pm-7pm Everfree Northwest will host our first ever “Everfree Northwest Ask a Staffer” Q&A stream on our YouTube channel!
During our stream we’ll answer YOUR questions, questions like who we are and what we do, what it’s like to staff at Everfree Northwest, what staffing means, and even hear about current staffing opportunities and position responsibilities.
Before the stream questions can be asked via email ( with the title ‘Staff Stream’ or under the “Everfree Northwest Ask a Staffer Q&A Stream” topic on the Everfree Northwest forums. Once the stream goes live we'll only answer questions submitted via Twitter using the hashtag #EFNW or by replying to the streaming announcement post on our Facebook.
This month’s streaming guests include:
- Tales - Recruiting Lead
- Pony Tim - Director of Media
- Piquo Pie - Writing Track Lead
- Flips Sautee - Director of Business
Loose Leaf, our Director of Human Resources, might also be making an appearance.
Remember, if you’re interested in volunteering to staff for Everfree Northwest you can do so on our website under the 'volunteer’ button here! Each staffer gets a free regular badge.
Be sure to keep up to date on all the latest Everfree Northwest news by visiting on website, liking us on Facebook, and following us on Twitter and tumblr.
TrotCon Musician Application Deadline Change!
We had a great time at TrotCon 2013 with Eurobeat Brony, F3nning and many, many more taking our stage during Saturday night's rave -- so much so that, of course, we decided to do it all over again for 2014 -- adding a night of music in the process.
We had a great time at TrotCon 2013 with Eurobeat Brony, F3nning and many, many more taking our stage during Saturday night's rave -- so much so that, of course, we decided to do it all over again for 2014 -- adding a night of music in the process.
However, even though we've increased the performance slots available at TrotCon, we've still hit our limit -- and then some! -- and we still have a little less than three months to go before our original musician application deadline of April 26. As a result, we are going to be closing musician applications for TrotCon 2014 a few months early.
The new deadline to submit musician applications will be Feb. 6 at 6 p.m. ET. -- in other words, a week from this Thursday. After that, we'll be closing submissions and beginning the simultaneously exciting and harrowing process of narrowing down our applicants to a nice, sound lineup. By closing applications early, we're hopeful this will also allow a more convenient window of time for selected musicians to make travel arrangements to Columbus, Ohio, in June, if and when they are chosen.
All other applications -- panelists, artists and staff -- will remain with their original deadlines, unless otherwise specified in the future.
Want to apply to be a musician for TrotCon? Anyone can, whether you have some talent dropping the wubs, tickling the ivories or rocking the heck out of that kazoo. All we need is some basic information and a URL linking to a sample of your tunes -- be it on Soundcloud, YouTube or otherwise. Check out the application here ( ).
TrotCon will be held June 20-22, 2014, at the Sheraton Columbus at Capitol Square in Columbus, Ohio.
Lunafest 2014 announced!
After two successful years Luanfest goes in its third round. Bigger then ever.
Check for the first informations and keep your eyes open for more!
(if you have trouble watching the video on the Website, visit )
See you soon!
Vendor registration for Everfree Northwest 2014 is officially open!
That’s right, after months of planning we are finally ready to begin taking applicants for vendors at this year’s EFNW. Vendors are very important to us. What would a con be without its merch hall? So, if you want to sell your pony goods at EFNW 2014, fill out the vendor application form.
If you are selected as a vendor, the price with be: $75 for a half table + 1 badge, $100 for a full table + 1 badge, $175 for 1.5 table + 2 badges, and $200 for 2 tables + 2 badges. All applications must be completed by February 20th, 2014, and spots are limited, so if you want to sell your merch at Everfree this year, hop to it! We’re very excited to see what this year’s batch of vendors will bring; see you at the con!
Be sure to keep up to date on all of our latest announcements and bits of news on our website, Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr.