Nightly Roundup #859
by Calpain
How about a break from Flutterbat for tonight with a pic of Celestia? I think it has been a long time since she had a Roundup header so here she is in all her glory.
News guys, after the break!
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Weekly Wrap Up #002
by XyroTR1Wow, Flutterbat was EXACTLY what I wanted for Christmas! How did they know? Anywho, if being in the presence of this much adorable and awesome scrambled your mind like it did mine, here's what you missed this week.
These flash comics are kind of nice! Revealing things page by page sort of builds the suspense, you know?
Comics again guys. Click for full!
Twitter: Calpain -
Just a day after her big debut, Flutterbat has joined the world of both plushies and crafted ponies. I was going to file these into their respective craft/plush folders for future posts, but it looks like both are a ways off. They need to be posted now! I'm an impatient American! I can't just sit around on stuff like this!
Find the bat over here (or on ebay with a whopping 23 bids already), and the modeled one over here!
Thanks to everyone that sent them in! Now come join me in drooling over them below.
Is what I would say, but we haven't gotten much in terms of remixes of the new song. I'm honestly OK with that this time. A dubstep remix of that style would make me sad. Have an instrumental one as the header instead!
Anyway, get three new songs!
1.) [MLP FiM] Flutterbat Boss Battle Theme (Instrumental - Orchestral Rock)
2.) YourEnigma - Color Your World(Enigma Mix) + ALBUM RELEASE (Vocal - Jazzy House)
3.) Hearts As Strong As Horses (Retrotype Remix) (Remix - Electronic)
op 6:00 PM
Labels: Electronic, Jazz, Media, Music, Music: Instrumental, Music: Remix, Music: Vocal, Not-Fanfiction, Rock -
Along with Pixel's Great and Battyful Trixie, this makes two things I've nabbed from Tumblr today. Click for full, and feast your eyes on nine full-color pages of a beatmaster playing matchmaker! -
They can't all be bats, aside from the bottom section here. Even with the swarm of Fluttershy, we still managed to make enough art to fill one of these up today. Good work everyone! And go get it below.
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ScootaBelle by MacTavish1996
You know what is a good way to tell if a character/idea was popular or not? Check the fan art the following day. Chrysalis had her own, and now Fluttershy joins her on the throne of "pony that spawned an entire Drawfriend post in a single day".
I dropped the usual strictness a bit on this one so some extra artists could get in. It should be pretty split up though.
Anyway, get your daily dose of FLUTTERBAT below!
[1] Source
A Bat Bat Pony
Is that... a bat pony animation? Why, people of Equestria Daily, I do believe I am more than happy about this. Sadly it's only a teaser, but the actual animation comes out in just a week on January 5th. Get hype!
And if you aren't in the mood for something unfinished, have a completed one below that expands greatly on something that released forever ago. Sunset shimmer wants her cake. Or something.
Click the images to go check them out.
First one fixed - <3 Cal
Steal my best pony, I steal yours.
Everyone's talking about how many fics yesterday's episode inspired/canonized/ruined forever, but how many of you are actually doing something about it? Even better, how many of you authors want to bypass that pesky pre-reading process and get your fiction posted directly on the blog?
... I'm being serious, writefriends. Grab your pens, keyboards, and the teeth of your enemies! We're kicking off the Writer's Training Grounds!*
I was going to give Couch this one, since he usually does the Applejack stuff, but then this happened. If you follow EQD at all, you know I love me some bat ponies. Imagine my amazement when it actually happened in the show!
I saw a few of you complaining about fandom pandering in that episode post yesterday(which isn't bad if they do it right, I bet you guys freak in a good way when Derpy appears). The premise for "BATS!" has been around since 2012, so that wasn't the case here. I'm going to chock this one up to psychological analysis by the FiM writing team personally. Take the cutest pony in the show, toss in the fangs trope, and watch the world explode. They knew it would cause waves.
Anyway, It's followup time! Expect an endlessly amazing supply of bias! If you read my Magic Duel followup, you know what to expect.
Over in the glorious world of Twitter, the creator of the Sega Genesis classic Ecco The Dolphin dropped the following response off to a question asking if he'd be interested in a developing a pony game:
@PonyRoy I would LOVE to make a My Little Pony game!
While we do have the micro-transaction filled Gameloft money sink representing Friendship is Magic in the licensed gaming world, it sure would be awesome to get a full on real one some time in the future. Even if it's just a high quality official 2d side scroller I'd be happy. What ever happened to those Trine style pony fan games? At least Colgate seems to be going in that direction now.
Anyway, you can find his twitter here. Thanks to Roy. G. Biv for the heads up. -
It looks like all you pony fans across the pond are about to get a treat. A publisher called Hatchette that has already released a few coloring and sticker books plans to expand that further with an actual chapter book series. This quote over on Horsetalk explains it the best:
"The first two books – both sticker/activity books – have already launched, and a gift collection of stories is also in the pipeline. Further titles will follow in 2014, including a series of chapter books."
And further expanding upon it:
"With its 30-year history we know that fans are now buying for their children, and there’s something to appeal to everyone in our new range of books.”
Hopefully these things turn out with the same level of quality as the G.M. Berrow stuff does here in the States. I for one welcome a flood of pony.
Thanks to Christopher for the heads up! -
Two days ago, we saw the Rainbow Power toyline colors on show vectors for the first time in an Italian TV commercial, leading to quite a bit of discussion. Now the MLP facebook page has given us this picture and message.
Are we looking at a show-inspired ad for toys, or a little taste of upcoming events in the show itself? Possibly both, but we'll have to wait and see.
Discuss! And thanks to the several people that sent it in. -
Teefury has yet another pony shirt up, this time crossing over with Harry Potter. I think you all know how these work by now, get it over here!
Thanks to Runo with the first, and everyone else for the heads up.
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